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“Great. Color me surprised,” I mutter.

After Katerina’s revelations earlier this morning. I’m on edge, my mind constantly waging a war of opposing sides that I don’t fully understand. I don’t even know what to feel. Anger, betrayal, guilt, sympathy, it’s all a jumbled mess.

I thought I would find peace once she told me the truth. But honestly, peace is the last thing I feel as I try to figure how to navigate everything. It’s a lot.

My sister blinks, “What’s got you in a sour mood?”

I don’t reply, walking towards the kitchen to grab a drink of water. My sister follows, her heels clacking against the floors.

“Seriously, I knew you’d be brooding in light of recent events but dad said you were mouthing off and being rude and that you left the company. He also said you walked out of your office with your head held high. He’s quite angry with you. But when I heard what you did I was so proud, Xan. You finally stood up to him.”

My chest heaves as I sigh. “Yeah, I did. It felt great. You should try it sometimes.”

She grins. “Maybe I will.”

“When did you get to New York?” I ask, leaning against the counter after pouring some water in a cup.

“I arrived with our dear father a few days ago. We’ve been staying at a hotel in Manhattan. I would have come to New York sooner actually. But as you know he controls my movements and would not allow me to take the jet unsupervised and without leave from work. Have I told you how much I hate that job?”

“Several times,” I say.

Mikalya works as a manager in one of our branches, helping to develop and design products. The only problem is that she’s never had an affinity for anything technology. She has always veered towards fashion actually but my father has never considered that a viable career option.

“Anyway I wanted to come here as soon as we arrived but dad insisted I wait for a while until things settled in light of your scandal. But I knew you’d appreciate the help today.”

“Thanks,” I say gruffly, placing my hand on my jaw. “Have you seen your other brother?”

I can barely keep the rage from my voice at the thought of Graham. Mikayla’s face falls.

“I heard what he did and I am really angry with him, Xan. He should have never done that. He crossed a line.”

“Graham’s crossed more lines that I care to count since he was born. I don’t know why I thought he could ever be different.”

Mikayla sighs. “I spoke to him over the phone. He really regrets what he did, Xan. He feels really guilty.”

“If he shows his face in front of me, I’ll kill him,” I mutter

“You don’t mean that.”

I give her a hard look, conveying just how serious I am. She looks away, lets out a soft breath before looking back at me.

“Alright fine. Enough about that big doofus. Let’s go back to you. Why are you so upset? And where is Nate?” she questions.

I’m opening my mouth to reply when we both hear light footsteps coming down the stairs. A couple seconds later, Katerina appears in the doorway to the kitchen. I swear my sister grows pale as she takes her in. Mikayla always one for the dramatics lets out a soft gasp.

“Xan isn’t that...” she trails off.

It occurs to me that she probably had no idea I was in contact with Katerina. Or that she had come to be a part of my life again. She also probably didn’t know that father sent me here to New York and contributed to our reconnection.

“Yeah, about that,” I say clearing my throat. “Kay, this is Katerina. Katerina, you remember my sister Mikayla, right?”

They both look slightly uncomfortable. Katerina stays on the edge of the doorway. Finally, Mikayla recovers, stepping forward. She smiles widely.

“It’s so nice to meet you,” she says in delight. “You might not remember me much. I was only fifteen the first time we met and it wasn’t exactly under pleasurable circumstances.”

“Of course I remember you. It’s nice to see you again and you’ve grown even more beautiful,” Katerina says sincerely.

Mikayela shakes her head. “Are you kidding me? Look at you, you’re a goddess and you’re glowing. You have got to share your skin care routine with me. Oh and I love that shirt...”
