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“It looks that way.”

She rested her hip against the side of the couch and stretched one arm along the back. The position was casual, but the men in the area turned to look. Katrina had a body on her and every male in the room, Dom or sub, could appreciate it. “Good. I was kind of hoping I could talk to you about doing a medical scene demonstration. I know there are members who would appreciate exploring that area of play.”

“Maybe you could get Bridget to help you,” Daniel said.

Alexander ignored him. “Let me think about it.”

“Just let me know. The invitation is there.” Katrina’s gaze went to the stairs. She stood and straightened the corset she was wearing. “If you’ll excuse me, it looks as if I’m needed upstairs.”

The rest of the evening dissolved into ideas for the scene Alexander had been asked to consider doing. It seemed Katrina wasn’t exaggerating when she said members were interested. Role playing was the easy part. Knowing how to use the instruments properly and to maximum effect was where it could get tricky.

At eleven o’clock he said farewell to his new friends and drove back to the one-bedroom apartment he was renting. It was small but adequate. The space had come furnished, which had made things easier.

After tossing his keys onto the long kitchen counter that separated his living room from his kitchen, he strolled into his bedroom and stripped out of his clothes. The steam from the shower filled the bathroom as he stepped under the spray. He tilted his head forward, letting the water trail down his back and shoulders before reaching for the soap.

A jolt of pain streaked down his leg when he moved to rinse, and he knew he needed to hurry. Dealing with his physical limitations was part of his reality now. But he’d take it considering the alternative.

Of course his train of thought, as was so often the case this week, had led him to Grace. How was she holding up? Was she eating enough? Taking care of herself? He’d hoped she would call, but she hadn’t.


Grace crawled out of bed Saturday morning and got ready for work. Her sister had come over the night before for a girls’ night while their mom watched Gabby’s daughter, Taylor, for a few hours. They’d watched a movie, eaten pizza, and downed about a dozen cookies. Gabby really was trying to pull Grace out of her shell, and in some ways it was working. For the first time since she’d gotten the news that Kurt had been killed, she hadn’t needed to leave the room when the two people in the movie had kissed. The scene had still made her chest clench and caused moisture to well up in her eyes, but she’d held it together. Barely.

That didn’t mean she hadn’t shed more than her share of tears this week. She’d read her husband’s letter over and over again and each time she ended up an emotional mess. Grace still had no idea how she was going to fulfill her Master’s last command, but she would try.

The roads were practically empty as she headed downtown toward the café. During the week, people were already on their way to work at this hour, but on a Saturday most of them were still at home in bed. She appreciated the solitude.

After pulling up to what had become her spot behind the café, Grace made her way inside. She waved to Beth and Tommy and donned her apron before getting to work.

“The DJ was awesome,” Tommy said as he helped her take the chairs off the tables and get them ready for customers. “We’re going back tonight. You could come with us.”

She flipped another chair and placed it on the floor before responding. “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass.”

He shook his head but didn’t say anything more.

When Kurt was home, they would go out on dates, to munches, or to play parties, but that was different than going out to a dance club. It was either only the two of them, or people in the lifestyle who understood her tendency to let her husband take the lead.

Beth strolled into the front room with a tray of fresh cherry Danishes. “Everything almost ready up here?”

“Yep. We’re good,” Tommy said, already making a beeline toward the back. He’d fully embraced the preopening muffin break.

Beth chuckled. “You’d think he didn’t eat breakfast before he came.”

Grace grinned at her boss. “Typical man.”

This earned an even bigger laugh. “So true.”

The breakfast and lunch rush came and went with them all rushing around trying to fill orders as quickly as possible. By the time things started to slow down, Grace was feeling it. So when Beth nodded toward a stool and pushed a sandwich her way, it didn’t even cross her mind to object. “Thanks.”

Normally, they all tried to take a break before lunch, but there hadn’t been time for more than downing a slice of bread with a little butter on it. And even then, Beth had to run an order out to a table for her. Saturdays weren’t typically so busy.

Beth moved a few things around before pulling up a chair across from Grace and picking up her own sandwich. Tommy could handle the customers, and if not he’d come get them.

“Any plans for tonight?” Beth asked between bites.

“Not really. I’ll probably finish reading this book I’ve been working on.” Grace didn’t mind Beth asking about her plans. She wasn’t as pushy as Tommy and there was something about her boss that made Grace think she kind of understood, at least maybe a little.

“Is it any good?”

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