Page 78 of Queen's Crusade

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Sekh fucked him like he was trying to break him open and look for candy. Mehen’s body heaved and twisted beneath me, absorbing the thrusts as eagerly as he sucked and licked, drinking me down. His teeth dug into my most tender flesh, puncturing the delicate outer lip of my pussy. The sensitive curve of my lower ass. I jerked against their grip, my entire body quivering. Pleasure strained inside me, pushing me higher. The more I struggled against their hold, the harder Sekh slammed into him.

Climax roared through me, a clawing, screaming wave of sphinx and dragon lust. I surged free of Mehen’s grip, and Sekh pulled me down to him. So I could take Mehen’s cock inside me, riding him while Sekh fucked us both. Every thrust shoving him deeper. Mehen heaving beneath me, straining to take us both to the edge and push us beyond.

“Transfer me,” Mehen panted. “Blast me again.”

Sekh fisted his hands in my hair, tipping my head back so he could grip my throat in his jaws. :Fuck you, this is all mine.:

Hurling himself up to curl against my back, Mehen wrapped his forearm over my face. My mouth. He wanted me to bite him, but he couldn’t hold the position while Sekh drilled him. His weight pulled me backward, putting me into a tug-of-war between the two of them.

And Sekh had his canines in my throat again.

I jammed my nails into Sekh’s back, clinging to him as he thrust harder. Using both hands to pin myself to him. Then I sank my fangs into Mehen’s forearm and shoved my bite through all my bonds. Climax ripped through him, his body heaving and bucking like a stormy sea—into Sekh. Multiplying into an off-the-chart hurricane that blasted through all of us. The sphinx roared. The dragon screamed. Flames burst out of Vivian. A crash as Rik’s rock troll took out the chair we’d been sitting in.

Even Xin, hundreds of miles away, howled in broad daylight, shuddering as climax rolled through us all.

Fur and scales and feathers, the burn of sunfires and sulfur, the salty depths of the ocean.

I could even feel Thierry laying on his back, his upper body covered in blue feathers the color of my mother’s eyes. We didn’t have a full bond, but I’d given him more of my blood than any of my other Blood, simply to make his heart beat again and bring him back from the shell of a thrall.

Still pancaked between a massive sphinx laying on top of Leviathan, I opened my eyes but I couldn’t see. Not with all this fucking hair everywhere.

Guillaume’s hell horse nuzzled me, nibbling on my hair to get it out of my face. :I guess we all lose.:

I had to laugh at the smoking black hoof prints etched into the cement.

:Screw you, moron,: Mehen snarled. :We all fucking won thanks to me.:



Something had to suck fucking donkey balls for Daire to seek me out.

I’ve always been his second choice, though that never stopped me from cleaning up the fucking leftovers. Third choice, now. But I’d take what he gave me and count myself lucky, because Shara fucking Isador more than made up for any lack.

“Hey.” His golly-gee shrug didn’t fool me one bit. “What’re you up to?”

Stretching out my legs before me, I tipped my head back against the bench and closed my eyes. So I didn’t have to admire the way the sun glinted on his tawny hair. Let alone the fucking dimples. My fucking weakness. “Getting ready to take a nap before I have guard duty.”

He dropped down to sit beside me with a heavy sigh. Even though I didn’t fucking invite him. The bench was plenty big enough until he sat next to me, his thigh and shoulder touching mine. His sassy cat scent wound through my mind, tickling my nose. Though thank the fucking goddess he wasn’t purring.

He didn’t say anything for so long I almost did go to sleep. The sun felt good on my face, though it didn’t have any real heat yet. Concrete and steel and glass all around this little oasis in the backyard of the house made me appreciate the woods back home more.

Home. Our queen’s nest, not the mountain of my birth. My lip curled with self-loathing. I’m turning into a fucking sap.

I’d never in a million years imagined I’d feel comfortable anyplace other than the forest House Ursula called home in Ukraine. Let alone with my furry ass plopped down as a fucking Blood to a fucking powerful and amazing Triune queen.

“How do you do it?”

I cracked one eye open so I could see him without turning my head. “Do what?”

“Not care if people don’t like you.”

I snorted. “I don’t fucking care about anybody.”

But you. And Shara, our queen. Well, and Rik, but only because if something happened to him, she’d be a fucking crying mess, and I couldn’t bear to see her cry. The knight. I wouldn’t forget how he’d helped me deal with the Skye shit. But not the fucking dragon. He could go drown himself in the deepest corner of the ocean for all I cared, though he was the king of the depths. That had to fucking count for something.

Nevarre wasn’t half bad. Or Tlacel. His brother was something else, though. Mad respect for Itztli. I wouldn’t fuck around with him any day.

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