Page 4 of Love Letters Lost

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“What? You’re kidding, right?” He sat back. “She’s not in the lifestyle.”

“How do you know? Her body screamed at me when I was with her. She submitted without realizing it.”

“Because I tried to forge that river in high school, and the rapids at her fork were impassable.” Jason adjusted his belt, leaning forward. “Get her out of your head now.”

“That’s a unique way of puttin’ it. But, Jason, people change as they grow? How do you know she would still be against it?”

“I just do.” He stood as a young blonde with a too-tight T-shirt plastered with the bar’s logo approached with a food-laden tray. “Gotta hit the head, I’ll be back.”

“Hi, my name’s Stacey, and I’ll be your waitress. Two burger platters and a bottomless order of wings.” She placed the plates down. “Just give me a wave when y’all need the wings refilled.”

“Thanks. Everything looks great.” I pointed to the pitcher. “Bring us another one, please.”

“Sure thing. Coming right up.” She bounced back toward the bar, swaying her hips. Normally, I would be thinking of how to get her back to my place for a romp, but I felt no such need.

“Well, that’s not a good sign.” A picture of Genni’s face popped into my head, of how she lowered her lashes and submitted to my orders without realizing what she was doing. There was a sub inside her crying to get out, and I would be the one to coax her out, show her how her body could crave my touch, and how mine craved her submission.

At that moment, the woman in my mind walked through the doors as if I conjured her myself. She searched for something or someone. I sat up straighter at the thought she might already be with someone else. My hands clenched of their own accord as I watched her smile and wave at someone. My eyes tracked her progress through the crowd to one of the booths on the side of the room, only relaxing once another female stood and hugged her. I recognized the blonde from the funeral home. Kendra. Jason had said she was an old high school friend. I relaxed, content to watch her from afar.

“Is our night going to be cut short?” Jason joined me as our waitress traded our empty pitcher for a full one. “Thanks, Stacey, you’re a doll.”

“Anytime, Sheriff. Need anything else?” Her cheeks reddened with a blush as Jason gave her a megawatt grin.

“Just keep these wings coming, and we’ll be just fine, darlin’.” He winked.

She giggled on her way back to the bar to pick up another table’s order. I scanned the room, noting which eyes were watching Genni and gauging their level of interest. So far, it was mild curiosity sent her way until one particular lone man approached her table. I hadn’t realized I started toward them until Jason grabbed my arm.

“Hey, where are you going?” He followed the direction of my gaze. “It’s okay. He’s no threat.”

“Who is he?” I shook off his hand and sat back on the edge of my stool, still poised to move if necessary.

“That’s James. He and Genni and Miranda, the owner of this bar, were close in high school. He kind of fell off the face of the earth after graduation. He must be back in town visiting family or something.” I watched Genni stand and hug this James. They chatted, and he walked away. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“No.” I relaxed and grabbed my burger, my teeth tearing into it with a vengeance. “Let’s finish our dinner,” I spoke around the food in my mouth. I tried looking everywhere except at Genni. The walls were full of pictures and items representing the old Andy Griffith Show and its spin-offs. The floor was solid wood, scuffed from boots, tables, and peanut shells. The bar was polished to a high shine, padded stools lining its length. The wall behind the bartenders was full of shelves of liquor. At the front, three booths lined each wall with a few tables scattered between. Along the wall opposite the bar stood high-top square tables with bar stools, and in the back, where Jason and I were, was the pool table, a dartboard, and a few round top high-tops with two chairs each.

“Come on, our turn’s up.” Jason walked over to the pool table. “If I win, we jet out of here; if you win, we stay as long as you want.” He held out a cue stick, waiting with a quirked eyebrow. “Plus, this is the best spot to watch the whole bar without it being noticeable.”

“Fine.” I refilled my glass and took the pool cue from him. “One game.”

“Great, I’ll even be nice and let you break.” He racked the pool balls and rolled the cue ball down to me. I placed it, bent over to take aim just as a husky laugh reached me over the din of voices, wrapping around me and making every nerve stand at attention. I tapped the right side of the cue ball, sending it careening off of the table.

“Dude, something break your concentration?” Jason’s smirk pissed me off.

The husky laugh that caught my attention drew my eyes back to Genni, and I found her with her head thrown back as she guffawed at something her friend said. Her long neck exposed, begging for a collar. I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the indecent images tumbling around. If I didn’t leave now, I would end up marching over there and doing something I’d regret.

“I think I need to go.” I tossed the cue stick on the table and grabbed my jacket from the table. “You good gettin' yourself home?” I shrugged it on and glanced at Jason.

“Yeah, the precinct is just a block over. I can grab my truck from there.” He put his cue stick down and followed me to the table. “You okay, man? You know I was just joshing with you, right?”

“Yeah, I know. Guess I’m not in the mood right now.” Her laughter rang out again, raising the hairs on the back of my neck and sending a deep need coursing straight to my dick. I adjusted myself in my half-hardened state. “I’m just gettin' tired, I guess.”

“Or someone is getting under your skin.” Jason watched me as Genni’s mirth erupted again. “Yeah, okay, let’s go.” I shivered as I tried to suppress the need to go to her and whisk her out the door of the bar with me. We walked out, trying to avoid her table, but her friend Kendra waved and motioned for us to come over.

“Hey, Jason.” She smiled.

Not wanting to be rude, he headed over. “Come on, I’ll make it quick, I promise,” he mumbled.

“Hey, I didn’t notice you guys when I came in, or I would have invited you to join us.” Kendra grinned up at us. My eyes zoned in on Genni, watching every facial expression crossing her face. I could tell she was nervous in my company, but a deep curiosity also emanated from her gaze.

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