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He left the room with no further protest, and I used the alone time with Tamara to issue a warning.

“Tamara, I won’t even go into how not cool it was for you two to barge in here-”

“You cried out and then there was this BOOM-”

“And I could hear you out there grilling him!” I interrupted, not pausing to bask in her good intentions. “And no more threats, okay? I’m trying to give him a fair shake here, not terrify him.”

She let out a sound filled with disgust and phlegm, but conceded, stroking her chin in an introspective way. It made me wonder if I wanted to add anything else to the ‘Thou Shalt Not’ list, just in case.

“I think he’s a keeper,” she said after a moment. “He didn’t waste a moment when we heard something go awry.” She held out both hands, backing out of the room slowly as she let out a final missive. “And don’t worry, I’ll be on my best behavior.”

Since I was already in a perfect position to strategically finish putting on my pants, I stayed on the floor for a few more seconds, carefully sliding them over my hips.

My fingers froze as my mind shot back to his eyes. The concern, like he was ready to take on anything or anybody that threatened to do me harm, including my klutziness and my tight jeans.

Those deep, blue eyes that could launch a thousand forlorn, lustful tweets...and they hadn’t taken advantage of the situation, stealing a peek at my naked bottom half.

A jerk wouldn’t have passed on the opportunity to visually grope me.

I zipped my pants in a single huff, a smile starting from deep inside and spilling onto my face.


I didn’t finish the thought.

Maybe was good enough, dancing like the delicate hope that this could be something, after all.


I must have bumped my head harder than I’d realized, because when I saw the black and chrome, honest to God motorcycle parked at the curb, my first words were ‘Is that yours?’ and not, ‘Have you lost your damn mind?!’.

His laugh at my question was lost among the bustle of the city around us and the thunder of my nerves. I’d expected anything from a sports car to a Tesla, and now I realized I hadn’t dreamed big enough—nor had I counted on putting my life in the hands of a man I barely knew.

You could put your body in the hands of a man you barely knew though...

“Yes,” Jason answered, crouching down to unlock a helmet that dangled on one side of the bike, holding it out to me. “I didn’t want to spoil the surprise by telling you to rock a hairstyle you wouldn’t mind the wind getting a hold of...” He trailed off and let his fingers finish the rest. He fondled the end of my braid, his eyes filled with dark and erotic promises. My body hummed with excitement at the prospect of clutching him for dear life, on and off the motorcycle.

Jason Cox was a man of action, not caution. Caution was thrown to the wind as his touch deepened and his eyes swept over my face, lingering on my breasts, ignoring the fact that I was in a shirt that hid them, my leather jacket hanging open in the front. We were already close enough that the world shrank to his body and my body but his fingertips dipped to my waist, and when he spoke, his timbre matched the breathless desire that made me wonder how much trouble we’d get into if he bent me over his motorcycle.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look yet?” he asked softly. Quite the contrast from the erection that tented the front of his jeans.

He had, but I shook my head, licking my lips. Lust flared in between my thighs when he followed the path my tongue made.

He clutched my waist with one hand, making me wonder why I decided to wear these tight ass pants instead of something with enough room for him to explore. But it was the hand that stroked my cheek, caressing me, that made my heart flutter in my chest.

“You look beautiful, Natalee.”

Something in me, something that was filled with fear over all the things that told me to shut down, to shy away and keep him at a distance stepped onto my internal stage. It had a snappy answer to his statement. I bet you say that to all the girls. But my heart was louder, even though it was a mere whisper in the face of the roar. This man could be with anyone tonight and he’s here with you.

I gripped him with both hands and pulled his mouth to mine.

I could have stayed that way until someone accused us of loitering. Making passerby's uncomfortable and jealous because this was too delicious to be labeled as PDA.

I clawed at his body through his hot, leather jacket like I had when I rode him to oblivion. His hands, firm and powerful, clutched the globes of my ass, pulling me against his erection. This wasn’t affection. This was lust. Lunacy because when he uttered ‘fuck’ under his breath, I practically hooked his arm and set off to find the nearest alley so I could have him again. So he could have me.

I stared up into the blue eyes that were destined to get me in trouble. That would haunt my dreams if he lived up to his colorful reputation and tossed me aside like all the rest. My hold slackened, along with the grip of lust as I put my palm flat on his chest. I forced myself not to think about how there wasn’t an inch of fat beneath my hand, just muscle and sun kissed skin that I wanted to trace with my tongue. “But really, Jason, you can’t expect me to climb on that thing.”

He gave me a devastating smirk, one part playful, the other part challenging me. “Huh. Never would have pegged you as the fraidy cat type.”
