Page 80 of Queen's Crusade

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He sat up enough to drop his head against my shoulder. Naturally my arm came around him. “So what should I do?”

I squeezed him hard enough he grunted. “Tell Sekh to go fuck himself.”

He cringed against me. “I can’t. He’s too powerful and my warcat slinks anytime I’m around him.”

“He might be a motherfucking badass but he’s not going to fucking touch you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely. He’s like the fucking knight. Too much honor in his pinkie finger to mess around and hurt one of our queen’s Blood. That’s not their style.”

“I just…” He swallowed hard, and I felt the guilt weighing on him. Crushing him like the rock troll took a seat in the middle of his chest. “I feel like such a fucking failure.”

“Take that shit to Shara.”

His head came up, his brow crinkled with doubt. “What shit? Like tattle on Sekh? That’s fucking kindergarten bullshit.”

I rolled my eyes. “When I felt like a fucking failure after Skye, I moped around like somebody shat in my Cheerios until the knight fucking talked some sense into me. Then I ran straight to her and blubbered like a baby in her arms.”

“She’s got too much going on right now to deal with me.”

“Bullshit. She’ll only need five minutes to make you feel better.” I tugged on his hair gruffly. “Just mind the mouth and the pouting until you talk to her. That shit gets out of hand real fast when you’re feeling desperate and needy.”

“Yeah.” He dropped his gaze and bit his lip. Fucking hellcat for sure. “Thanks, Ezra. I mean it. Nobody gets me like you do.”

I ruffled his hair and tried to lighten my voice. “Because I fucking love you, you little shit.”

He leaned in and pressed his mouth to mine. Stilling me in a heartbeat. His kiss gentle, his tongue slipping between my lips to trace the holes in the roof of my mouth. Which fucking did me in.

I fisted my fingers in his hair and twisted his head. Hard. Making him strain his neck. Pulling him in so his lips smashed against mine. Hard enough I tasted his blood on my tongue. His, and Shara’s.

Our queen’s. Now it was my fucking turn to feel guilty. She’d never said we couldn’t show each other affection, but she was the fucking queen. Our blood was hers. Every fucking drop.

I released the fierce grip on his hair, allowing him to lift his head.

His pupils were wide and dark, his bottom lip puffy and red from my beard. “I fucking love you too, Ezra.”

I started to bluster and wave him off, but he tugged on my beard, silencing me.

“I love you. I love her. I love Rik. You’re my family, and you always will be.”

“Family,” I said gruffly. “Forever.”



Cleaned up and dressed, I made my way back downstairs rather than go back to bed. I had too much to do to take a fucking nap.

I felt surprisingly good, even though I’d only slept a few hours after seeing my mother. It was amazing what even one extra Blood could do, let alone Sekh who’d filled all my reserves and then blasted us all to queendom come.

:You’re fucking welcome,: Mehen said in the bond, taking all the credit once again.

Even though it’d been Sekh’s transference gift I used to make sure we all enjoyed the party. The general’s lips twitched in what might have been a smile if the dragon hadn’t glanced over at him, daring him to say something.

Magnum waited for me at the foot of the stairs, all business with her blonde hair scraped back in a tight bun and black pants suit. I touched Guillaume’s bond. :Is she still carrying the gun?:

:She is,: my knight replied approvingly. :And from her stance, I’d say she knows exactly how to use it, too.:

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