Page 5 of One Rich Revenge

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“More like the Prince of Darkness,” I snort.

“Good one. You should start using that. What happened with him?”

“He caught me taking photos of him. Last night and again this morning.” I scrunch my face. “It was pretty unpleasant. Last night, he went crazy when he saw me. And then today, he found me sitting on the steps across from his townhouse. I hid my camera but he totally knew who I was. And he threatened to sue me.”

“No way. How does he know who you are?”

“Billionaire. Duh. He used facial recognition technology and a private investigator.” I take off my worn Columbia ball cap. “Apparently the hat gave me away.”

“You’re just too pretty to be stealthy,” Luz says supportively.

“I just don’t think anyone has ever bothered to look.” I make a face and sip my coffee. It’s lukewarm, not very strong, and hazelnut-flavored. The taste of home.

Luz scoffs. “He’s deranged. It’s not like you’ve ever done anything to hurt him. The worst thing you’ve ever printed is that one day when he looked like shit.”

“Come on. I made up a nickname for him. Yeah, I mostly write articles about how hot he looks, or speculate about his whereabouts, or the women he’s with, but it’s not exactly flattering. He’s probably embarrassed.”

She rolls her eyes. “He’s a public figure. What does he expect?”

“Exactly what I said. Come to think of it, it seemed to be the photos I sold to Green Media that really tipped him over the edge.”

“It’s not like you’re taking pictures through his windows.”

I shake my head. “You know that goes against my rules.”

“You’re like the most ethical paparazzi in New York. He should be thankful to be stalked by you.”

I wince. “That makes it sound even worse.”

“Whatever.” She waves a hand. “All I’m saying is you’re one of the good ones. You’ve never sold his home address, or revealed information that could hurt him. What’s a few photos of him looking windblown and sexy? He should be flattered.”

“Well, he’s definitely not flattered.” I grimace and take a bite of my cinnamon raisin bagel. It’s soft but chewy, just the way I prefer it.

“You’re not going to stop, right?”

“No way. You know I can’t afford to stop. I’m still getting back on my feet after the mess with Eric.”

“I know.” She makes a small face of distaste at my ex’s name and chews her last bite of bagel. “Jerk,” she mutters. We’ve been over Eric’s general awfulness on many a wine-soaked evening. The humiliation of our very public break up has dulled after a year, but Eric still came out on top. I’m better off without him, but I still hate the way he invaded every aspect of my life, until I lost myself along the way.

“He’s a jerk who still lives in my apartment.” I loved that apartment, but it wasn’t worth the pain of fighting with Eric to get it back. I should have known. He screwed his previous ex over too. He used to tell me she was crazy and deserved how shitty he was to her during their breakup. Fat chance. She was probably great and he was taking advantage of her, just like he did to me. Men don’t change.

“Well, now you live on the Upper West Side instead of all the way in Brooklyn, and you get to live near me.” She gives a winning smile, and I can’t help but smile back.

“You have poppy seeds in your teeth, Luz. And living near you is of course, the very best part of breaking up. Living with my dad, not so much. I’m twenty-nine and I live with my father. It’s pathetic.” My shoulders slump. “I thought I’d be out of there by now.”

“Getting back on your feet is harder than it seems. Besides, situations like the one you were in before don’t come along every day.” Luz is referring to the apartment I had downtown. A gorgeous, old one bedroom for a great price. I don’t want to go down this road with her, because she and Adriana think I should have kicked Eric out, but he wasn’t going to leave unless I physically forced him out. Part of me thinks taking my apartment was part of his plan all along.

“I know.” I sigh. “I’ll be able to move out next year.”

“I’m proud of you, Cal.” Luz smiles at me. “You’re doing what you have to do.”

“I know. It’s just…stifling living with my dad.”

“That bad? He’s not trying to tell you what to do, is he?” Luz has been friends with me since college. She knows all about my dad’s parenting irregularities.

I shake my head. “No, nothing like that. You know he’s never been a worrier.” As much as I wish someone in my family had been. I had way too much independence, even at eighteen. I shake my head. “But I feel accountable to him. Like a little kid. And also, like I’m his parent? Especially when I have to tell him to take his heart medication.” I make a face. ‘’It’s weird watching your parent get old.”

Luz nods thoughtfully. She’s constantly worried about her parents, especially her mom. “Is he still working like crazy?”
