Page 129 of Rock

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What he tells me about himself is a stark contrast to the man I’m getting to know.

He lied. He is good.

He may be broken in parts, but who isn’t? I know he isn’t the terrible person he makes himself out to be. Maybe he’s done terrible things in the past, and he’s been to jail, but none of that matters.

“There isn’t anything,” I say.

I’m the model child, Daddy. Just like you taught me to be.

I always follow the rules, never deviating.

I remember Rock’s words about me being a free woman and not living under my father's spell. It may have hurt at the time, but I realize there’s a lot of truth in it.

I have been. For so long.

Daddy cares about me, I understand that. But this isn’t living.

It isn’t just since this stalking nonsense. I’ve been living like this for so long now that it’s become normal to me. After being in New Orleans for less than a week, I can see just how not normal things really are. And it has to stop.

I don’t want to anger my father, but I’m a grown woman. I haven’t been living my own life since…well, since forever. I’ve been living in the shadows, taking precautions because my father is an important man in LA and has enemies.

All because he doesn’t want anything to happen, or for me to leave, just like my mom. He barely ever talks about her. The pain has always been too much for him to bear. I think it’s safe to say that’s why he dotes on me so much.

He nods. “I’m glad the apartment is to your liking, even though I’m not fond of Rock being here with you.”

I swallow hard, trying to keep my face neutral. “It’s fine, Dad,” I say. “He seems like a good guy. Cash has his rules, and I understand they have to be followed. It makes life easier for everyone this way, if I do as he says…” I almost bite on my tongue from the lies that spill out of my mouth.

I want to scream to the world that I want to be free.

“You’ve changed your tune all of a sudden. You were fighting me tooth and nail to stay in LA five days ago.”

“Like you said, change is as good as a holiday.”

He scoffs. “Would you feel better if one of the women stayed here with you?”

I shake my head. “It’s fine, honestly. Rock is quiet…” Except when he’s fucking me.

“He keeps to himself, mainly…” When he hasn’t got his hands all over me and in my panties. “In a way, we’re perfectly suited. He goes his way and I go mine.” In and out of each other until we’re both panting and I’m screaming his name.

His lips twitch. “Good. I’m glad he’s not making you uncomfortable.”

I roll my lips. The only thing uncomfortable is how hard he pounded my asshole last night. “It’s fine, Dad. I know once this blows over, things will go back to normal, and I can come home.” Lies!

Returning to my old life seems so outdated and out of place right now. I have no desire to go back to that big, lonely mansion and live whatever pathetic existence that was. I just need time to gather my strength to tell him that, when I get home, I need to move out and learn how to live by myself. He won’t hear of it now, and I don’t want to anger him since he’s flown all this way, but this madness has to end.

“Also, Tara was cleared.”

I stare at him, my cup halfway to my mouth.


“Yesterday. The police interviewed her and cleared her of any wrongdoing in this mess.”

My eyes go wide. “They interviewed Tara? What the hell for?”

His eyes meet mine. “Don’t get so upset. Everyone has to be questioned. Everyone.

Down to our staff. Don’t forget the statistics of this kind of menacing act is usually from someone you know.”
