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“But I mean, sometimes I think back to it all. How close I came to being forced into a hell of a lifetime with Jeremy. You helped me, Aubrey. You helped save me and stood by me to get me out of there. And I only hope you know I can be there for you, too.”

Oh, jeez. Stick the knife in where it hurts, why don’t you? Of all things she could have said…This guilt trip is precisely why I can’t tell her about how Jeremy got me fired. She would never forget or forgive herself for the way I’m suffering. She would instantly assume she’s not a great friend and isn’t standing by me at all by me losing my job because of her ex.

I’m saved from commenting any further when Caleb pulls into the drive. He and Dalton headed out earlier for more golfing. I’m secretly jealous. I’ve always been intrigued about the sport. How hard could it be to whack a ball on a tee? I’ve never tried it. I’ve never been in the position to golf, but I bet I would like it. For one, it’s another way to be outdoors, even if in a manicured, controlled way. I love my sunshine, and I’ll take it however I can.

Sometimes I wonder if my love of the outdoors is because of the way I lost my parents. I was told about their death in this tiny, cramped room with no windows at the police station. All I’d wanted was to run out and breathe fresh air. Since then, I’ve been addicted to never being confined inside, no matter where I was. It’s something like convincing myself I can’t be trapped with bad news and loss if I can move and explore away from receiving such news.

“Look who’s managed to find their way back home,” Lauren calls out, teasing. “Have you boys had enough of your fancy golf tour today?”

They roll their eyes, coming closer to us near the porch.

“Boys?” Caleb challenges her as he pulls her in close for a hug. “I’m a man, sweetheart. Your man.”

I glance at Dalton, smirking at how his golfing clothes are snug over his muscles. “Yeah. You’re acting like some fuddy-duddy rich old man stuck in a younger man’s body.”

Dalton narrows his eyes playfully as he tips his chin up. “I’d smoke your ass on the course, baby.” He ends it with a wink.

Whoa. I blink quickly. Baby? I’m stunned by his words. Was he flirting? Mocking me? Another blush warms my cheeks and I realize I’m taking his reply as something more than a teasing retort.

He so is hitting on me. And I can’t help but feel something from it. I’m warm. I’m excited? I can’t tell, but a different energy fills me. As I struggle to find something to say, I turn away and glance into the distance.

“Uh.” Dalton clears his throat, appearing just as inflicted with awkwardness too. He’s clearly uncomfortable after talking to me like that in front of our friends, and I can tell he’s…rusty. Awkward. But honest.

I’m so thrown by his remark I can’t figure out what the hell I’m feeling or what I should think.

Lauren smirks at Caleb, who’s looking awfully smug.

Dammit. What are they thinking now?

“So.” Lauren claps, breaking us from the moment of horrid awkwardness. “Caleb and I are going to Denver tonight with Marian.”

“What?” Dalton practically blurts it. “You didn’t mention this,” he tells Caleb.

“Yeah. I forgot. We’re going to meet with a financial advisor to hash out more details about Marian’s retirement and my buyout of the B&B.”

“What about the guests?” I ask, hoping she can’t read me so well that she’ll see how much I’m freaking out. Lauren, Caleb, and Marian are the buffers I’ve relied on to deal with Dalton always being right there within reach.

“They’re checking out soon,” Lauren replies.

“So, it’ll just be the two of us?” Dalton flicks his finger and himself and me.

Please no. I almost ask if I can come with them. Panic creeps in at the thought of being alone with Dalton, the man who makes me curious. The man who just hit on me like that. Being here alone with him means I’ll need to confront him or at least address his comment. And this baby endearment I have no business liking so much.

Lauren nods.

Dalton shrugs. “Yeah, we can hold down the fort here.”

I press my lips shut, not trusting what might come out of my mouth.

I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?

Chapter 13


Marian sees the last of the guests off, and afterward, she, Lauren, and Caleb hop into my truck. Caleb purchased one when he and Lauren returned here, but he’s curious about mine. I offered it to him for the drive to Denver, and I can’t see that he’ll switch over and want mine.

A truck is a truck, and it’s not like he’ll ever sit in the back often enough to gauge if my make and model actually has more legroom than it’s supposed to.

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