Page 34 of Ex-SEAL Billionaire

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“She’s right. Jace is not for you, baby girl. Focus on the brainy ones like Simon!” Grace points out.

Aria blushes but rolls her eyes. “You both sound ancient! Just because Simon is smart doesn't mean he's cute too, you know.”

Grace and I exchange looks. “Maybe not now, baby girl, but give those butterflies a chance to fly.”

Aria huffs. “Ugh, you guys! I know dating is like illegal till college or something.” She flutters her lashes jokingly.

“Sounds about right,” Grace chuckles, and we dissolve into giggles at Aria's dramatic proclamations.

“We should FaceTime Aunt Viv while we're all together!” I say, pulling out my phone.

Aria perks up immediately. “Yes! Let's call her.”

We all huddle around the screen as Aunt Viv’s cheerful voice trills through the speaker. Her stylishly cropped blond hair shimmers on screen.

“Mes chéries! Oh, I've missed your glowing faces. Settling into your new lives alright?”

We assure her all is going smoothly, then Aria pipes up. “Maddie has HUGE news. She got a new fancy job AND she met her dream guy!”

I laugh nervously under Aunt Viv's sudden laser focus as Aria spills exaggerated details on Jack and our whirlwind engagement bliss. Knots tangle in my stomach at misleading both my baby sister and now my mother’s sister.

“Well, how utterly thrilling for you, Maddie! I cannot wait to meet this mysteriously dashing man who stole your heart. We'll all celebrate properly when you visit me in Paris. Maybe for Christmas?” She winks playfully.

Laughing, we chat a few minutes more before blowing kisses goodbye. As I end the call, Grace squeezes my hand supportively. I sigh, knowing I need to call Aunt Viv and tell her the truth sooner rather than later.

Laughing brightly, we make our way toward the exit. Grace mentions she is neck deep in intense editing for her psychological thriller.

“It's slow going, but I'm finally inching toward the finish line,” she says, glowing with accomplishment.

“Yeah, if by inching you mean chained to your laptop literally every free second,” Aria pipes up dramatically. “Do you even see sunlight anymore between work and writing?”

Grace lightly flicks Aria's arm at the teasing but smiles good-naturedly. “Alright, drama queen, it's not that bad. But you may have a point about me lacking a social life lately.”

I loop my arms through theirs. “You're living your dream though, that's what matters most! Let's plan a fun night for the three of us soon.”

A comfortable silence settles as we envision cozy gatherings of the past. “It really is just like old times still—you writing deep into the night, me hassling you for sister time.” Aria grins up at Grace.

“Hey, my creative demons keep odd hours!” Grace acknowledges.

“So, how do you intend to find your own leading man if you are always deep with your nose in your manuscript?” Aria teases her.

“Been there, done that, baby sis.” She waves her off. “A man can be intensely distracting, so I’d rather abstain.”

Aria rolls her eyes, and we shift to making plans for next week’s yoga class when an unfamiliar guy cuts abruptly into our circle.

“Maddie! Fancy running into you again,” he croons, eyes cold despite his wide smile.

My spine stiffens reflexively as I recognize Preston Walsh, the creep from the gala. Maybe it's his raptor stare undressing me, or that sleazebag voice hinting that we know each other.

He is finely pressed in designer athletic wear and slicked back hair, boldly leering, screaming Upper East Side trust fund baby. I wonder what he is doing this far east of Lexington Avenue.

“Oh wow . . . Preston. Yeah, real crazy random seeing you here,” I return flatly, angling my body away in clear dismissal. Grace and Aria trade concerned looks, picking up the weird vibes.

With cold calculation, Preston rakes his gaze down every inch of me before splintering my forced smile with his oily one. “We should grab dinner this week. What do you think?”

Um, hard pass on that one.

“I can’t make it,” I say flatly. “My fiancé is probably not free either; he has been absolutely swamped lately.”

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