Page 28 of Daddy's Direction

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I knocked on the door to Jasmine's house at exactly 8 p.m. She answered it with her face flushed, the little black club dress I'd sent her hugging every single curve. Her long legs were encased in silky black stockings that I knew were attached by a garter belt to the lacy black undergarments I'd bought her.

"You look like a million bucks," I murmured appreciatively.

"I feel like a million bucks." She frowned. "And I have a feeling I don't want to know how much this all cost you. Seriously Bain, you didn't have to do all this, and the flowers…"

I stepped inside and saw the dozen pink roses I'd sent sitting in the middle of her dining table. "You're worth every penny, Jazz, and I just wanted you to feel comfortable." I'd have sent her for another spa day if I thought I could get away with it, but I'd barely gotten her to accept that the first time.

She just stood there smiling awkwardly, so I stepped in, wrapped an arm around her waist, pulled her close, pressed a kiss to her cheek, and whispered in her ear. "You look beautiful. Stunning, really. Shall we go?"

She met my gaze with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation. "I'd rather stay here, but that seems like a waste of a perfectly good dress."

"Excellent. Then my plan worked," I teased with a wink.

She grabbed a small purse, and I led her out to my car.

She gasped when she saw it and for a minute I felt guilty, like I should have brought something else, but I quickly recovered.

"Oh come on," I quipped. "Like you didn't already know I was gonna have an expensive car."

"I hadn't thought about it. And I'm sure I've seen it before, but…"

"You haven't. Not this one. I pull it out only for special occasions."

Her brows lifted. "A Friday night at the club you own counts as a special occasion?"

"It does when I'm with you."

Color rose in her cheeks and she gave a slight shake of her head, like she couldn't take the compliment, but she knew better than to say anything negative about herself.

"Come on, let's go. We can have a drink before it gets busy." I steered her around the vehicle and opened the passenger side door, helping her in and leaning around her to fasten her seatbelt before climbing in the driver's side.

My pearl white Maserati MC20 was a completely over the top sports car, but I loved it.

“How fast can this thing go?” Jasmine asked when I slid into the driver's seat.

“Way faster than any human should be traveling.” I started the engine and even though it purred quietly you could feel its power in the way the car rumbled to life. “I haven’t tested it too much; there aren’t many places in the city to pick up that kind of speed. But it goes from zero to sixty in under three seconds.”

“Damn, that’s sexy.”

She started rattling off a million other questions, and the fact that she knew so much about cars intrigued me. These little insights into who she was were my favorite thing about spending time with her. Well maybe not my favorite, but I did enjoy it.

After talking wheels, we fell into a companionable silence for the last few minutes of the drive.

When I came around the car to let her out, she hesitated, and I could see the fear on her face. Oddly, it turned me on, and also made me want to hold her and kiss everything better.

"C'mon." I coaxed her out like she was a scared kitty and I was holding a bowl of tuna.

She climbed out, took my hand, and clung to it for dear life, squeezing tightly. When we got to the club it was basically empty, and I quickly escorted her to the owner's lounge in the back.

I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to put her amongst friends so she'd be more at ease, or if she'd have been more comfortable in the almost empty club with strangers. For a moment when the door swung open and everyone greeted her, she had that deer in the headlights look, but after a minute, she crossed the room and took a seat next to Nyla.

Lennon, playing bartender as always, was on us in a minute. "Drink or play?" he asked.

"Drink and play. But just one, and don't be afraid to make it weak. Jasmine just needs something to take the edge off."

"And for you?"
