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Grace moistened her lips. “Sir.”

Alexander grinned. “Much better.” Then he kissed her. Everything Grace had been about to say was thrown out the window as he reached between them and began making her body sing again.


He stared at the popcorn ceiling in Grace’s bedroom. It was around three in the morning and Grace was sound asleep beside him. After he’d ravished her again she’d barely been able to keep her eyes open. That, of course, had been the plan.

Tossing the covers to the side, Alexander got out of Grace’s bed and walked into the bathroom, making sure to wait until the door was closed before turning on the light. He didn’t want to wake her. Grace needed her sleep.

There was a little bear sitting on the back of the toilet, holding an American flag, which seemed to be watching him as he relieved himself. Alexander had noticed several bears positioned around her house and wondered if she collected them. He’d have to ask. It wasn’t something he’d thought about before.

He flushed and went to the sink to wash his hands. His leg was aching, but considering he could hear the rain outside hitting the windows, he wasn’t surprised. It was par for the course with an injury like his.

Opening Grace’s medicine cabinet, he found some ibuprofen and tossed two in his mouth, chasing them down with a handful of water from the tap. He was reaching to turn off the water when there was a soft knock on the bathroom door.

“You can come in. I’m decent.” Which was a total lie. He was standing there in his birthday suit, but it wasn’t as if she hadn’t seen all of him earlier that evening.

She slowly pushed open the door and edged her way inside as if she wasn’t sure of herself. Maybe she wasn’t. After their talk, he wasn’t sure about much of anything.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

He turned off the water and dried his hands. “Yeah. My leg was bothering me, so I swiped a couple of your ibuprofen.”

Grace frowned. “Is there anything I can do?”

“I’ll be fine.” His limp as he moved toward her only deepened the creases in her forehead.

“I used to give Kurt massages. Would that help?”

The thought of her hands on him had his cock twitching. “I don’t—”

“Please, Sir. Let me help you.”

It was the pleading look in her eyes that broke him. “All right.”

At his agreement, she jumped into action. Grace opened one of the drawers beside the sink and removed a dark blue bottle of what he assumed was lotion. Then she took hold of his hand and led him back into the bedroom. “Lie down.”

He gave her a hard look.

She lowered her gaze to the floor, looking utterly submissive and adorable. “Sorry. Sir, would you please lie down on the bed so I can massage your leg for you?”

As tempting as it was, he resisted the urge to touch her. Alexander knew if he did, they’d end up having sex again, his leg be damned. Instead, he stretched out on the bed and placed his hands behind his head. That was the only way he could be sure he’d keep them to himself.

Grace squeezed some of the lotion into her hands, and placed the tube on the nightstand before rubbing her hands together. With the gentlest pressure, she began massaging the lotion into his leg. As she grew more confident she wasn’t hurting him, Grace used her fingers more, pressing against his muscles. She glided over his scars as if they didn’t bother her at all.

Alexander closed his eyes as the ache in his leg began to fade. He didn’t know if it was the ibuprofen kicking in or what Grace was doing or both. Either way, he wasn’t going to complain. Besides, even if it was the pills, Grace’s fingers were heavenly.

The more she worked her magic, the more his mind began to move in a different direction. He was less focused on the discomfort and more on how Grace’s hands felt pushing and pulling on his skin—and how they would feel gliding along another part of his anatomy. He groaned as the picture formed in his head.

Grace heard him and halted her movements.

He looked down, meeting her gaze. “Don’t stop.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” she said.

Alexander shook his head. “You’re not. It feels amazing. Thank you.”

It took her a minute to resume what she’d been doing.

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