Page 106 of The Witch's Destiny

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“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.”

The tension in Jesse’s body melts away as a smile curves his lips. He takes Archibald’s hand in a firm handshake, saying, “Please, call me Jesse.”

Archibald smiles, then jerks his head in my direction. “Only if that one will call me Grandad.”

I feel Jesse’s gaze move to me, but I’m beaming at the old man before me as I agree. “I will, Grandad.”

His breaths stutter, and I can practically feel his heart swell in his chest. Then his attention is diverted, his eyes going wide as saucers as they shoot in the direction of the door. The rest of us look over to see Erik, looking like the mighty Viking warrior he is, stalking in and gazing around until his eyes land on Steph.

She darts forward, jumping through the air just before she reaches him. He catches her as she slams into his body, her arms and legs wrapping around him as her mouth lands on his. He kisses her back with wild abandon, and when I look back at Grandad, his mouth is hanging open.

“That’s Jesse’s man, Erik. He and Steph have…gotten close,” I offer as an explanation.

“That, I can see,” Grandad says, then slowly shakes his head before meeting my gaze. “There are going to be a lot of changes around here––a lot to get used to––aren’t there?”

I nod. “But they’ll all be good, I promise.”

My grandfather smiles, then invites us all to lunch. I look at Jesse before meeting Grandad’s eyes again with a small shake of my head.

“You guys go ahead. Reconnect with your son and get to know his wife. We’ll get together soon, I promise.”

He accepts my oath with a smile, then hugs me again before turning back to the table to gather his things. Mom and Dad pull me into a huddled embrace, and I let myself melt into it before pulling back to look at each of them.

“Thank you for all your help today. We couldn’t have done any of this without you.”

“That’s not true,” Mom says, her expression filled with pride. “You were magnificent here today, honey.”

“We couldn’t be prouder of you, doodle bug,” Dad adds, the old nickname filling me with joy.

“Go on,” I say. “Meet us back at the manor after?”

“We’ll be there,” Mom promises, then takes Dad’s arm as they follow my newly discovered grandfather out of the room.

“So, am I to assume everything went as planned?” Jesse asks once they disappear through the doorway.

“Better than we imagined,” I say, then wrap my arms around his neck. “And I’ll tell you all about it, but first, take me home, mate.”

“As you wish, my love,” he says, then kisses me like I’m the most precious thing in his entire world.

Because I am.

And he’s mine, too.

And now that all of the mysteries and threats have been resolved, we can finally start to live.

And what an amazing life it’s going to be.



Pleasure explodes through my veins and arteries as my knees buckle beneath me. Jesse catches me against his chest, one hand snaking down to grip my ass and pull me closer, rubbing me against his hard cock.

We’re still fully dressed.

Hell, the bedroom door barely closed behind us when he spoke the command that melted me into a puddle of decadent relief.

I’ll never tire of this. The connection we share hasn’t waned in the years we’ve been together, and I know it never will. We still crave each other just as much as we did in the beginning, when I was just a simple human writing make-believe books about vampire lovers.
