Page 29 of Daddy's Direction

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"Whiskey neat. You know the one." I kept a special bottle of aged scotch under the bar.

"Got it." Lennon nodded and turned his attention to Jazz. "And for the lady?"

"Oh! I…um…I don't know. Like a glass of champagne or something? I don't drink much. When I do it's usually wine."

"We do have wine here, you know," Nyla teased from beside her. "It is a bar, after all."

She looked down. "No, I know. It's just…I don't drink expensive wine. I wouldn't know what to ask for."

Lennon scoffed. "That's okay. Just like Bain has a stash of expensive scotch, Nyla has a stash of cheap wine. Always thought that was weird, but it looks like it's gonna come in handy tonight."

She looked at Nyla, her eyes lit up in surprise. "You do?"

"Literally every kind of wine Barefoot makes," she confirmed.

Jasmine's relief was palpable. "A glass of Pinot Noir, please."

"Make it two," Nyla said.

"Got you." Lennon disappeared behind the bar and came back with a bottle of the aforementioned wine and two glasses, which he filled to the top.

I raised my brows at him.

"Chill, dude, it's just wine. That will barely give her a buzz."

Jasmine took a large sip, then looked at me with pleading eyes.

I sighed. "Fine. But just one glass.”

She nodded and I considered for a moment making her use an honorific, but thought better of it. She was already jumpy and self-conscious. I'd let the wine kick in before I pushed her any further.


He’d been so patient, letting me nurse my wine and chat to ease my initial discomfort, until he decided enough was enough.

"Are you ready, little girl?" Bain's sexy, throaty voice was in my ear, and I shivered.

I wasn't ready. I truly wasn't. The last time I'd been spanked in a public setting had been with Henry. The fact that it had also been here at the Penthouse was surreal, and it left me with a lot of complicated feels.

The fact that everything felt more real—was more real—with Bain complicated matters further. And by the time I got around to thinking about the fact that the mere thought of being punished by Bain had me wet and squirmy, well, I was pretty much a lost cause.

And of course, Bain wasn't helping. He'd been patient and doting and given me every out. He, better than anyone, understood what a big deal tonight was for me.

He'd gone over every expectation he had and every possible limit I could have had. He'd given me a choice of being on the main club floor, or in a private room. I'd gotten to choose from a St. Andrews cross, a spanking bench, or just going over his lap. He'd even gone through his implement bag with me, showing me each one and letting me hold it in my hand, explaining about the different materials they were made from.

In the end, I'd chosen a spanking bench over his lap, on the club floor, because Henry and I had almost always played in private rooms and usually just used the aftercare couch as our furniture and main equipment. I needed tonight, with Bain, to be different in every way, and I needed to do the things that scared me. I'd been scared to hire a Rent-A-Daddy, and so far that was working out like gangbusters.

As far as implements went, I'd vetoed a wooden paddle because it was the only implement Henry had owned, and any and all canes because that just seemed like too much.

Bain had helped me undress, folding my clothes after I stepped out of them and setting them on a nearby table. He'd strapped me down, cuffing first my ankles and then my wrists, and I suspected, though I couldn't be sure, that he'd asked Nyla and Bas to stay away because the club was still fairly empty after just opening, and they were nowhere to be found.

I saw Lennon and Archer out of the corner of my eye, watching with interest from a safe distance, and Theo with his pretty young thing, Erin, getting set up on a nearby St. Andrews cross.

Squeezing my eyes closed, I focused only on Bain and the sound of his voice, and how good he'd been to me.

"Are you ready, little girl?"

He asked the question again, and this time I answered, loudly enough for his ears only.
