Page 55 of Tats

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Doc steps forward, but I shake my head, making him stop as relief and pain shoot through me.

Jayden's eyes soften as he lifts his left arm and rasps, "Shorty, come here."

I shake my head again, my body shaking as the adrenaline leaves me.

He keeps his eyes on me and commands, "Dad, if you want to keep me in this bed, then bring my girl to me, quick."

I let out another sob as Iron rushes over, cupping my cheek to make me focus on him and not my husband's wounds. His eyes soften, seeing my pain as he whispers, "He's okay, darling. You haven't lost him like you lost your parents. He's okay."

Another sob escapes as he kisses my head, and then guides me toward the bed, my legs shaking. When I'm in reach, Jayden grips my arm and pulls me toward him, where I fall apart against his chest, my face in his neck, sobbing.

"I'm okay, Shorty. I promise I'm okay," he rasps over and over as my body shakes and he runs his fingers through my hair. "Think of the baby, Vi. Come on, I'm okay. You didn't lose me. Think of our baby."

I hear his dad murmur, "Baby…" as Jayden lifts my face and places his forehead against mine.

I cup his cheeks and continue sobbing as he wraps his arms around me.

"I'm okay, Vi…" he whispers, and I shake my head, gripping his cheeks harder as he holds me close.

"Fuck, not only is he fucking married and clearly madly in love, but they're having a baby?" I hear Iron ask Doc, who stammers back, "I-I fuck…he really doesn't want anything to do with the club, does he?"

Jayden squeezes his eyes shut, and my heart hurts for him as I gently place my lips against his.

I whisper, "I don't want you riding anymore." I hope to distract him from their pain, and it works. He opens his eyes, which soften, seeing that I'm kind of joking.

I hear the other two suck in a breath as Jayden smiles at me.

"Shorty, you and I both know you love my bike." I smile before his eyes widen, and he looks at his dad and asks, "My bike?"

His dad winces. "It's not too bad—there are a few scrapes, so the paintwork needs re-doing. The pink has come through…. Did you know there was also a unicorn painted on the tank?"

My body shakes again, making Jayden look at me with playful, narrowed eyes, and he snaps, "It's not funny, Violet."

My laughter comes out because, yes, it is.

Jayden shakes his head and asks, "Can you get Sarah to repaint it?"

I look at Iron, who is looking at me with a raised brow but nods to his son. He then speaks directly to me and ponders, "The bedazzled cut, the pink paint, glitter, hair dye…all you?"

I grin with pride, making him and Doc chuckle while Jayden groans.

"Fuck Dad, she's worse than the Untamed women."

I cut in, "I heard a lot about those women…can I meet them?"

The men's eyes widen before they all shout, "No!" I laugh as Iron raises a brow, no doubt wanting an explanation.

I shrug, admitting, "He moved me in and paid off med school behind my back."

Iron nods in understanding, stating, "That would do it."

I look back at Jayden, my eyes tearing up again, seeing his injuries. His gaze softens as he cups my cheek. "It's just road rash, Shorty, they'll fade."

I nod and let out a sniffle, placing my forehead against his. We both look at a shocked Doc whose eyes are on my man's chest.

"Fucking hell, you've got her name tattooed on your chest…."

I snort and look at Doc’s neck. "You're one to talk." He narrows his eyes.
