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Their server brought their food, and Alexander set the paperwork aside to dig in.

“What do you think? Is there anything in there you think could work?” Daniel asked.

Alexander wiped his hands, flipped the folder around, and pushed it across the table toward Daniel. “I think these two might work.”

Daniel gave the listings a casual glance. “Would you like me to see if I can set up a time where you could take a look at them in person?” he asked before going back to his food.

“That would be great.”

The two of them concentrated on their meal for several minutes. Alexander had to admit that the food was good. He was going to have to bring Grace.

“How did Grace like the club last night?” Daniel asked. “She seemed a bit unnerved around Beth.”

“Beth’s her boss and she wasn’t expecting to see her there.” Alexander shrugged. “You know how it is.”

“I do. And I also know it’s usually a much harder transition for subs than it is for us.”

Alexander nodded, but didn’t say anything more. All things considered, Grace had done extremely well. She hadn’t run, so that was a plus. He also had confidence that Beth would try and smooth things over with Grace. The conversation he and Beth had in regards to Grace reassured him that Beth felt almost as protective of Grace as he did.

“This isn’t only an arrangement for you, is it?” The question came out of the blue and when Alexander looked at his friend he realized that he must have let his mind wander for longer than he thought.

There was no reason for him to lie, but for some reason he didn’t want to talk about his feelings for Grace. Not even with Daniel. “Grace and I are still feeling things out. In many ways she’s still mourning her husband.”

Daniel studied him for a long moment, and then dropped the subject. They spent the rest of their meal talking about the two listings Alexander indicated he wanted to take a look at. It was a nice way to pass the time on a Saturday afternoon.

After leaving Daniel’s office, Alexander went back to his apartment. The temptation to drop by the café to see Grace had been great, but he’d resisted. He didn’t want to crowd her. Especially since he had his own shit to figure out. Like why he hadn’t made love to her last night.

Thinking about lying in bed with her—her soft body curled next to his—had the muscles in his groin tightening. He wanted her. There was no doubt about that.

He kicked off his shoes and tossed his keys onto the counter. Desire was not what was stopping him. That much he knew.

For a month he’d contented himself with being her friend. Now he had the green light for more and he was getting cold feet. It made no logical sense, but as a doctor Alexander knew that often emotions weren’t logical. In fact, most of the time they were downright illogical. He’d told Grace as much on more than one occasion.

Alexander sat on his couch and turned on the television. Some woman came on the screen. She was talking, but his mind was elsewhere.

Without even thinking about it, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked it to see if Grace had texted him. She hadn’t. He could only hope that meant things had gone well and she hadn’t run out on Beth and her job.

Unable to sit still, Alexander turned off the television, shoved his phone back in his pocket, stood, and scooped up his keys before heading toward the door. If he had time to kill, he was going to use it for something productive. Even if he couldn’t wrap his head around what exactly was stopping him from claiming what was now by all rights his, he could at least be her Dom.

With the help of his phone, he found a store nearby that carried lingerie and club attire. The place was full of leather, lace, and satin, as well as a wide variety of sex toys. As tempting as the toys were, he steered clear of that section for the moment and focused on what he’d come there for: an outfit for Grace.

“Can I help you find something?” a woman in her twenties asked from behind the counter.

“I wanted to see what kind of club wear you carry.”

She walked around the counter. “Our club line is back here.”

Alexander followed her to the back of the store. There were skirts, tops, and even high heels that would make Grace almost as tall as he was. “Thanks.”

“Anytime. Let me know if you need any help.” She gave him a long look that made him think she was talking about more than help with clothing choices, and then made her way to the front of the store again.

He found a few items he thought looked interesting. One was a red dress that had a similar neckline to the top Grace had worn the night before only it dipped even lower. Alexander was already fantasizing about pushing the draping fabric out of the way to free her tits so he could play with them.

Slinging the dress over his arm, he continued looking. Although he had every intention to see her in that dress, it wasn’t exactly what he wanted her to wear tonight.

It took him a while longer before he came across the outfit he wanted. He ran his fingers along the barely there hem and imagined Grace’s ass poking out from beneath.

Taking the outfits he’d chosen to the front, he swiftly paid for them and was on his way. He needed to get home, shower, and change before picking up Grace. Thinking about Grace in the clothes had Alexander needing to adjust himself several times during the drive home. He couldn’t wait to see her in the little skirt and top he’d picked out. The question was how long would she stay in them.

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