Page 72 of Rock

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I don’t miss the pissed off look Rock gives Manny as I follow him into the kitchen.

I half expect him to come bursting in here after me, and I’m a little disappointed when he doesn’t.

I’m wet. I have been since he made that comment about him fucking hard.

Once we fuck, you’ll be ruined for any other man.

I have never in my life been spoken to in that way. And I don’t know what’s making me so brave now. Maybe the fact that I’m so comfortable around him could be part of the reason. Or maybe it’s just because he’s a full-blown hottie. I mean, I’m not that experienced, but I wouldn’t say no to a roll in the hay with Rock.

The idea thrills me.

And I have absolutely no doubt that he meant every word he said. Aside from the fact that he’s not a good man. That part, I don’t believe.

Everything I said to him, I meant. I may be blonde, but I’m not a total dummy. My father trusts Cash and this club, and that means something. My father would never put me in harm's way. In fact, he’s the one who’s protecting me from everything, except myself.

Maybe he should be more worried about that. I’m sure he never expected my security to be someone who looked and talked like Rock. I can’t help but smile.

My father is keeping me in the dark about a lot of things. He hasn’t even let my publicist, Beth, have my new number.

“So. Have you fallen for Rock’s charms yet?” Manny sing-songs as I follow him into the kitchen.

I balk. “Uh, no.” I don’t know why I sound so fricking guilty.

He turns around, leveling me with his gaze. “Ooh. Is something going on there?”

My eyes are wide. Is this guy some sort of psychic?

“Nope. I’ve only been in New Orleans for less than twenty-four hours. I’m still finding my bearings.”

He zeros in on my face, and I realize that this man is a force to be reckoned with. And there’s probably no point in lying to him. Not that I need to wear my heart on my sleeve with every single person I meet. I’ve already said enough to Rock to get me in a whole world of trouble. There’s that word again. Trouble.

“Well, don’t give your cookies up too soon. Gotta make him work for it. Not that Rock screws around the club that much. In fact, he’s one of the better ones.”

My eyes go round. “I have no intention of making him work for anything,” I say, narrowing my eyes. Maybe it was a bad idea that I followed him in here.

He seems to have intuition that is scarily accurate. “Let’s cut to the chase,” I go on. “I’m here because I’m being stalked. You’ve probably heard. Rock told me there were a few fans of the show in the clubhouse who think I’m here because of the fight I had on national television with the whore who slept with Dylan, my ex.”

Manny stares at me, agog, then he claps his hands together and purses his lips. “I’m sorry if I’m being so intrusive,” he says. “I’ve never really met a reality star before. Nothing very exciting happens around here, so excuse the giddiness. I promise we’re not a bunch of weirdos who gossip. Well, except for maybe Nevada and Riot.”

“Who are they?”

He waves a hand. “Nobody to be concerned about.”

I think he’s just nervous, which is kinda sweet. But who am I in the grand scheme of things? A girl who went on TV to try to get a life because she doesn’t have one at home. Pretty pathetic, really.

“So, how long have you been working for the club?”

“A coupla years. I got the job through the club’s Enforcer, Harlem. His daughter, actually. I’m good friends with Stella. You’ll love her. If you’re here long enough, you might getto meet her, as well as some of the other girls who are big fans of the show.”

My face must pale because he looks at me and his grin slowly fades. “Are you okay?”

I take a long, deep breath, sighing noisily. “I guess I brought it upon myself going on that stupid show. I just never expected things to pan out the way they did. Now I’m up on assault charges, that my father is desperately trying to get me out of. Add to that my ex-boyfriend cheated with that skank, Lisa, who now has to have a new nose job, so that’s all the media seem to want to talk about. Not if my broken heart is doing okay.”

“I love how you smacked her. She deserved it. How much of that stuff is preplanned?”

It’s not. That’s why the ratings went crazy after the scandal. “That part definitely wasn’t, I can guarantee it. It’s clear that the producers wanted to push the ratings. I’m not normally a violent person, but after the last twenty-three years of being under my father’s lock and key, that was the final blow. I snapped. Everyone has a breaking point and that was mine.”
