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Like I reminded Lauren, I never really put myself out there to dating. I never allowed myself to be available to date, and now, after the loss of my job and home, I’m nowhere near emotionally ready to be open to date anyone.

Before coming here, dating never crossed my mind. I’m only twenty-five. I have time. Since I left college, my jobs were my life because I had to eke out a living somehow.

Something about Dalton gets to me though, and it’s not just how fine he looked almost naked. It was the soft tone, the patience, that soul-deep way he stared at me like I was a puzzle he wanted to solve.

I don’t know what it is about Dalton that sets my teeth on edge and makes me feel so aware and alive, but I can tell it’s in a good way.

He annoys me, but that’s not all anymore.

Shaking my head, I return to bed, wondering why I let him get to me and what the heck I can do now to avoid him tomorrow.

When I wake a couple of hours later, it’s to an excited Lauren jumping on my bed.

“Just get up already, sleepyhead!”

I pout at her. “Why?”

“Because Caleb is taking us to Copper Mountain for the day. Near Frisco!”

I wake up a bit, yawning. “Us?”

She nods. “The four of us!”

I slump back onto the bed and just barely hold in a growl of irritation.

So much for figuring out how I’ll avoid Dalton today.

Chapter 9


I didn’t have plans for the day, so when Lauren stopped by my room and told me that Caleb made arrangements for us to head out of the area and check out a nearby resort, I was all for it. The last thing I wanted to do was hang out here, idle and bored and uncomfortable around Aubrey after the way she found me early this morning.

I don’t have time to even think about it much. Caleb shows up at my door right when I’m done with my shower and getting dressed.

“Dude, let’s go.”

I blink, feeling the effects of a lousy night of sleep catching up to me. I stayed up late watching an old movie on my phone to tire my eyes and doze off. Then I woke up at 3:50 to a text from Johanna. It bothered me so much that when I reached for the water, I dropped the glass. After Aubrey came in my room and aided me so diligently, I fell back asleep fitfully. The throbbing of my finger snagged my focus every time I relaxed enough to rest, and with every time I woke up, I thought about her and couldn’t shut off again.

I’m glad to have somewhere to go today, but I’m not equipped to be hurried with how sluggish and sleep-deprived I feel.

“Now?” I ask.

He grins. “Yeah, you don’t need to bring a lot, you grumpy ass.”

I’ll give you grumpy. I roll my eyes and get ready to leave, stuffing a few things in my bag. How ironic. I came here to get away from the city, to get away from my old life, and try this vacation lifestyle. But I’m not alone. I’m still being bothered. Johanna reaching out. Aubrey flitting around at the edge of my sphere, and then, like last night, barging into my space.

Maybe I should sit this one out. I could stay and enjoy Marian’s company as she tries and fails to teach me how to cook in the kitchen.

It’s too late for me to back out because she’s in on it too. Marian strides down the hallway, coming to my door with a bag of something that smells good.

“I’ve got muffins and other breakfast goodies in here.” She lifts the bag and thermos up. “The others have already had their coffee fix, so I got one for you, too, so you won’t feel left out.”

Feeling left out seems impossible. I sigh. “Thanks, Marian.” I can’t let her efforts go to waste.

I finish getting ready, careful to avoid walking near where I dropped the glass. I swept it up last night with the entire room lit up. Turning on the light didn’t help my desire to go back to sleep, but still, I tell Marian it might need a good vacuuming too.

Finding Lauren, Aubrey, and Caleb by his truck, I resolve to make the best of this little trip. Armed with Marian’s muffins and coffee, I’m sure I’ll feel human soon enough. I’m grateful Lauren and Aubrey claim the backseat and chat among themselves, and I appreciate the chance to stretch out in the front next to Caleb.

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