Page 3 of Rider's Claim

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As I approached the table Fang moved over and waited for me to sit down. I wondered if he had said anything to the other guys about me and his sister. I sat down and nodded at the waitress to bring me a drink. We were in there enough that she knew I just wanted a coke.

“Hey, did Fury and Lillian decide to go anywhere for the night?” I asked looking at Axle. They had just adopted a little girl and she was fairly traumatized, so I knew they were not going on a honeymoon anytime soon.

“They went back to their place for a few hours and Emma was hanging with Bethann and the boys for a while. They were going to go get her before dinner.” Fang said with a smirk.

“Hey now, can you really blame them. If they can’t have a honeymoon, they can at least have a few uninterrupted hours to consummate the marriage. Besides, they can take a trip when Emma gets settled and more comfortable with everyone.” I said, defending them with a smile. The waitress came over and brought our drinks then took our orders. “Do we have any jobs coming up?”

Fang looked at me with a frown and took a drink of his coke. I knew he wanted to say something, but I didn’t really want to start an argument.

“I have a couple of jobs at the shop I’m working on and just wanted to be able to give them a rough time of completion.” I sat back as Dani, our waitress, placed our food on the table. Axle winked at her, and she got flustered, blushing to the roots of her hair.

“Can I get you guys anything else?” she asked looking at Axle from under her lashes. We shook our heads, and she went back to what she was doing. Axle watched her for a minute. Who could blame him, she was cute? Copper curls, brown eyes, full figured. She was probably all of five feet tall. Dynamite in a small package.

“We have our eyes on a few things in Utah. It’s a sensitive job and we have to plan it out carefully. It’s a fanatical compound set up. Some David Koresh bullshit. They aren’t really big yet, so we want to strike before they build up too many soldiers on the inside.” Axle dug into his food. We all hated that kind of shit. Fanatics were the worst; they didn’t care if they died or who they took with them in the process. “As soon as we get the go ahead, I’ll let you know.”

While I ate my dinner, I could feel the tension rolling off my friend. Fang wanted to say something so bad. We needed to clear the air, because I had no intention of stopping my growing relationship with his sister. I was all in, and he was going to have to deal with it. With a sigh, I put down my burger and looked at him.

“Alright, out with it. I know you have something to say, and you may as well spit it out now.” I told him as the guys raised an eyebrow at us. I guess he had not mentioned it to them. Fang was usually a very laid-back guy. He had been a patched member for most of his adult life. Not much got to him, but his sister was a sore spot. I knew this but hell you can’t help who you love.

“Damnit Rider, my sister. I mean really???” Fang asked, looking at me. “I have been trying to wrap my head around this since we talked earlier. I still don’t know how I am supposed to feel about this shit.”

“Wait, you mean to tell me you are dating Katherine?” Blade said looking at me with admiration in his eyes. “She sure grew up beautiful and a doctor no less! Ow, damn why did you kick me?”

“That is my fucking sister you’re talking about, show some respect.” Fang said with a murderous expression. “It’s bad enough I’m having to deal with this jackass dating her, but I won’t have you guys looking at her like a possible conquest.” He said jerking his head at me.

“That is my girl you’re talking about Blade. You need to watch what you say. You don’t need to look at her or think about her.” I growled under my breath. Blade’s eyes got wide as he looked at me. I have never been territorial over a female. EVER. Hell, we have shared women in the past, but from the moment Katie opened the door a year ago, I was done with other women. I haven’t looked at another woman since. She’s it for me. I was smitten for sure.

“Dude chill, you know I would never encroach on a serious relationship with one of my brothers and nothing we used to do would ever happen with the sister of one of us anyway. Just stating that she is all grown up.” Blade said holding his hands up. “Seriously Fang, she couldn’t be better protected having Rider as her man.”

“Blade’s right and you know it. We take care of our own. She is no more exposed dating him than she is being your sister.” Axle said firmly. Fang banged his fist on the table in frustration. I knew he was struggling with her dating, period. He had babied her for so long and she was in school focused on her studies for the last seven years, so she had not bothered with dating much.

“Damnit, I know that. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” Fang grumbled as he picked at his fries. I grinned and shook my head. We finished eating in silence. I was going to head over to the garage when I left and start working on one of the jobs, I had waiting for me. Most of us worked there at one point or another, except the few of us with no real mechanical ability. I loved working on cars, I preferred it because it didn’t require me to be social. One of the things I liked about Katie was that we could spend time together and she didn’t feel the need to chatter incessantly the whole time. She had so much chaos at work that she enjoyed our quiet time too. We spent a lot of time cuddled on the couch watching one of our shows on low. Something I had not shared with Fang is that we have not been intimate yet. We have done some heavy petting, but I wanted her to be sure she was ready for the next step. I figured I have waited this long, a little longer wouldn’t kill me.

“Rider, you’re my best friend so I’m going to say this one time. If you hurt her, I will gut you. So, you better be sure that you take care of her.” Fang said as he waved Dani over to get his ticket. “I’m gonna head out I want to catch a nap before I head over to Trixie’s for my shift.” Laying a twenty on the table I got up to let him out.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Axle asked me once Fang had left. “Sisters are a sacred thing. If you have any doubts you need to end this soon.”

“Not gonna happen, brother. Katie and I understand each other, and we work well.” I put my own money down on the table and got up. “I’m headed to the garage.”

“Alright, we won’t bring it up again. See if you can get her to come live on the compound, it would be safer.” Axle suggested.

“I’m working on it. First, I need to have a place built. I don’t want her living in the clubhouse and I’ll want her input, so I have to take it slow. See you later.” I said as I headed out.

Riding my bike always helped to clear my mind. Feeling the wind on my face and the motor under me helped to ground me. I loved to work on anything mechanical. I had an old mustang I was helping to restore and a few bikes needing some repairs. Pulling up to the shop I saw Undertaker’s bike. He usually didn’t work too late so it was likely he would be heading home soon. Parking beside him, I went in and saw Annie sitting on a stool beside him while he was under a car working.

“Hey gorgeous, where’s Mattie?” I asked her as I gave her a kiss on top of her head. She was so good for Undertaker. We all adored her. He slid out from under the car and pointed a finger at me.

“Keep your hands to yourself.” He said as he got up and washed his hands. “Get your own girl.” Annie giggled at him. He knew she was all his, but we were all possessive of our women when we found the one we wanted to keep.

“Mattie is with Lillian. Zeke promised me a ride after work since it’s warming up outside. I’m so glad spring is finally getting here, I’m sick of the cold.” Annie said as Undertaker wrapped his arms around her.

“We are about to head out, that mustang looks like fun. Let me know if you want a hand with it.” Undertaker said as he took Annie’s hand and helped her into her old lady cut. She wore it with pride. I knew I would want to see one on Katherine in the future.

“I’ll let you know. Enjoy your ride.” I said as I waved at them. I hung up my cut and put on my coveralls and got to work.



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