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I’m not left with no transportation here at the bed-and-breakfast. Marian’s old pickup and Aubrey’s car remain here, as well as Caleb’s truck, but I feel stranded.

Aubrey has made herself scarce all afternoon and evening. She went to her room and hid there. I’m not sure what else I can call it. It feels a lot like she’s holing herself up in there. I’ve kind of grown accustomed to her avoiding me. I’m a quiet guy myself. Not a full-on hermit and introvert, but I prefer not to speak up unless I have to or really want to. Aubrey seemed to be coming more out of her shell around me since we spoke at the chalet, but after I flirted with her after golfing, I worry I’ve messed up big time.

I didn’t mean to hit on her so publicly, and it wasn’t like I did that in front of a crowd, anyway. It just slipped out. Calling her baby came naturally. It’s no excuse, and I’m relieved she didn’t seem mad about it, only surprised.

It just happened. It was a classic case of talking faster than I could think. Something about that moody woman just makes me want to say everything that comes to mind. I lose my sensor. I’m usually very guarded, but she is challenging me to shift from my standard behavior.


I putz around outside as the wind increasingly picks up. Without any guests, without my friend, without anyone around, I feel like I’m in time-out or something, grounded and separated from all of society. To pass time, I putt in the backyard. Every time I feel like someone is watching me, I peer up at the second floor, where Aubrey’s window is, and I just barely catch sight of her curtain falling back into place.

That’s my answer. She’s watching me. She’s curious. But she’s also hiding. I really screwed up this time, speaking my mind.

I shake my head and go inside when the rain comes. Toward nightfall, it worsens into a steady downpour. The rain doesn’t let up. The winds come harder, and before I know it, the power flickers. Then goes out entirely.

“Great.” I told Lauren we’d hold down the fort, but with the way the gusts batter at the outer walls, I wonder if I’ll need to literally secure the building before it blows off the mountainside.

Ha. Ha. So funny.

I pass the window, frowning at the storm as it picks up. In the kitchen, I find my phone and dial Caleb.

“Hey, man, the power just went out here.”

“Damn,” he replies. “I didn’t realize it was going to get this bad.”

I chuckle. “Who could? Even the weathermen never know for sure.”

“Well, there’re some candles in the kitchen until it comes back on.”

I furrow my brow as the precipitation falls in harsh sheets against the windowpane. “Not counting on that tonight. It’s raining hard, but I’ll keep an eye on everything.”

Just before I think to ask about any spots I should keep in mind for watching out for leaks, I hear a beep. I glance at my phone, seeing the reception has been lost. It’s iffy at times up here with any kind of cloud cover, so I’m not shocked it’s cut out now.

“That’s that, then,” I mutter to myself.

After I find the candles in the kitchen, I light one and head upstairs. I hope Aubrey isn’t afraid of storms. Because if she is, and she’s extra determined to avoid me, I won’t be able to offer her any semblance of comfort. And I realize then and there as I approach her door that I don’t like the idea of her being uncomfortable or intimidated.

Easy there. No need to add hero worship into the mess.

I knock on the door and wait for her reply. It’s delayed, and I can almost feel her hesitation hanging in the air. It’s not a sense of suspense, but a warning of disappointment I somehow know is coming my way.

“Aubrey?” I call out.


“Power’s out.”

“Really. I hadn’t noticed.”

I roll my eyes. “Come on downstairs.” Please. I should add that, but she’s so recalcitrant, I don’t want to. What you give is what you get. If she’s going to be snobby with me, I’ll give it right back to her.

“Caleb told me where the candles are. I lit a few.”

“Good job.”

I grit my teeth at her snark.

“Can’t you come down—”

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