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He then goes on to tell me everything. How a picture of us was taken and then sold to a reporter. The reporter digging further and finding out about our past relationship. Him filling in the blanks and concluding that Nate is my son.

By the time he’s done, my heart’s started working again. But now it’s racing. So fucking fast.

“Oh God,” I whisper, my breathing growing choppy.

Everything starts to disappear behind my eyelids. My hands start to shake as my heart begins thumping loudly in my ears. A drop of sweat rolls down my spine. Somewhere far away, someone’s calling my name. Rico. Rico’s climbing onto the bed. But I can barely make him or the words he’s saying out.

I double over with a gasp.


Somehow, his voice manages to penetrate the haze. I blink, coming back slowly. His voice is still in my ear, light commanding words.

“Breathe, Katerina. Just relax, breathe,” he says softly.

I latch on to the sound of his voice, letting it trickle down my throat and into my body, warming me from inside as tremors shake my frame. Finally, I exhale a gasping breath.

“Good girl,” Xander says over the phone.

I’m surprised I didn’t drop it. I blink, once, twice.

“Just breathe, princess.”

“I’m back,” I say shakily.

“Okay, good, good. I’m sorry for laying that on you. It’s a lot.”

“I can, I can fix this,” I tell him, finally looking at Rico who’s on the bed beside me. “Bury the story.”

He shakes his head. But Xander’s the one that replies.

“You can’t bury the story. Colton’s behind this. He’s intent of making sure it gets out.”


Rico speaks up then. “I intercepted the man that was going to deliver a message from Colton to your father. Asked him to give you a couple of minutes to gather your thoughts. But Eduardo’s going to know soon, Katerina. Things are about to get ugly.”

I’m nodding at his words but in reality it’s not really computing. I’m still having a hard time believing everything’s going to shit so fast.

“Katerina,” Xander says over the phone. “Nate wants to see you.”


“Nate wants to see you,” he repeats. “I told him the truth earlier today. And he wants to meet you.”

My hand goes up to my mouth as my eyes widen.

“You need to go,” Rico tells me, gauging from my reaction what Xander said. “Leave now before your father finds out.”

“Xander,” I say softly.

“I’ll send you our address,” he states easily. “Be careful, Katerina.”

He hangs up after and I get to my feet unsteadily. My cousin’s looking at me, gaze not as hostile as it’s been the past two days.

“Under normal circumstances, I’d say you should go to Sophia first and explain everything before she finds out the truth. But I know your son takes priority right now. I’ll go to Sophia.”

My eyes well up with tears. My sister is never going to forgive me. Even if everyone else somehow finds a way to forgive me, she won’t.
