Page 77 of The Witch's Destiny

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“I love you, mate,” I say in a hoarse whisper.

He growls at that last word, and the world explodes, making me cry out again at the intensity of the orgasm. Wave after wave of pleasure ripples through me, and Jesse’s hips pump faster as he chases his own release. A few seconds later, he grunts and plunges deep before tensing, his cock jerking roughly inside me.

His head drops to my shoulder, and I tug my hands free of his grip to wrap my arms around him, holding him close. Turning his head, he kisses my shoulder before lifting himself to meet my eyes.

“We should get dressed. I scheduled a donor to come by for you, and she’ll be here any minute.”

I smile and nod, remembering the decision I made earlier to ask him about making an appointment. But, as usual, he anticipated my needs and set it up without being asked.

“I really do love you, you know,” I say with a warm smile.

“I know,” he says, popping a quick kiss to my lips. “I can feel your love for me just as strongly as I can feel mine for you.”

Then he kisses me again, this time slow and flooded with emotion. A kiss that assures me that whatever my future holds, Jesse will be right there by my side, facing it with me.

My perfect, devoted mate.



Steph is a miracle worker, because within a few days, she has a council meeting scheduled for tonight––in Los Angeles––with my induction being the main item on the meeting’s agenda. Apparently, the council has official meeting places all over the country, not just a single location everyone must travel to for every call to order. And as it turns out, the last official gathering was in the Eastern portion of the country, so none of the council members had a problem coming to Southern California for this one.

Steph did warn me that she didn’t mention the prophecy to the others when she called for the meeting. They think the sole purpose of the affair is to officially add a chair for the Grundelier coven and to induct me as its representative. She didn’t want to give anyone who has information about the prophecy time to prepare their game face. Bringing it up when we shouldn’t know anything about it will surprise any witches who do know, and catching that reaction might be key in figuring this whole thing out.

Of course, Jesse cannot attend the meeting, and neither can the Vikings. Their inability to be present should things go sideways doesn’t sit right with any of them, but beneath that concern is a quiet confidence in the knowledge that Steph and I can take care of ourselves. So, while they won’t try to force their way in, they will be close by should we need any backup.

“I still don’t like this,” Erik says, and I glance over at him.

He, Leif, Jesse, and I are waiting in the foyer since Steph should be arriving from the airport at any minute.

“We can take care of ourselves. There’s nothing to worry about,” I say quietly, knowing nothing will make the Viking not worry about his woman.

“And Steph is their leader, now,” Jesse adds, backing me up as he always does despite his own reservations. “The witches will bend to her will regardless of their own feelings. They have to.”

I’m not sure that’s exactly how it works. While werewolves instinctively submit to dominance and most vampires do so out of a sense of self-preservation, witches are a whole different animal. If the things we’ve been through in the last few months have proved anything, it’s that witches will fork off onto a new path whenever it suits them.

Hell, the whole reason Steph is the council leader right now instead of later, when she’s more prepared, is because Brimmwise decided to try to steal my power, kidnapped her, and accidentally killed her aunt in the process.

But knowing the witches’ propensity for violence doesn’t deter me. I need answers, and having a seat on that council will get them for me. I need to know who knows about the prophecy, what it entails, and why the mystery coven in my vision wants to take me out because of it.

The sound of a car rumbling up the drive breaks me out of my thoughts, and a smile curves my lips as I rush forward to open the front door and step out into the morning sunshine. As soon as the vehicle rolls to a stop, the back door flies open and my best friend pops out with a shout.

We rush toward each other, hugging and laughing like it’s been forever since we’ve seen each other instead of just a few days. A vampire rushes past us to grab her bags from the trunk of the vehicle as I ask Steph about her flight, and we slowly follow behind him as he takes the luggage into the house.

“Okay, the meeting is set for eight o’clock tonight, so we have plenty of time to prepare for anything that might happen. I was thinking we could practice some spells together. Combining our magic has never let us down before.”

“I agree,” I say, then grin when I spot Erik just inside the doorway wearing an impatient expression. “Let’s meet a little later. I think your morning is booked.”

Her gaze follows the direction of my subtle head nod, and a little yip explodes out of her as she darts inside and slams into Erik’s chest. I move in beside Jesse as they hug, then Steph peppers quick kisses all over his face. Erik growls as he bends at the waist, presses his shoulder against Steph’s stomach, and straightens…with her dangling over his broad shoulder.

“We’ll meet up in an hour,” she calls out as he carries her toward the stairs. When he growls again, she lifts her head to look at Jesse and me. “Make that two hours.”

I laugh and shoot her a thumbs-up as Jesse’s arm slides around my shoulders. I lean into him, loving how safe and adored I feel in this very spot. It makes me even happier for Steph, knowing she’s finding this kind of love with Erik.

I just really hope they can figure out a way to make it all work, long-term. Besides the indisputable fact that Steph is a powerful witch and he’s a vampire, which should make them mortal enemies, they live on opposite sides of the country. It’s a big hill to climb, that’s for sure, but if anyone can make it work, it’s Steph. She’s nothing if not tenacious.

“So, it looks like we have a couple of hours to kill,” Jesse says quietly, and Leif rolls his eyes jokingly before heading outside with a muttered excuse.
