Page 10 of Forgotten Prince

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A sweet ache takes hold of me.

It’s a feeling that I’ve never felt with anyone.

Not since I used to know Jo. I’ve been an emotional dead zone until today.

Her hands may be soft and warm and comforting, but her lips are another thing entirely. Two tempting pink clouds to lose myself in.

My gods.

When those lips are a breath away, a soft smile playing on both our faces, a loud, awestruck voice snaps us apart.

“Your Highness! Is it really you?”

Startled, I pulled back in surprise.

I turn to the source of the voice, only to be met by a man dressed in business attire, his eyes wide with reverence. The man’s gaze is fixed on me.

“Your Highness?” Jo echoes in confusion, her eyes shifting between me and the approaching man.

The man’s enthusiasm increases as he approaches us.

My heart races as I realize the misunderstanding. The man has mistaken me for one of the Haart princes.

This is why I don’t go out in public. One of the reasons.

My fingers tighten around Jo’s hand. She mustn’t go anywhere. We have to get the moment back.

“I’m not who you think I am,” I try to explain.

The man’s smile remains fixed, undeterred by my words. “Your humility is truly remarkable, Your Highness.”

Jo’s brows furrow in confusion as she glances between Jakob and the man. “Wait, what’s happening?”

I go with amusement and resignation. “A case of mistaken identity,” I say to her.

As much as I want to continue our almost-kiss, the situation has taken a frustrating turn. I shoot a mischievous look at Jo. “Did you know you’re on a date with a prince?”

She laughs. “If that’s true, then I’m wildly underdressed.”

Turning my attention back to the starstruck man, I clear my throat. “I’m not a prince, my friend. Just a commoner.”

The man’s expression falters, confusion replacing the reverence in his eyes. “Oh… I…I apologize, sir.”

“No need to apologize,” I reply, my expression mild though I’m annoyed. “I’ve heard this before. You know what they say; you can trace almost all Gravenlander bloodlines back far enough to find that we’re all related somehow.”

The man nods and walks away, embarrassed. Left in the aftermath of the interruption, I turn my attention back to Josephine, our hands still linked.

“Wow, that was so weird!” she exclaims with a full body cringe.

I shrug. “It’s not the first time. It won’t be the last.”

Even when she’s grimacing, I feel the compassion in her energy covering me like a blanket. I wonder if she’ll always feel that way toward me.

“Sorry the moment got ruined,” I say.

Jo leans in a little closer, her eyes playful. “We’ll try again when we have more privacy,” she says with a flush of pink to her freckled cheeks.

“Does that mean this meeting is going well?” I ask, smiling.

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