Page 2 of Rider's Claim

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“I hope his mom pulls through, poor little guy. How are things going with that hot biker you’re dating?” Kelly asked with a wink. She had quickly become one of my best friends since I moved back home.

“It’s going well, I think my brother has figured it out though. That’s not going to be fun.” I groaned, closing my eyes.

“Why does it matter what he thinks? You’re a grown woman.” She frowned at me, and I remembered she was an only child.

“Jimmy helped raise me. My mother took off and left us when I was only two and Jimmy was sixteen. Our father was a biker and she decided she didn’t like living on the compound and raising another woman’s kid. Our father told her not to come back. He passed away from lung cancer when I was six, so Jimmy has always been there for me. He is super protective.” I explained as I kept a watch on the ER doors. “He also has a thing about me dating bikers and Rider is not only his best friend but also a club member.”

“Oh, well I guess I can understand that. He will have to get over it though, you’re an adult and can date who you want.” She said smiling at me. She started to say something else when a man came in with bad burn on his arm. I nodded at her as she went to assist him. I was waiting to hear from Doc when I noticed that Noah was staring at me again. He really gave me the creeps. He was always watching me and trying to be near me. I don’t know why I have never encouraged him. I try to be friendly with all the other interns since I have to work with them for such long hours. He just gave me a bad feeling. I turned back to Adam as I heard the doors open and Doc walked over to update me. He looked down at the sleeping toddler and smiled.

“His mother made it through surgery fine. She is in recovery. We will have to find out if she has any family that can help take care of both of them until she recovers. I know you had not planned for this, but can I ask you to stay with him for now. He is comfortable with you, and I don’t want to upset him by having someone else here when he wakes up.” Doc asked me.

“Dr. Harper, you don’t have to ask. I’m just an intern. I do what I’m told and go where I’m needed.” I reminded him gently. I knew he struggled not to give me special treatment since he was friends with my brother. “I need you to treat me the same as everyone else or they will start to resent me. Please.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry. I’m going to have them assign her a room so you can take him there and watch over him until we find out what their plan is.” Doc said. “I’ll let you know as soon as I find out.”

I saw him go check on other patients and I pulled a chair up to the bed to get settled. We all hated to get stuck with babysitting duty but it’s probably better I’m not in a surgery as I’m distracted today. I keep thinking about how Jimmy was watching us at the table earlier. I knew he was likely to approach Rider after I left. I also knew that Rider would not mention it while I was working. He has been nothing but supportive of my career and it’s one of the reasons our relationship works. I had a few books in my locker, I was thinking of trying to get one when we moved Adam to his mother’s room. I pulled my phone and shot a text to Rider asking if he would pick up a boys coloring book and some crayons to bring up here.

After he shot back a message saying he would be here in half an hour I tucked my phone back into my pocket and settled in to wait. I looked up to see Rider walking through the doors of the emergency room half an hour later and looking around for me. One of the nurses made a beeline straight for him but he just waved her off and came to me. I saw her glare at me, but I didn’t care. Rider was mine.

“Hey baby, I got a couple of coloring books, crayons, some little handheld games. Will that work?” he said, handing me the bag of stuff. I looked in the bag and there were also a couple cans of my favorite energy coffee drinks and packs of peanut butter crackers, trail mix and granola bars. “The snacks are for you.” He looked around and kissed me on the forehead.

“Thank you so much. I ate good at the wedding feast, but I’ll be keeping little man company in a room for a while.” I got up and stretched then looked to see who was around. I pulled him down and kissed him on the lips really quickly. “You better scoot so I don’t get in trouble. Thank you again for bringing this stuff.”

“Whatever you need baby. Don’t worry about Fang, we talked, it wasn’t ugly. I’ll fill you in after your shift tomorrow. Make sure you eat your snacks. There are a couple bottles of water in there too. See you later.” He turned and headed out of the hospital, and I started to turn around and bumped into Noah.

“Dr. Parks, please step back.” I said as I realized he had to be standing too close to begin with.

“Who was that?” he demanded as he pointed to where Rider had just left. I turned back to look at him and realized he still had not stepped out of my space. I moved away from him.

“That’s my boyfriend, not that it’s any of your business.” I said defensively. I really was going to have to talk to Doc about him. “I’m busy and I don’t need you waking up my patient, so you need to go find something to do.”

“You shouldn’t be dating someone like that. He’s not in your league.” Noah said as he looked at me again and walked off. Doc came over and looked at me.

“Are you okay?” he asked me concerned. I didn’t realize I was shaking. “You look upset.”

“Dr. Harper, Dr. Parks has boundary issues. He is starting to make me very uncomfortable.” I said as I looked down at Adam. I noticed he was rubbing his eyes. “Hey buddy, did you have a good nap?”

“I want my mommy.” He said looking up at us. I looked at Doc and he smiled and went to sit down beside the boy.

“Your mommy is doing so much better, but she is going to need a lot of rest. She is sleeping right now. We will take you to her room, but you have to be quiet.” Doc said to him.

“Adam, I have some coloring books, crayons and a few games you can play with while she sleeps. We can also have some dinner brought in for you.” I said, showing him what was in my bag. He smiled at me and nodded.

“I be quiet, I promise.” He whispered. Doc looked at me and nodded.

“Ok, I’ll have someone bring you both to her room in a few minutes. Dr. Kat can tell you what’s on the menu for today so you can pick your dinner.” Doc said as he pulled me aside. “His mother woke up long enough to ask where her husband was and then mentioned a sister that she wanted me to call. She fell asleep before I could get the sisters information so if you could get that the next time, she wakes up so we can get her son taken care of, that would be great.”

“Ok, I can do that.” I told him as I placed the bag over my shoulder. “If you just want to tell me what room she is in, I can carry him up there.”

“We will get him a wheelchair and you can push him in that. We will discuss the other before the end of your shift.” Doc said as he closed the chart and went to check on the next patient.



All in all, this had been a great day. I could have done without the fifth degree from my buddy, but I understood it. I’m sure he will have more to say on the subject, but Katherine is an adult and has the right to make her own decisions. I didn’t set out to date my buddy’s sister, it just happened. We have had undeniable chemistry since we met again for the second time. We enjoy each other’s company and like a lot of the same things. She is so smart it is a little intimidating, but we all have our strengths.

After dropping off the things my girl asked for, I decided to go for a ride before heading back to the clubhouse. She would not get off work until around eight in the morning so I would sleep at the clubhouse and go see her after she’s had some sleep herself. She works crazy hours but then so do we. There are times we have to go out of town for missions and jobs that keep us gone for days or even weeks. We just enjoy whatever time we have together. I know that she will only have a few hours before her next shift, so I plan to take her a large lunch along with some snacks for the day. Things she can grab on the go and eat quickly. She works long hours and forgets to eat if she isn’t reminded. I was getting hungry myself, so I pulled up to the diner and parked. Looking around to see if I recognized any of the cars. I saw Fang, Axle and Blade’s Harleys lined up at the front. I went in and saw them sitting at our regular table in the back. They were looking at their menus’, so I guessed they had not been here long.

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