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“My father felt that if I were home, I would be better sooner. So, we came home. He invited some friends over to hang out and have a few drinks. When everyone was thoroughly drunk that night, one of his ‘friends’…” I make air quotes, emphasizing the word, “snuck into my room, and raped me. He started by forcing me to give him a blowjob. I tried to bite him, tried to fight. He gave up on the blowjob after I tried and failed to bite down.

“After that, he held down my arms, pinned me to the bed, and penetrated me. I think the worst thing was the fact that I was on my period. At the time, I only used tampons, and he hadn’t taken it out. It was the worst pain in my life, and he made everything on the inside worse for me. I didn’t stop bleeding for weeks. I had to basically fist myself in order to get the tampon out. I sat in the shower for hours, fingers inside of me, trying to grab the little fucking string.” I stop to grab a tissue from the nightstand and blow my nose.

“Zolina,” he growls. I know it isn’t directed at me, and I hold my hand up. Atlis surprises me by listening. He clenches his jaw and waits for me to continue. His teeth are grinding together so hard that I think he might chip a tooth.

“No one believed me. No one knew why I went from a happy, friendly person… to a shy, lonely wallflower. Everyone laughed at me and joked about things at my expense. I finally told my father when I was fifteen. That's when JD was brought into my life.” I am full-blown sobbing now.

“What is his name?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Zolina, what is his fucking name?”

“Derrick. Derrick Claster.” Atlis's hand comes up, tenderly wiping away my tears. Without saying anything, he pulls me towards him. My head finds his chest, and my arms subconsciously wrap around him.

“If that man isn’t dead already,” He kisses my forehead. “I will kill him, bring him back to life, and kill him again. I will drag out his torture for hours– no, days– on end. I will–” I put my hand on his mouth.

“I get it, Atlis. That’s why when you pinned me down in the snow, I cried. I was triggered. It’s not because I didn’t want to,” I say shyly before removing my hand.

He hugs me tighter before laying back down, cradling my head, and playing with my hair. “Get some sleep, wife. We will figure things out tomorrow. Just know you are safe, and I will be by your side when you wake up.”

I fell into the best sleep I’ve had in a long time, clinging to my husband. I guess it is a ghost story of sorts; A story that ends with a cuddled-up princess and a knight in shining armor.

Chapter 21


Zolina could tell me anything she wants, and I would love it. Any words ushered from her lips are like an orchestra that plays just for me. Especially if it’s about murdering people who have done something as heinous as that man.

When I told her I wasn’t a nice man, I wasn’t lying. She’ll one day see that and try to run… again. Maybe even get a bit farther than she did. I will try to ensure she never sees or feels my wrath. My wife is my number one priority. If she feels comfortable, then she has no reason to run.

My inner demons come out to play after dark, and this night isn’t an exception. Zolina is curled up next to me with her head on my chest, sleeping soundly. I stare at the wall, ignoring the voices in my head and their bittersweet whispers. Inside me, a war is raging.

How can I be a good husband when all I do is kill people? How can I be a nice and sweet person to her when all I want to do is tie her up? I’m not calm unless there’s blood dripping from a body in the corner. I need to tear someone apart, limb from limb. My hands itch with the desire to rip someone’s skin from their body. What that disgusting thing did to my Pet makes me livid. She may not have had my last name yet, but she was already promised to me. She was already mine. I want to kill his entire family just so the bloodline will cease to exist, and his filthy thoughts won’t pass on. I want to commit mass genocide just so Zolina can sleep better at night.

I wrap her hair around my hand, clenching so tightly that my short nails dig into my palms. She is my drug, and I will be hers. I want to make her so deliriously high on me that she won’t be able to come down unless I am by her side. I will make it my life's mission to erase anything evil from this world so she can remain happy. Including that piece of shit, Derrick Fucking Claster. I hate myself because I know I am too dangerous for her.

I'm a danger to society.

Soon to be mafia Don.

A murderer.

She should not have to know that side of me, see the killer living inside my soul.

Chuckling into the dark room, I let go of her hair and close my eyes.

Zolina is mine. I am hers. I will never let her feel the lows that I have felt. I will never let her dig herself into a hole like I have. I will never stop loving her.

Snuggling lower into the bed and putting my nose into her hair, I whisper to her, “I love you, Zolina. I will always love you.”


At some point, I finally fell asleep. I groan, now awake, as I feel Zolina’s ass pressed up against me.

“Good morning, Pet. Get up, let’s go home.”

Her soft moans waft through the silent room. “I don’t wanna.”
