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Katerina would love knowing that. They share so many similarities, little ones, big ones, things they have in common. He looks like her too. His nose, his mouth. He has my eyes and hair but his face resembles his mother.

“Seriously?” he asks wide eyed. Then his eyes narrow. “You said is, instead of was, daddy. It’s bad grammar.”


“You said my mom’s favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip. But she’s dead so it should be was. Our teacher taught us that in class a few days ago.”

My chest tightens. Fucking hell.

“You’re right, sport. It would be bad grammar to use is instead of was,” I mutter, my eyes getting fixed on a spot above his head.

I can’t do this. But I know I have to. It would kill me if he had to hear this from someone else apart from me.

“Nate,” I say gently. “How would you feel if your mom was still alive?”

He shrugs. “I’d be happy. I miss her sometimes. Even though I didn’t know her. I still miss her.”

I let out a shuddering breath.

“I am so sorry, sport. But there’s something I have to tell you. And I need you to listen carefully.”



It only takes a second for everything in your life to come crashing down. Only a couple of days for my life to change irrevocably.

I’m not too surprised though, my sins were bound to catch up to me eventually.

I spent the last two days trying hard not to think about Xander and what he promised me. But every nerve in my body is bunched up in anticipation with every moment the thought of seeing my son crosses my mind. I wouldn’t even know what to say to him, where to start. I don’t even know what the meeting would entail. If Xander will decide to tell him the truth or not.

It’s only 5pm but I’m lying in bed, after spending an entire day at work too distracted by my problems to really focus. There’s a knock on my door and I’m surprised when Rico walks in. His jaw is clenched tight, his eyes shadowed.

Him walking into my room is surprising enough. He hasn’t said a word to me in two days, not after I told him everything. The entire truth, even what went down with Sokolov. He listened and then he just shut down. It’s made me even antsier because I have no idea what he’s going to do with what he’s learned. He has every right to be angry but I wish he would just talk to me.

“We have a huge problem,” he announces in a hard voice.

I sit up even straighter, my heart starting to race. “What is it?”

“Tomorrow morning, a story’s going to be released in the press. About you and Alexander Steele,” he tells me.

My eyes furrow. “Rico, what are you talking about?”

He’s about to say more when my phone starts ringing beside me. It’s Xander. Now I’m officially worried. I look at Rico once before picking up the call.


“We have a problem,” he says, bypassing a greeting.

“So it would seem,” I say, my mouth curling downward. Can they just tell me what’s wrong so I can try to fix whatever problem this is? “What’s is it?”

“They know, Katerina. They know about Nate.”

My heart stops. I swear one moment its beating and the next, nothing.

“Who?” I manage to ask.

“Well as of tomorrow morning, everyone will know.”
