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“You’re welcome, Sir,” the woman said. “Have a fun time tonight.”

He placed a hand on Grace’s lower back and guided her into the club.


Alexander paid close attention to Grace’s reaction as they walked into the main room of the club. He kept his hand on her lower back as he guided her through the crowd and over to the seating area. Daniel was already there chatting with Nicole and Jeff.

Daniel saw them first. His gaze fell on Grace, and then back to Alexander. “And who do we have here?”

It was then he saw Nicole’s expression change. She recognized Grace. And from the looks of it, so did her sub, Jeff.

A moment later, he knew Grace had recognized them, too. Alexander had been so concerned about her reaction to seeing Beth that he hadn’t considered she’d also know Nicole and Jeff. He knew Nicole and Beth were best friends, but he wasn’t aware Nicole and Grace had ever met.

Alexander circled his arm around Grace’s waist and pulled her closer to his side before answering Daniel’s question. He wasn’t about to have her take off on him. “This is my submissive, Grace.”

His friend raised one eyebrow in silent question, but didn’t comment.

Turning to Nicole, Alexander said, “I think you may already know each other?”

“Yes. Grace works at the café with Beth.”

He edged Grace closer to the couch, sat down, and tugged her onto his lap. “I didn’t realize you frequented the café.”

Nicole shrugged. “I drop by every now and then.”

Alexander also heard her unasked question lingering behind her words. Did Beth know Grace would be at the club tonight? He subtly shook his head and saw her frown. While he could understand her concern for her friend, it wasn’t Beth he was worried about. Grace had been in the lifestyle with her husband for years. She wouldn’t out her boss. She might, however, try to run again.

“Well, clearly I’m the odd one out here,” Daniel said. The two Doms had hit it off right away due to them both having a military background even though Daniel was almost twenty years older than Alexander. Then again, there were days when Alexander felt twenty years older than he actually was. Daniel leaned toward Grace. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Nicole appeared mildly irritated at the casual way Alexander was handling the situation. Jeff, on the other hand, looked somewhat bored. This new development didn’t seem to bother him. Daniel took another long look at Grace. Alexander could only imagine what his friend was thinking.

But the reaction he was most focused on was Grace’s. Her breathing had picked up and her fingers were white from pressing them as hard as she could into her legs. He pried her fingers up and laced them with his.

“How did you two meet?” Nicole asked.

Alexander slipped his thumb under the hem of Grace’s shirt and began rubbing back and forth. He needed her to relax. “Her husband and I served together.”

It was as if a light bulb went off in everyone’s head.

“So this is the woman you spent so much time searching for,” Daniel said.

Alexander grinned, not breaking the rhythm of his touch against her skin. “She made herself difficult to find.”

Grace let her shoulders sag a little. She was paying attention to the conversation even though she hadn’t said a word. He hadn’t given her any speaking restrictions for tonight other than letting her know that she owed both Justin and Katrina an apology for running out last Friday. Her silence thus far, however, didn’t surprise him. His Grace was shy.

Daniel chuckled, either unaware or ignoring Grace’s reaction. “I remember.”

Conversation turned to a new piece of equipment Katrina had acquired for the club. Alexander was only half paying attention. Grace was still stiff in his arms.

Several more minutes passed and the topic of conversation shifted again, but Grace’s posture hadn’t changed. He lifted their linked hands and brought them to his lips. She met his gaze. “Would you like something to drink?”

“No, thank you, Sir.”

Alexander released her hand and cupped the side of her face. “Tell me what’s bothering you.”

Her bottom lip trembled. “What if Nicole tells Beth and I lose my job? I don’t want to lose my job.”

“You’re not going to lose your job.”

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