Page 64 of Ex-SEAL Billionaire

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“I'm heading to Paris next week,” she blurts out. “I’m going to stay with my Aunt Vivian for a while.”

“Oh, a change of scenery will do you good,” I manage to grind out, holding the door handle. “How long will you be staying?”

“A few weeks,” she says slowly, as if gauging my reaction. “Or months. We’ll see.”

I pause at the door, another concern I've been mulling over escaping in a rush. “Have you thought any more about your social media presence? After everything with Preston, I worry other crazies seeing your videos may get ideas too.”

Maddie's eyes flash as she sits up straighter. “What exactly are you implying, Jack?”

I lift my palms placatingly. “I just mean maybe it's best to lie low for a bit, don't give the creeps any fuel, you know?”

“Absolutely not,” Maddie fires back. “Posting online is my livelihood and creative outlet. I refuse to hide away out of fear just because entitled men think they can take whatever they want.”

She crosses her arms defiantly. “A woman minding her business and dancing in public is not an invitation for harassment or assault. The problem is predators grasping at excuses to justify their behavior, not me expressing myself to fans.”

I rub the back of my neck, having clearly touched a nerve. “You're right, I apologize. I just hate thinking of you being in danger again because of the attention you attract. But I know that's not fair.”

Maddie nods curtly. “I appreciate your concern, as misplaced as it is. I’m not going to cower under a rock.” She lifts her chin determinedly. “I won't let him or anyone else take my spark away.”

This fierce woman doesn't need my clumsy concern.

“I understand. I'm glad to see your fighting spirit is intact.” I offer a small smile. “Be well, Maddie.”

She dips her head in farewell as I close the door quietly behind me.



Crisp March sunlight filters into Aunt Viv's sprawling Le Marais apartment. I situate my open laptop to soak up the coveted natural glow. Outside the arched windows, historic charm blends impeccably with fashionable, Parisian street life bustling below.

I have been waking up in the stylish guest suite for more than three months now. Being wrapped in Viv's signature mix of vintage French detail and striking modern upgrades feels like home.

I smooth my curve-hugging red dress, displaying my small protruding baby bump. It quickly dawned on me that yoga pants and sneakers won’t cut it here, not even during pregnancy. When in Paris, it is mandatory to be chic no matter your condition.

“No café au lait for you, I’m afraid,” Aunt Viv chirps as she places a cup of rooibos tea in front of me.

I sigh, taking a small sip.

“Excited to make headway on your website design today?” She blows me a stylish kiss before whisking her silk robe into the kitchen to fetch her cup of coffee.

“Ready as ever for some magic-making, Auntie!” I call back sunnily through a mouthful of flaky croissant.

As much as I miss coffee, the croissants more than make up for it. How do the French manage to make them this tasty? It will be hard living without them once I’m back in New York. As delicious as Pain Quotidien’s pastries are, they are only an approximation of what I have been enjoying here.

Viv returns bearing her steaming mug, which I hungrily eye. I haven’t had a single sip of the black gold since I found out I was expecting.It’s been lemon balm, ginger, and rooibos tea on rotation, not a very satisfying replacement for the real deal.

After the initial shock, I quickly settled into my new reality. Yes, okay, at first, discovering a tiny life was brewing inside of me threw me for a major loop. I just turned twenty-three and have some ambitious plans.

But hearing Jack question my ability to be a mother just strengthened my resolve. No matter his opinion of me, I've got this handled. I have my sisters' unwavering support, Aunt Viv overseas whenever I need backup, and now the means to provide everything my child could need.

In just a few short months since receiving Jack's contract completion payment, I already have several clients signed on for my new social media consulting business. A few are established authors wanting to increase their reach. Others are entrepreneurs launching product lines.

I created my first online branding course last month, teaching step-by-step Instagram growth strategies. The passive income from members signing up is already exceeding my initial hopes. This month marks the first that I've turned an overall profit between the course platform and my hourly coaching rates.

And I still earn sponsorship revenue from my popular TikTok channel too. But now I have the luxury of shifting my focus toward more meaningful collaborations, rather than accepting random product promotions for the sake of making an extra dollar. I say yes only to brands that authentically align with my values around ethical manufacturing and inclusivity.

Seeing tangible success this quickly not only from my online influence but also as a solopreneur feels amazing. The million dollars in my account helped me tremendously, though I haven’t even touched any of it. Just knowing that the money is there has allowed me to take risks and step into this new chapter with ease. Now my perseverance and willingness to do the grunt work by myself is paying off. Team Emerson and I have the confidence and financial security to handle any challenge heading our way.

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