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Chapter 16

Grace had to admit she was feeling a little better about things by the time she said goodbye to Beth and Tommy in the parking lot. She figured she’d most likely see Beth at the club later. Their talk had helped ease a lot of Grace’s fears.

As soon as she arrived home, Grace raced upstairs to her bathroom and stripped. Last night she’d been full of nervous energy, still afraid on some level that she’d embarrass her new Dom. Tonight she was thinking more along the lines of seduction.

She reached for a towel as she stepped out of the shower and began mentally cataloguing what she had in her closet. There was a midnight blue dress that was kind of sexy, and a green and black skirt she could pair with a corset. The skirt wasn’t overly short, but it did hug her curves.

Wrapping the towel around her torso, she headed into her bedroom. It would be so much easier if Alexander was there. He’d tell her exactly what she should wear and she wouldn’t have to be worrying about it.

Thinking about Alexander had her picking up her cell to see how much time she had before he was due to arrive. It ended up being a good thing she checked her phone because he’d sent her a text fifteen minutes ago.

Wear something comfortable tonight. You will be changing at the club. – Alexander

Well, she guessed that solved that problem. She quickly typed back to let him know she’d gotten his message.

Yes, Sir. – Grace

So instead of worrying so much about finding the right club outfit, Grace spent a little extra time making sure everything else was perfect. She shaved and trimmed her pubic hair, did a swift pass over her legs with a razor, and plucked some unruly hairs from her eyebrows.

When she was satisfied with her grooming, she went back to her closet and selected her favorite jeans. They fit her like a glove and made her backside look really good. She hoped he liked them.

At six she opened her door to Alexander and let him inside. He closed the door behind him, and then raked his gaze over her figure before making eye contact. “Have I seen you in those jeans before?”

“Once, I think.”

He motioned with his finger that she should turn around.

Grace obediently faced away from him, secretly pleased at his reaction. She sucked in a breath when she felt his hand cup her ass. He massaged the soft flesh before going lower. With gentle pressure that only made her want more, he ran two fingers up and down the seam between her legs.

His breath ghosted over her ear as he leaned in. “I like these jeans a lot. You should wear them more often.”

She swallowed as the ache inside began to build. “Yes, Sir.”

Then his hands and his breath were gone. “We need to get going. I want to get to Serpent’s Kiss by seven.”

He removed her coat from the closet and held it out for her while she put it on. Kurt used to do that for her as well. It was something so small and she hadn’t realized she’d missed that part of being taken care of, but she did. He even pulled her hair out from the collar for her. “Thank you, Sir.”

Alexander grinned and opened the door.

They ended up having dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Neither one of them had ever been there before, but it was good. Nothing out of this world amazing, but it had the usual standard fare.

Dinner did, however, take them longer than anticipated and they didn’t pull into the parking lot outside Serpent’s Kiss until almost seven thirty. She knew he had wanted to be there earlier, but she saw no sign of agitation. He seemed to just accept it.

He came around to help her out of the car before reaching into the back seat to retrieve his cane and a bag. She guessed the bag contained whatever she was to wear.

There was a different girl manning the coatroom tonight. She greeted them when they entered and took their coats. “Enjoy your evening.”

The first thing Grace noticed when they walked into the club was that there were a lot more people there tonight than there had been last night. She wondered if it was like that everywhere—where Saturday nights were busier than Friday nights—or if this was an anomaly.

Grace didn’t get a lot of time to contemplate that before Alexander handed her the bag. “You know where the locker rooms are?”

She nodded. “Katrina... Mistress Katrina showed me during my tour.”

He didn’t seem overly bothered by her slip. It was playtime. Titles mattered. “I’ll be at the bar getting us some waters. Come find me when you’ve changed.”

“Yes, Sir.”

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