Page 63 of Ex-SEAL Billionaire

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Grace opens the door cautiously. Her eyes scan me up and down before stepping aside to let me in. I hover awkwardly just inside the entrance to the cozy but chaotic space I remember from months back.

“Is uh . . . is Maddie home?” I manage to get out gruffly.

Grace folds her arms, face unreadable. “Yes, but she’s resting.”

My heart leaps before sinking again, realizing she won’t want to see me.

“Oh, I see.” I shuffle my feet, unsure what to do. “How is she doing? Sorry to barge in on you like this, but she’s not answering my calls.”

Grace shrugs noncommittally. “She's been sleeping a lot.”

I frown, realizing Maddie must still be struggling with what happened. Guilt gnaws at me that I couldn't protect her.

“Do you think . . . Would it be possible for me to just have a quick word with her? I won't stay long. I know she probably doesn't want to see me.” I hear the desperate note creeping into my voice but push on. “I just want to apologize to her in person for how things ended between us.”

Grace looks uncertain, hovering in the hallway, glancing between me and a closed door I assume leads to Maddie's room.

“Please, Grace,” I implore quietly. “I'm worried about her, and I have some things I need to say, even if she doesn't want me back in her life.”

Grace wavers before finally nodding slowly. “Let me just go check if she's up for a visitor.”

She cracks the bedroom door open softly. I hold my breath, scarcely daring to hope as quiet murmurs reach me. After a muted back and forth, Grace steps back out.

“You can come in for a few minutes.”

I let out a relieved gust of air. “Thank you. I promise to be brief.”

Grace steps aside, granting me access. I enter the cheery, sunlit space and pause to take it in. The room suits Maddie perfectly with its mix of vintage finds and sleek modern details. Soft peach walls give off a warm glow, enhanced by the late afternoon sunlight streaming through sheer curtains. The focal point is a carved oak bed framed by a button-tufted headboard, its white and peach floral bedding looking straight off a Pinterest mood board.

Next to the bed, a vintage chaise upholstered in emerald velvet provides a cozy reading nook. Scattered across it and the nearby nightstand are glossy fashion magazines and classic novels. Near the window, a crystal chandelier casts rainbow prisms across the polished wood floors. The boho style continues in embroidered throw pillows and a patterned wool rug underfoot.

Throughout the feminine space, hints of Maddie's humor and charm shine through. Playful touches like neon letter lights spelling out “Dance Party” and snapshots with her sisters in kitschy photo booth frames make me smile.

Curled up against the tufted headboard is Maddie herself, tucked under a thick ivory down comforter. Seeing her looking small and delicate amid the cheerful surroundings makes my chest squeeze with emotion. This bright, happy room suits everything I love about her creative spirit. She looks pale, but otherwise just as radiant as her usual self.

I clear my throat softly. “Hey there.”

On her lap lies a worn copy of Pride and Prejudice. She points at it, giggling apologetically. “I know what you’re thinking. But when else would I have the time to read Jane Austen?”

I chuckle as I approach and tentatively sit on the edge of the mattress near her feet.

“How are you, Little Bird?” I ask gently.

There is a flash of surprise on her face at hearing me call her that name, but she doesn’t comment on it. She places a bookmark in the pages before closing the novel. “I'm doing better, taking it slowly,” she replies carefully. “And thank you again for the contract payment. I appreciate you making good on your word.”

I nod, guilt still gnawing at me. “Of course. After everything . . .” I trail off, rubbing my palms against my jeans. “You haven’t been picking up my calls,” I say.

Maddie looks away, fidgeting with a stray thread on her comforter. “It’s better for me to not talk to you for a while.” She meets my eyes briefly. “Our arrangement ended. What else do we need to discuss?”

Her blunt dismissal stings even though I expected the brush off. I exhale slowly, carefully keeping any accusatory notes from my voice.

“I deserve the silent treatment, I know. But I still care about you, Maddie. I want to make sure you are alright. And I wanted to let you know about a bunch of us leaving Whitmore Tech. In case you are interested in a new opportunity.”

She shakes her head, unmoved. “I appreciate the gesture, Jack. But I'd prefer keeping a clean break between us.”

I nod mutely, throat tightening. This visit is clearly as far as she is willing to let me back into her life. I came hoping for a sliver of possibility, but her walls are firmly fortified. I have no choice but to respect her wishes for now, at least until she starts feeling better.

“I understand,” I rasp out in defeat. “I'm glad you seem to be recovering. Please look after yourself, Maddie.” I stand reluctantly, taking one last look at her before turning to go.

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