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Chapter 14

Grace felt as if everyone was staring at her. They weren’t, of course. Most of the club members were engrossed in their own conversations and play. The only person who was focusing on her was Alexander as he eased her across the room toward Katrina.

The club mistress stopped to talk to a couple as they strolled by. She smiled and seemed to be in a good mood.

As the other couple walked away, Alexander picked up their pace and closed the distance. Katrina noticed. She acknowledged Grace, but posed her question to Alexander. “How are you this evening?”

“We’re good. You?”

“I can’t complain.” She chuckled. Then her gaze landed once again on Grace. “I wasn’t aware the two of you had been introduced.”

“Grace is the one who brought me to St. Louis.”

Katrina looked Grace over again as if seeing her with new eyes. “I see.”

Did everyone at Serpent’s Kiss know about him searching for her? It was beginning to sound like it. And did they know about the letter, too?

Grace didn’t get a lot of time to ponder the questions running through her head before Alexander spoke up again. “We’ve been getting to know each other for the last month, but until I saw her at the club last week, I didn’t know she had any interest in BDSM.”

The club mistress’ mood shifted and she was all business. “I’m guessing you two have come to some sort of an agreement?”

Alexander nodded. “Yes.”

He didn’t go into any details and Katrina didn’t ask. Grace tried to recall if the club had any specific policies when it came to couples who had a negotiated contract but her mind was completely blank.

Pressure against her back had her meeting Alexander’s gaze. He looked down at her as if he was waiting for something.

It only took her a few seconds to realize what exactly he was waiting on. She turned to Katrina and lowered her gaze to the floor. “I wanted to apologize again for running out last Friday. It was rude of me.”

After a brief interval, Katrina responded. “I accept your apology, Grace.” She paused. “I assume the reason for your swift departure had to do with Alexander?”

Grace nodded. “Yes, Mistress. I saw him and panicked.”

“Seeing people we know from the outside world inside the club can be jarring. We are making ourselves vulnerable.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Grace shifted her weight. “I need to apologize to Justin as well.”

“I’m sure he would appreciate that. I do believe he’s upstairs helping Cooper tonight.”


Less than a minute later they were heading up to the second floor. A few steps from the top she began to hear sounds of play. They were all muffled, but unmistakable.

Alexander took her hand and led her down the hallway. “We’ll kill two birds with one stone while we’re up here. After you apologize to Justin, we’re going to watch some scenes.”

She knew that was part of the plan for tonight, for him to see firsthand what she liked, but being there surrounded by the sounds and the smells of the dungeon had her pulse racing. It didn’t mean she wasn’t still nervous, but her nerves were being overshadowed by an energy that had her excited to see what the rest of the evening had in store. She just had to get through her apology to Justin first.

The man in question stepped out of one of the rooms with a toy bag in his hand. He walked in the opposite direction, opened a door at the end of the hall, and placed the bag inside. Grace didn’t think the door went to a playroom.

Justin saw them when he spun around. He seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at seeing Grace. “I’m glad you came back.”

She decided to jump in with both feet. That was why they’d sought him out, after all. “Sir, I wanted to apologize for running off last week. I know I caused you worry and that was not my intention. I saw Alexander and I didn’t know what to do, so I ran.”

The two Doms exchanged a look. “Thank you for explaining, Grace. And I am glad you’re back. I would hate for you to miss out on the fun because of your fear.”

“Somehow I don’t think that will be permitted anymore, Sir.”

“No, gattina. It won’t,” Alexander said.

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