Page 12 of Gum Tree Gully

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‘Yes, we could have, but I’m done with waiting, and you know what I’m like when I get an idea into my head, I like to put as much pressure on myself as I can to get it done.’

‘Ha, too true,’ Samantha said to a playful dirty look from Shea.

His eyes widening to saucers, Jack made the motion of zipping his lips shut.

After popping a glass in front of Shea, he then passed an equally full glass to Samantha, grimacing when a little bit sloshed onto the countertop. ‘Oops, I’ll go grab the cloth.’ Quicker than he was, Shea tossed it to him. ‘So, what’s been going on over your side of the world?’ he said casually, as he wiped up the puddle of wine.

Mid-sip, Samantha shrugged. ‘You know, whole lot of nothing, and a little bit of everything.’ She was sure he knew everything, seeing as she’d filled Shea in, but she liked the fact he was showing he cared.

‘That’s a bit cryptic, Evans.’

‘Yeah, I guess it is, Farley.’ She grinned.

‘Shea told me a snipped-down version of the past six months or so.’ His kind smile gave way to sympathy. ‘I’m so sorry you’ve been having a rough time. You deserve better, Sammie.’

‘I’m all good.’ She wasn’t, but what else was she meant to say – she didn’t want the focus to be on her problems. She’d done enough of that.

‘Righto, if you say so.’ Jack regarded her through knowing eyes. ‘I know Shea and you talk, a lot, but if there’s anything I can do to help … ’

‘Thanks, Jack, I really appreciate it.’ Fiddling with the stem of her wine glass, she blinked faster to ward off tears, then forced a wide smile as she looked back to him. ‘There is one thing you can do, please keep it between us three. I don’t want to give the townsfolk more to talk about.’

‘Yeah, of course I will.’

He nodded and she smiled.

‘I want the focus of my visit to be on all the great things happening here over the next few weeks, because apart from the huge fact I’m so happy to be a part of your special day, it’s going to help me heaps, being around all of you.’

‘I’m glad to hear it.’ Shea arrived at Jack’s side and gave Samantha’s arm a loving squeeze. ‘Now, let’s get this dinner underway, before we blink and it’s breakfast time, shall we?’

Two hours later, with bellies filled to the brim, and all conversationed out, Shea and Samantha retired to the swing chair on the verandah, third glass of wine in hand, while Jack took over clean-up duties.

‘I’m so glad you’re here, Sammie,’ Shea said, over the squeak of the support chains as they swung the chair to and fro. ‘It’s so hard, living so far apart.’

‘It is, hey.’ Offering her forever friend a tender smile, Samantha then rested her head back. ‘And FYI, I’m so glad I’m here, too, Shea.’ A few lengthy moments passed, before she sighed softly. ‘I’d almost forgotten just how peaceful it is, especially at night.’

‘Yeah, so true, Sammie.’ Shea sighed. ‘I think I take it for granted a lot of the time, which is bad of me, given I call this piece of paradise home.’

Samantha offered a kind sideways glance. ‘I think we all take stuff for granted, especially when we’re around it all the time.’

‘Mmm, I think that can go for people too.’ It was Shea’s turn to offer a kind glance. ‘I’m so lucky, having a man like Jack to love me, and to love in return, and Amaya, oh, that darling girl brings me so much joy I could burst sometimes, yet some days fly past me and I haven’t even stopped long enough to let both of them know just how much they mean to me.’

With Samantha’s heart overflowing for adoration for Shea, she turned her head to the side, catching tears in her friend’s eyes. ‘Oh, lovely, you’ve only got to see how you look at both of them, and I’m telling you, Jack and Amaya can see very clearly just how much you love them.’ She gave Shea’s leg a pat. ‘Don’t be so hard on yourself.’

Wiping her cheeks, Shea snorted. ‘Ha, you can talk.’

Samantha snorted too. ‘Yeah, well, that’s a subject for another time.’

The flyscreen squeaked open, and Amaya stepped out in her pink polka-dot jammies.

Shea leant forward, almost tipping both herself and Samantha out of the swing chair. ‘Oh, hey sweetheart, what’s up?’

‘I can’t sleep, Mummy.’ Padding towards them, Amaya wiped at her eyes with clenched hands. Shea placed her empty wine glass on the side table and opened her arms wide. ‘Come here, my little munchkin.’ Lifting Amaya from the ground, she plonked Amaya into her lap. ‘You have to try and get some sleep seeing as you have day care tomorrow.’

‘I know.’ Amaya snuggled in. ‘Can you come and read me a story please, Mummy.’

Shea looked to Samantha. ‘Do you mind if I duck off?’

‘Of course not, go.’ Samantha waved her inside. ‘I should probably try and get some sleep, too.’

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