Page 7 of Rider's Claim

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After Rider told me what they found on my car, I was spooked. I knew it had to be Noah Parks. There was no other explanation. I’m sure he is pissed about his suspension, but that’s on him. I am not one to tolerate being manhandled. When I walked into the emergency room after my break, there was commotion from a house fire. It was a family of four and there were severe burns on the father and one of the children. The mother was sitting in the waiting area with her other child. It took hours to debride the burns and apply dressings to them. We tried to keep them sedated as much as possible. By the time my shift was over my hands were cramping from holding the scalpel. I went to the locker room to clean up and change from my shift. I grabbed my bag and headed to the lobby to find Rider. As I got off the elevator, I saw him standing there waiting for me.

“Hey baby.” He said as he put his arm around me. “You look exhausted, let’s get you home and into bed.” We walked to his truck, and he helped me into it, buckling me in. He could be so fierce and rough but with me he was caring and attentive. I loved the way he took care of me. I must have dozed off on the way back to my apartment because I felt myself being lifted out of the truck. I blinked and looked at him.

“I can walk, you don’t have to carry me.” I told him as I tried to get down. He was having none of it. When we got to my door, he put me down and I retrieved my key from my bag. We went inside and I started stripping on my way to the bedroom. “I took a quick shower at the hospital before I changed, come lay down with me?”

“Sure baby, I’d love to.” Rider kicked off his boots and pulled his shirt over his head and then his jeans. I looked up to see him in his boxers with his pierced nipples and a couple of tats on his chest and arms. I loved how lean and ripped he was. I stripped off everything except a T-shirt and my panties and crawled into bed. Rider climbed in and pulled me against his chest covering us up. I wanted to savor the feeling of being in his arms, but I was so exhausted that I just passed out.

I heard my alarm go off and knew I had to get up. Luckily my body was used to getting only four hours of sleep several days a week. I napped when I could and slept longer on my days off, but it was the life of an intern, and I was getting used to it. I stretched and bumped into a warm male body beside me. Looking over I saw my guy watching me. He pulled me closer and kissed me.

“Let’s get you some food so you can get this shift done and I can have you to myself for 48 hours.” He said as he smacked my ass and got out of the bed. “I’ll go fix lunch while you get ready for work.”

I walked into the kitchen five minutes later and he was fixing us some grilled cheese sandwiches. After plating mine he put it in front of me with a glass of milk and fixed his. I started eating since I was on limited time. I was finishing up when I heard a knock on my door. I wasn’t expecting anybody, so I looked over at Rider and went to check. Opening the door with a chuckle he stepped back to let Fang in. He came over to me and engulfed me in a bear hug. I hugged him back.

“Are you okay, little bit?” he asked me, looking at my arm. I could feel the anger coming off of him at the sight of my bruises. “I’m not going to let him get near you again.”

“It wasn’t your fault. There was nothing either of you could have done to stop it. I had no idea he was so unhinged.” I soothed him. “I have to get to work but we could have a late lunch tomorrow.”

“I’m here to take you to work. Rider needs to get some work done at the garage and I don’t work until later this evening, so we are going to trade off for a bit.” My brother looked at his friend and my guy nodded at him. “He will be there later this evening and will stay to bring you home.”

“I hate that you guys are having to work around my crazy schedule because some guy can’t take no for answer.” Putting my plate in the sink and washing my hands, I went to get my bag. Rider came over and pulled me into his arms to kiss me.

“We just want you to be safe. I’ll see you later.” He kissed me again and then I followed Jimmy out to his car. I knew Rider would clean up and then head out. I was planning on having a key made for him, but I had not had time.

It had been a while since we had hung out together. Our schedules just didn’t give us much time. Jimmy had come to school to see me a few months ago but it was a short trip. We had always been close especially after my mom took off and then when our dad died, he was all I had. I looked at him as he drove, and I could tell he was dying to say something.

“Out with it, Jimmy.” I said since we didn’t have long before I got to work. He glanced over at me then back at the road and shook his head.

“I just never saw you with one of us. I always thought you would marry a doctor or someone more refined. We are a rough bunch of guys, and we have a dangerous job. I want you to be happy.” He pulled into the hospital parking lot and parked. Turning off the car, he turned to look at me. “I just want the best for you. I can see how much you mean to him, and I know he would do anything to protect you. I won’t stand in your way, just know that I am always on your side.”

“I know you are Jimmy, and I love you for it. Rider is good to me; he takes care of me. We just get each other. I am happy, and I’ll be happier after that asshole is stopped.” He came around and let me out of the car and walked me inside. I watched him get settled in the lobby and I went to start my shift. I normally loved my job, being a surgeon was my life and I wanted to help people. I had a lot of rough years of learning ahead of me. It helped that I had a boyfriend that understood and supported me. I couldn’t handle someone who was too demanding of my time. During the last month and half since I got back here, Rider has blended seamlessly into my life. I could not wait until the end of this shift so I could get some sleep and then get some of him. I giggled to myself as I picked up my tablet and looked around the emergency room. I would be on someone else’s service my next few shifts but this week I was needed here. The trauma center was usually busy, so it made the time go by much quicker.

“Oh my God Kat, what is with all the man candy that follows you around?” Kelly said as she came over to me. “I saw that silver fox you came in with.”

“Eww, that’s my brother.” I laughed at her expression. “He is here to make sure Dr. Parks doesn’t cause trouble.” She looked at me and sighed.

“I need to meet someone soon and get laid. This is just sad.” She said as she took a chart and went to help someone. I laughed at her and did the same. The sooner the shift was over the sooner I could go home with my guy.

I was finally getting off work: Rider had come to relieve Jimmy around eleven so he could go to Trixie’s and work. As usual he brought me snacks and made me take a break in the cafeteria with him. I loved being spoiled like this. As I was getting my things to go home, I thought I saw Dr. Parks in the locker room. I kept feeling like someone was watching me. I hurried out of the room and to the lobby to meet Rider. He got up when he saw me approach and I must have looked upset because he frowned.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked as he put his arm around me. I shook my head and just walked with him towards the door. After we were inside his truck, he looked at me and asked again. “I know something is wrong, what is it?”

“It’s probably nothing, I just felt like someone was watching me when I was getting my things to come home and I thought I saw Dr. Parks out of the corner of my eye but then I didn’t see anyone as I left the locker room. I probably just spooked myself. I’m tired and jumpy.”

“Don’t ever discount your instinct. That is what keeps you alive. Katie, you need to always tell me if you feel that way.” He turned on the truck and took me home. We pulled up and he came around to let me out. I was so tired; I could not wait to just fall into bed and sleep half the day. Since Rider was keeping similar hours, he would nap with me.



My girl looked ready to drop, I knew she was tired, so I pulled her toward the bathroom and turned on the shower. Helping her out of her clothes I stripped down and got in with her. She blushed when she saw that I was aroused.

“Ignore that, I can’t help it when I’m around you. I just want to help get you clean and into bed so you can rest for now.” Her hair was still up from her shower this morning, so I just washed her body then my own, dried us off and got her into bed. Pulling her close to me we slept.

I woke up to the feeling of her lips on my chest. I opened my eyes to see her leaning over kissing her way to my pierced nipple. She glanced up at me as she took it in her mouth and licked it. She tugged it gently and I felt it all the way to my cock. I moaned and she smiled as she treated the other one to the same. Slowly she started working her way down my body. I wrapped my hands in her hair and held her to me as she slipped my cock in her mouth. Gently running her tongue around the crown and suckling at it while she rolled my balls in her hands. I have been dying to have her for months and I refuse to cum in her mouth for the first time. I gently extract my cock from her mouth, and she looks up at me and pouts. I reach down and flip her over onto her back. I want my turn first. Slowly I kiss her sweet mouth, licking and biting her lips, sucking on her tongue. She moans and I feel that too. My girl is so responsive. I moved to kiss my way to her neck and start to lick and suck at her body as I work my way to her breast. They are perfect sized for me. Just enough to fill my hand, but not enough that she has to wear a bra all the time. She has a beautiful body, and I can tell that she would be bigger if she took care of herself. We will work on that but for now I’m going to worship her. Kissing across her belly she touches my head with her hands. I know if I had hair, she would have a fist full of it. I look and see that she is smooth and bare. Clearly she shaves or waxes. I kiss and lick across her mound before working my way to her clit. She moans and arches her body into me. I place my arm on her abdomen to hold her still while I dip my tongue in her soaking wet pussy. She throws her arms back and grabs the bed rail, moaning and panting. I lick her all around sucking her labia into my mouth one side at a time then I go for her clit. I use one finger to rub it before moving it down and inserting my finger inside her. Still licking at her clit, I begin to pump my finger before adding another one. Soon she is panting hard and gasping. I curled my fingers at the same time I sucked her clit hard into my mouth and she explodes. Her body is shaking, legs trembling, and she screams with her release. I look up at her lick my lips and smile.

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