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“Do you know what I still have?” Raina says, her voice turning lethally sweet as she holds my gaze. “That poison that I used to make you grovel. I could go and get it if you want?”

“Don’t antagonize her, Golden,” Eli says. Amusement and deep love flicker in his eyes as he glances to his girl. “You know how it ends.”

Yeah, I do, unfortunately. And since I don’t want to spend the next few months checking every piece of food and drink I consume for poison, I just roll my eyes and stop baiting her. Raina takes that as a victory and flicks her hair behind her shoulder, looking entirely too smug.

“Golden?” Kayla suddenly echoes. Her brows are furrowed as she sweeps her gaze over my family. “Why do you call him that?”

Pushing off from the couch, I spin the bat in my hand and rest it on my shoulder as I start towards her. “Don’t listen to them. You wanted to go home? Let’s go.”

“Fine,” she replies, annoyance settling back on her features. “Just one more thing.”

Her eyes turn sharp as she drags them over my brothers, holding each of their gazes in turn for a few seconds before moving on to the next one. Eli and Rico exchange an amused look in return while Kaden just looks back at her, his eyes dark.

I glance between her and them. “What are you doing?”

“Memorizing their faces,” Kayla replies, her eyes still on my brothers. “So that I know exactly who to target after I’m done getting revenge on you.”

Three things happen almost simultaneously.

Isabella pulls a gun and levels it straight at Kayla’s temple.

Fury flashes in Raina’s eyes as she shoots to her feet and declares, “I’ll get the chemicals to dissolve her body.”

And Alina pushes up from her armchair and says, “Great, I’ll prep the bathtub.”

I groan in exasperation and rub a hand over my forehead, massaging my brows.

Shock and panic pulse across Kayla’s face, and she yanks up her hands while making calming motions. “Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. What the fuck is going on?”

“What’s going on?” Isabella echoes, her voice full of threats. While still holding her gun steady against Kayla’s temple, she motions towards my brothers. “If you touch them, any of them, I will shoot you in the head.”

“And then I will dissolve your body with fast-acting chemicals so that there is nothing left of you for anyone to find,” Raina adds, a smile full of poison on her lips.

“And I will make sure that we all have airtight alibis,” Alina finishes.

For a few seconds, Kayla just stares at them in utter shock and confusion, as if she can’t figure out if they’re joking or not. They just stare right back, dead serious.

Then Kayla turns and gapes at me, disbelief pulsing in her eyes. “What the fuck is wrong with your family?”

On the couch, Eli, Rico, and Kaden just laugh and raise their glasses to their girls in a synchronized salute full of approval and loving pride.

I heave another exasperated sigh and put a hand on Isabella’s arm, pushing it down and lowering the gun.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” I mutter. Then I sweep a pointed stare over all six of them. “Way to introduce yourselves, guys.”

Kaden lifts his shoulders in a nonchalant shrug. “You’re the one who asked us to kidnap her.”

I tip my head to the side. “Good point.” Shifting my bat to my other hand, I wrap my arm around Kayla’s waist and start pulling her with me. “Anyway, we should get going so that she can take out all of her rage on me instead of making empty threats directed at you.”

“Wait,” Raina says, her green eyes still locked on Kayla. “So you’re not actually planning to hurt Eli?”

“And Rico,” Isabella adds.

“And Kaden,” Alina finishes.

Kayla flicks a glance between the three of them as if she’s not sure how she’s supposed to reply to that.

Lowering my mouth to her ear, I whisper, “They were serious about the killing and dissolving and alibis stuff, just so you know.”

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