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“He’ll be waiting a while,” I mutter. “I will return to the mansion tomorrow.”

Rico’s momentarily silent. “You think that’s a good idea?”

“Probably not. But I just-,” I hesitate. “I want one more day. Xander’s being so cooperative and nice, I’m scared that if I leave, he won’t let me back in and I have so much I want to say to Nate, so much I want to ask. I’m not ready to leave my son.”

He sighs softly. “I get that, Kat. But he can’t keep you away from your son. If you want to see him, then you will see him. You’re Don, no one keeps you away from what’s yours.”

“That is entirely the wrong approach and will most certainly not be happening. He raised the boy for nine years, cugino. Legally speaking, he has more rights than me.”

Rico snorts. “Who said anything about rights?”

“Ethically speaking, it would be callous of me to think I deserve anything more than what he’s willing to give,” I retort.

“Fine. You can take care of that issue on your own. How are we cleaning up this mess?”

“After explaining to Papa and calming him down, I need to take care of Colton. He’s the reason all this happened after all.”

“Of course,” Rico says in agreement. “And for what it’s worth, I don’t think you should be too worried about your Papa. He made you Don, Katerina. You outrank him, which means you can do whatever the hell you want.”

“I wasn’t worried,” I state.

“Sure,” he chuckles. “Amway, I got to go.”

“Wait, Rico,” I state. “What about Sophia?”

“I’m sorry, Kat but you’re going to have to give your sister some time.”

“How did she take it?”

“Not well. She didn’t say much, and as you know with Soph, silence is big indicator of how she’s feeling. I didn’t tell her the whole story, I figured I’d leave that to you. I just told her you had a good reason for the choices you made.”

“Okay,” I say breathing softly. “Thank you.”

“No problem. So when should I come pick you up?”

“Tomorrow. I’ll text you Xander’s address.”

“Alright. And be careful with that man. I don’t know him and I don’t trust him.”

I find myself saying something, I don’t say often and have definitely not said in relation to someone who isn’t a member of my family, “I trust him.”



The elevator opens surprising me as a 5 foot 7, dark haired menace steps out of it. I stare at my sister for a couple of seconds.

“Surprise!” she yells, waving her hands in the air. Her eyes roam the apartment for a second. “Nice house. Where’s my little troublemaker?

“Mikayla, what are you doing here?” I question. “And why wasn’t I notified before you came up?”

She smiles that mischievous smile that always puts me on edge.

“I told them I was your sister,” she replies.

My jaw grinds. “And they just believed you?”

“I showed them my ID so they could confirm I was a Steele. I just wanted to surprise you.”
