Page 33 of Brutal Ambition

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The thought makes me nervous, but Stacie does it all the time. Maybe it won’t be as big a deal as I think. Maybe it will just feel good, and it will unlock a whole new world of possibilities for me this year.

This is college. It’s the time to explore, isn’t it?

My thoughts jolt back to the present when his hand slides down my stomach and moves between my legs. It’s hard to stay upright when his fingertips graze my thigh, then he palms my pussy like it belongs to him, and I’m lost.

I’m in a haze as he pulls my body tightly against his, as he uses his fingers to tease my entrance, then spreads me open and pushes the tip of his finger inside me.

I cry out at the electric touch, throwing my head back against his shoulder.

“There we go,” he murmurs, his voice like honey over my flaring nerves. I can scarcely breathe as he finds my clit easily and begins to tease it.

I whimper with need, my legs too shaky to hold my weight.

I want to cry his name, but I don’t know it.

Then, as quickly as he took control of me, he lets go.

I feel dizzy and a little off kilter when he stops touching me, but then he takes my hand and leads me out of the closet. When we step over the threshold into his bedroom, reality hits me like a wave crashing against the shore.

This is crazy. I can’t do this.

His bed looks intimidating, and maybe I’m thinking when I should be feeling, but things are moving too quickly, and I’m running out of time to change my mind.

This isn’t a good idea.

I think I should listen to that voice. I think I should find clothes and leave this apartment. I think I should run back to the life I was living before I met him and never look back.

“You’ve got that look again, songbird.”

My gaze snaps to his. His eyes are narrowed and burning with an intensity that makes my stomach turn over. “What look?”

His lips tug up in a smirk that feels a bit like a private joke. “Like you’re about to run.”

I lick my lips. “Maybe I should,” I say lightly.

“You can,” he says, surprising me. Then he dulls the surprise when he says, “But then I’ll just have to chase you, and remember how that turned out last time?”

I swallow, remembering how I felt when he had me pinned down in the woods and I could feel just how close he was to losing control.

Curiosity tugs me in one direction, while caution tugs me in another. I was terrified when he tackled me, but thinking about it now, I wonder what would have happened in those woods if I hadn’t fallen into line.

It’s hard to reconcile even having to wonder something like that with him playing my savior tonight, too. He’s played both roles, and I can’t be sure which one is real.

Is he a good guy, or a bad one?

Whatever he is, he’s not lying about wanting me.

His hunger for me is palpable, and my awareness of it ramps up as his eyes shamelessly traverse every inch of exposed skin.

The breath leaves my lungs when his strong arm encircles my waist. He pulls me close, and on instinct, I wind my arms around his neck.

There’s no time to process that he’s going to kiss me until his lips crash into mine.

The breath is ripped from my lungs and a faint cry emanates from my throat, but it’s smothered against his perfect, greedy mouth.

My limbs weaken and I find it a challenge to even stay standing, but he’s in complete control. Too many sensations riot at once inside my body. My awareness of the world around us is fuzzy and seems unimportant—at least, until the backs of my legs hit the mattress.

His strong hands slide down my back and he grabs my ass, the squeeze eliciting a pang of desire when he does. I hear myself moan, but it’s drowned out by his answering growl of approval.

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