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Eventually he wanted to get back to seeing patients of his own, which meant filing all the paperwork through the state of Missouri for a medical license. It would take time—probably a year—before he’d be able to begin looking at opening a practice of his own or joining an already established one in town. Until then, he would be stuck reading through files and offering opinions.

But did he want to permanently move to St. Louis? It was the question he’d asked himself multiple times throughout the week. He could go anywhere. There wasn’t anything holding him there anymore.

Except there was. He’d been in town for less than two months but he’d begun to feel settled in a way he hadn’t in a long time. Growing up a military brat, and then joining the Army right out of med school, he hadn’t put down many roots outside his years in college. The only time he’d ever felt he had a place was when he’d visited his grandparents. And it was thanks to them that he had some wiggle room financially to figure out exactly what he wanted now his military career was over.

On Friday evening Alexander hurried into the old brick building that housed Serpent’s Kiss, trying to get out of the rain as swiftly as his legs would carry him.

Ali smiled when she saw him step into what they all referred to as the coatroom. He grinned as he ran a hand over the top of his head to brush away any water droplets. “How are you this evening, Ali?”

“I’m good, Sir. How about you?” Ali was always polite. She was a good sub. Why she didn’t have a Dom he didn’t know.

“Glad it’s the weekend.”

She smiled wider. “Long week?”

“You could say that.” Long was one way of putting it.

“Well, I hope you enjoy your evening,” she said.

Alexander nodded and headed into the main room of the club.

He’d been in his share of kink clubs over the years. They all were a little different. Some bordered on gentlemen’s clubs but with a kinky theme. Others were wall-to-wall play areas. Serpent’s Kiss was neither. The main floor was set up much like any other club. There was a bar, a dance floor, and sitting areas where people could gather and socialize. Although, that didn’t mean things were kept vanilla. Not by a long shot. All around the room, subs—some more clothed than others—knelt at their Dom’s feet.

As he made his way across the room toward the bar, he passed a Dom leading a female sub by a leash. They were headed upstairs to where the play areas were. The woman had a smirk on her face, which caused Alexander to chuckle. It looked as if someone was going to have some fun tonight.

“What can I get you?” Brandon asked from behind the bar. The man was in his mid-thirties, same as Alexander was, but Alexander could have passed for being ten years his senior. That was what war did to a person.

“Scotch on the rocks.” He wasn’t playing tonight, but it wouldn’t matter. The club owner, Katrina Mayer, was a stickler for rules. Club members were only allowed one drink of hard liquor or two beers per night. It was a good rule and it ensured everyone came for the right reasons. This wasn’t somewhere a person went to drown their sorrows.

With his drink in hand, Alexander scanned the room while Brandon moved down the bar to wait on someone else. Alexander had gotten to know many of the club members since he’d joined. Some he’d clicked with more than others. One of the Doms he’d gotten to know spotted him from halfway across the room.

“Rough week?” Daniel asked as he came up beside Alexander, tilting his head toward the glass in Alexander’s hand.

“The longest.” Alexander took a drink of his scotch before resting it on the bar. Between the interview and filling out all the paperwork required for his licensing, the week had seemed as if it would never end.

The other reason his week had seemed so incredibly long was because his thoughts kept drifting to Grace Martin. He’d done his duty: delivered the letter. He should be able to move on, but he couldn’t. Something kept bringing her to the forefront of his mind.

A mischievous glint in his friend’s eye gave Alexander fair warning of what was coming next. “I’m sure you could persuade one of the subs to play. Maybe even more than one. I’ve seen some of the looks a few of them have sent your way. Speaking of which...” Daniel nodded in the direction of the dance floor where a group of subs were dancing.

As if sensing Daniel and Alexander’s gaze, two members of the group looked their way. One of them, Bridget he thought her name was, quickly lowered her gaze and blushed. Her reaction amused him, but did nothing to spark his interest. “I think I’m good.”

“Suit yourself.” Daniel ordered a bottle of water from Brandon, downed half of it, and then pushed away from the bar. “Missy asked if I would test out the newest addition to her toy bag. I’ll find you later?”

“I’ll be around.”

Alexander finished his scotch, grabbed a bottle of water for himself, and went to find a seat. It had been a good day for him physically. So far his leg wasn’t bothering him, but there was no sense in pushing his luck.

An hour later, Daniel had joined him and several others in one of the larger seating areas with Missy, who looked completely content after their scene. She sat quietly beside him wrapped in a blanket, sipping her water. The two weren’t a couple, but they did play together from time to time. Then again, Daniel played with a lot of subs. He was a master flogger and the club’s subs loved him for it.

“Did you ever track down the woman you were looking for?” Beth, one of the club’s Femdoms, asked him.

Alexander hadn’t been paying much attention to the conversation, so it took him a little longer than it should to answer. “Yes, I did.”

“Does that mean you’ll be leaving town soon?”

The question came from Beth’s fiancé and sub, Drew. “No. I’m thinking of sticking around for a while. See what my options are.”

Katrina chose that moment to walk by. She stopped when she heard what they were talking about. “Did I hear that right? Are you staying in St. Louis?”

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