Page 56 of Tats

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He points at his neck and states, "Everyone knows I'm in love with Ken." He points at Jayden, making me grin. "That fucker never told anyone about your relationship. I'm fucking pissed. Someone tattooed that on him, so who in the fuck did he tell?"

Jayden sighs and admits, "Cannon did it a few years ago."

"Years?" Iron and Doc shout, and I giggle.

Jayden grumbles, "Yes, years. Violet has always been mine. She came back into my life four years ago, and three years ago, I made her mine."

Iron growls as Doc narrows his eyes, anger shining through. I flinch at how scary they actually look despite knowing they'd never hurt me.

Jayden snaps, "If you want the story, calm the fuck down and stop scaring my wife."



I've been run off the fucking road, my body hurts, my pregnant wife has had a massive scare—too fucking familiar to her parent's crash, and these two idiots just made her flinch, forgetting how fucking scary they can look when pissed.

Not fucking okay.

They both wince at how white my woman became.

Doc sits on the chair near the curtain while my dad remains standing, crossing his arms over his chest, which makes me narrow my eyes at him.

He groans, sits, and states, "Alright, I'm sitting." He looks at my wife and says, "Sorry, darling," before looking back at me and continuing, "Please, can you explain how you two came about?"

I narrow my eyes at him, making Vi raise a brow at me in warning. I groan, causing Doc to chuckle, coughing, "Whipped," into his fist. Vi grins, and I smirk, ready to wipe that grin off. Dramatically, I state, "Fuck’s sake…. Alright, in college, I took her—" Vi glares at me, shutting me up, and I chuckle.

"You took her virginity? Seriously? She was seventeen, brother," Doc says, shocked, catching on to where I was going.

Violet's face turns bright red, and she growls, "Shut up." I laugh, squeezing her into me.

"Alright! I didn't remember." Doc flinches, knowing my troubles with drugs in college. I make eye contact with my father, and admit, "I was snorting cocaine like it was candy."

Dad sits up straight, his eyes wide as he snaps, "What the fuck?"

I sigh as Vi presses a hand to my chest in comfort. I state, "After I'm discharged, I think it's time you learned how my childhood really went, Dad, and then you’ll understand why I drowned myself in drugs." He furrows his brows, but I ignore his look of confusion and shock, and look at Doc. "Vi started working at the home four years ago. We became close, fuck, she became my best friend." He scowls, making me smirk. "When she asked for me to tattoo her collar bone in memory of her parents, I knew I needed her, so I asked her if she'd agree to a friends with benefits arrangement." His eyes widen. "A week later, she agreed. For the first two years, we tried to see other people while continuing our agreement. Problem is, that if anyone put a hand on me, it was like being touched with acid, like I was cheating on her."

Violet adds, "And it was the same for me."

I smile and kiss her lightly before looking back at Doc. "I had severe commitment issues, not wanting a relationship ,while Vi struggled with the pain of loss, scared to let anyone in. I spent a year asking Momma about how she'd help someone with the issues I was struggling with, while also ensuring I spent most of my time with my girl, so she realized I was the only man she wanted. The night one of her dates spiked her drink is the night I decided to take three clubwhores to my room—only to kick them out five minutes later, realizing I wanted more with my girl." I sigh, placing my nose to the top of her head, inhaling her scent mixed with mine. I croak, "I spent a year trying to make myself better for the woman who held my heart. I moved her into my home, and last week, we got married."

I look toward Doc, who leans forward, narrows his eyes, and asks, "Who knows about you two?"

I wince and admit, "Smokey, before he lost his memory, helped burn the fucker who spiked her drink. He suspected something was up after that. When he lost his memory, he picked up on my pain and reactions when my wife here decided it was a good idea to work at the club we raided." Doc glares at my woman, who winces. I continue, "Liv knows. She was one of our witnesses last week. Also, both she and April know where I live. Cannon and Breaker also know, Breaker being our other witness, along with Kellen. Tech suspects but doesn't know—oh and Grams knows. She was pissed I didn’t invite her to the wedding."

He nods, hurt flashing in his eyes, and I have to look down.

Violet’s voice fills the painful silence. "You need to see it from our side, Doc. I know you're hurt, but my parents are dead. Momma was pregnant and was brain dead on scene but was kept on life support for a few weeks, hoping my little sister would survive. She didn't, and I had to turn the machine off." My eyes soften toward my girl as Doc's eyes widen in shock. My father sucks in a breath before she continues. "Jayden has been through a lot that no one really knows or understands." She looks at Doc, and then my father, who's still reeling from the fact that I was a coke head in college. "If everyone knew, our relationship most likely wouldn't have worked. This was something just for us, not the club or anyone else, really. He's adamant about leaving the club; he doesn't want me involved with it, and Colleen being all over him at Smokey’s wedding…. All that shit hurting me cements his decision for him, and I refuse to sway him either way."

Doc sighs. "If Colleen is the problem, we can fire her."

I sigh, too. "It's not just that, brother, there's so much you don't know. Plus, the brothers won't allow you to fire her, and you know it. They've always put others before me, even though I’m a patched brother. I'm sorry, I-I just, I can't be a part of the club now."

He flinches, about to say something else to persuade me otherwise, but I just shake my head. "Brother, please, not now." I move my eyes to my father, and he grunts, knowing we have a bigger conversation coming.

Doc nods, then says, "Alright…let's get you patched up, then y'all can get home." He looks at my wife. "And you need to rest. All this stress is not good for the baby…. Fuck, a baby…."

I grin and admit, "And she was on the pill," making her groan.
