Page 127 of Charlotte

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“That’s the very definition of speeding,” he told her with a chuckle. “I’m going as fast as I’m allowed to.”

Clearly that wasn’t fast enough for her, but they made it home in good time. And for once, she was ready first. He’d made sure that they were both dressed warmly enough, including knit caps, scarves, gloves, and boots, before they headed over to Charli’s.

“I can’t wait,” Amelia said as she scrambled out of the truck once he found a spot to park behind the other cars at the house. “This is going to be so much fun.”

Blake smiled as he followed her up the walk to the large house. He was looking forward to it as much as Amelia was.

Layla had the door open by the time they reached it, and the two girls greeted each other enthusiastically. Blake stepped into the foyer and shut the door behind him. Warmth and the aroma of food wrapped around him as he took off his jacket and boots.

After he’d hung up both his and Amelia’s jackets, he was drawn to the kitchen where people were gathered. His gaze immediately found Charli who was in the middle of removing something from the oven.

She’d changed out of her church clothes into a pair of fitted jeans and a green sweater. Blake wished he could give her a hug, but he had to settle for discreetly admiring her from across the room.

“Ready to get a tree?” Will asked as he clapped Blake on the shoulder.

“I guess so. I’ve never done this before, so don’t know exactly what’s happening.”

“No worries. We’ve got some pros in the group. They’ll help you out.”

“Amelia is really excited,” Blake said as they joined the women at the counter. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Not really,” Charli told him with a smile. “We’re doing lunch buffet style today.”

The counter was set with a pile of plates and silverware, along with the food. There was a basket with buns and some small platters with deli meat, cheese, and cut up vegetables. He’d smelled something rich and hearty when he’d walked in, but it appeared it wasn’t for this meal.

“We’re just having sandwiches now, but I have a couple of crock pots of stew on for after we get home later.” She gave him another smile, her brown gaze soft. “I hope you and Amelia can join us.”

Like he would ever turn down an invitation from Charli. “I think that can be arranged.”

“Do you have decorations for your tree?” she asked as she scooped some dip from a plastic container into a glass bowl.

“I don’t, but I thought maybe I’d take Amelia shopping tomorrow after school to get some.”

“I might have some you can have as well. I’ve collected a ton of them over the years.”

“That would be nice,” Blake said. “I really have no experience with Christmas decorations.”

“No need to worry,” Janessa told him as she bumped his arm. “We’ve been decorating Christmas trees our whole lives. We’ve got you covered.”

Jay and Misha’s arrival increased the noise level significantly as the kids greeted each other excitedly. Ciara also expressed her delight at being around everyone by shouting hi to each person as she walked around the kitchen. She was such a cute little kid.

Blake didn’t have a lot of memories of Amelia at that age since he’d been deployed for a good chunk of that time, plus Lauren hadn’t always been cooperative about him seeing her. It saddened him as he watched Jay scoop Ciara up, making the toddler squeal with laughter.

But then his gaze went to where Amelia stood with her friends, and the joy on her face helped to ease that sadness. He might not have been able to be a present father when she’d been younger, but he was going to be there for her now and in the future.

The next hour was taken up with eating the meal Janessa and Charli had prepared, and then cleaning up. When it was time to go, Charli and Layla ended up coming with Blake and Amelia instead of taking their own car.

Having them there with him and Amelia felt so right.

“It really looks like it might snow,” Charli said as Blake followed Will’s vehicle.

“Wouldn’t that be appropriate for this outing?” Blake asked.

“As long as it’s not too cold and windy, snow isn’t a big deal.”

“Are we cutting down our own tree?” Amelia asked.

Charli shifted, angling herself so she could see into the back seat. As she leaned on the armrest between them, her arm pressed against Blake.

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