Page 105 of The Witch's Destiny

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Archibald releases dad, then places a palm on his cheek as he studies him. Then, ever so slowly, he turns his gaze to me. Tears drip down his cheeks as he studies me, moving slowly in my direction. I push up from my seat, facing him head-on as he approaches, my muscles tensing in preparation.

“Granddaughter,” he breathes, then wraps me up in a hug tight enough to rival the one he gave Dad.

My body tenses for an instant, then melts into the embrace as my own arms hug him back.

It’s almost too much. I was ecstatic to have my parents back, but to have more family? Relatives who will love and support me during these tense and turbulent times? Particularly the man currently hugging me like I’m the most precious thing he’s ever come into contact with?

Archibald is on the council. He holds power and influence that will only further my intent to end the hatred between the witches and the vampires.

He releases me, then steps back with a quiet apology for his forwardness. I shake my head and smile to let him know it’s all right, and he returns the smile before moving back to his own seat. Sitting, he clasps his hands in front of him and looks around the room.

“I believe Eden,” he says. “The war is over, and we can all live free of fear and in peace with the vampires.”

As the other council members begin to nod, Helena stiffens. “We can’t side with him. She’s his family, so he’s biased. We must stay vigilant, or––”

“Put a sock in it, Helena,” a woman across the table from her calls out, her voice dripping with impatience.

“How dare you…” Helena grits out, and Steph pushes to her feet.

“Helena Kirkwood, you have put us all in danger by rallying your coven against the vampire king’s mate. Your intended actions would have instigated a new war to replace the one that Eden Grundelier ended with her connection to both races, and you cannot be trusted to return to your seat of power. I hereby motion to remove you from the council and your seat as coven leader in the Desertwillow coven. All in favor?”

Oh, shit. Can Steph do that?

Apparently, she can, as ayes ring out, one by one, around the table.

“Any opposed?”

Helena calls out the single “nay,” then glances around the room with wide, pleading eyes. I watch as the others each look away from her, a silent rejection that leaves her panting with panic and fear.

“Motion carried,” Steph proclaims, banging the side of her fist on the table like it’s a gavel. “I’ll send word to the Desertwillow coven immediately, informing them of our decision and instructing them to elect a new leader.”

Helena leaps to her feet with a growl, then rushes for the door. Mom waves a hand in the air, and the door swings open without resistance as the disgraced witch barges through it. Everyone in the room seems to breathe a collective sigh of relief as Steph and I retake our seats. Mom and Dad shoot me a smile before backing away from the table to stand against the far wall.

“She won’t disappear quietly,” another council member murmurs, and others nod in agreement.

“I put a tracking spell on her while I had her subdued,” Mom interjects, and all eyes turn her way. She shrugs like it’s no big deal, adding, “I assumed something like this might happen, and I thought it might help to be able to track her whereabouts and activities.”

“Smart woman,” Steph mumbles, and a chuckle bubbles out of me.

Everyone else seems to relax, and not a single one of them comments on my mother’s actions or her and Dad’s illegal presence in the room with us. They’re grateful for it, I realize, willing to let an outsider deal with the unpleasantness rather than going up against Helena, themselves.

“Are there any other questions or concerns regarding everything that has been revealed and/or enacted today?” Steph asks, and the room remains silent. “Good. Meeting adjourned.”

As the witches rise, several shoot small smiles in my direction. I smile back, and contentment bubbles in my gut. We’ve done it.

We’ve bridged a gap here today, and I can see they’re on the road to accepting me as their equal and ally.

Archibald approaches my parents, and I watch with a misty smile as Dad introduces him, officially, to Mom. He hugs her the way he did Dad and me, and fuck, if everything doesn’t feel right in my world for the first time in years.

I have a family. I have a respected position in both the witch and vampire worlds. And I have Jesse.

As if I’ve conjured him, my mate slips into the room. His eyes find me immediately, and he seems to deflate with relief when he sees the smile on my face. Zipping forward with vampiric speed, he wraps me up in his arms and kisses me until I’m dizzy with happiness and love.

Pulling back, I lead him over to my parents and Archibald, my hand in his as I present him to the older man.

“Jesse, I’d like you to meet my grandfather, Archibald Sparklight. Archibald, this is my mate, Jesse Belloy.”

Jesse’s surprised reaction is so minimal, I’m sure no one else notices it but me. He recovers quickly, as the two stare at each other for several tense beats, then Archibald slowly offers Jesse his hand.
