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Exactly like that.

“I’ve experienced it myself.” He swallowed hard and she watched as he increased his grip on the steering wheel. “Sometimes it’s difficult to rationalize why you’re still here, living and breathing, and someone who has a family back home waiting for them isn’t.”

Grace could hear the underlying pain in his voice and it was strangely comforting. This man she didn’t know very well understood, at least on some level, what she was feeling.

“How do you deal... get past it?” It was the unknown that had been lingering all around her.

“You don’t.”

That hadn’t been the answer she was expecting.

He shot her a quick look before pulling up in front of the restaurant. She could already see a valet walking toward them. “It’s one of those things you have to take one day at a time, Grace. I’m not sure it’s something you ever really get over. It’s just something you learn to deal with.”

Alexander opened his door, and then a second later her door opened as well. Another valet was there to help her from the vehicle. When Alexander joined her he had the cane with him again. She tried not to be obvious, but he must have noticed her staring at it as they were going into the restaurant.

“You’re wondering about my cane,” he said once they were seated.

She averted her gaze, unable to look him in the eye. For some reason his observation embarrassed her.

“Grace.” His voice was soft but firm, and she couldn’t help but look up. “It’s fine. I was wounded. My left leg was crushed, so sometimes I overdo it and have to use a cane.” He paused. “All in all, I was very lucky.”

“I’m sorry.”

“There’s no reason to be sorry. It is what it is. As I said, I was one of the lucky ones.”

She didn’t get the chance to respond as their server came up to their table to get their drink orders. “Do you like wine?” Alexander asked her.

“Yes, but it’s been a while.” The last time she had some was with Kurt. It was right before his last deployment. He’d taken her to her favorite restaurant, and then they’d come home, curled up by the fire, drunk an entire bottle of wine, and ended up making love on the couch.

The memory had tears prickling her eyes and she had to blink them away. When she had control of herself again, the waiter was gone and Alexander was staring at her. She reached for the water the waiter had brought and took a sip.

Grace was sure he would say something about her emotional state, but instead he said, “I ordered us some burrata to get us started.”

“Thanks.” She was grateful he didn’t bring up her extreme reaction to his question about the last time she’d had wine.

“You’re welcome.” He smiled and picked up his menu. “Have you ever been to a restaurant like this before?”

She shook her head. The restaurant itself was fancy. White linens covered the tables and the waiters and waitresses were all in black and white tux-like uniforms. A single candle sat in the center of their table, creating a romantic ambiance. Grace could safely say she’d never been to a restaurant like this before.

“Traditionally there are five courses.” He pointed to the sections on her menu.

It was then she noticed the prices. All the breath seemed to leave her lungs and she tried to find the right words so as not to offend him.

Once again, he seemed to know what was going through her mind. “Ignore the prices, Grace. I asked you to join me tonight.” When she didn’t comment, he added, “Would you prefer if I ordered for the both of us?”

Unable to get the words out, Grace met his gaze and nodded.

A few moments later their waiter returned with the wine Alexander had ordered. He presented the bottle for Alexander’s approval, and then opened it and poured a sample for Alexander to taste. Once he approved the sample, the waiter poured them both a glass. Grace was almost afraid to drink it. She hadn’t looked at the wine prices, but if it was anything like the cost of the food she didn’t want to.

“Did you need a few more minutes with the menu?” their waiter asked.

“No, we’re ready,” Alexander said with what looked like a slight smirk on his face when he met her gaze. “For our second course we’ll have penne filetto di pomodoro and spaghetti aglio e olio. Followed by chicken bruschetta and—” He turned his attention to Grace. “Do you like veal?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never had it,” she answered honestly.

He switched his focus back to the waiter. “Veal Sorrentino. Then a bronzini and gamberi fra diavolo.”

“And for dessert, sir?” The waiter seemed unfazed by the long list Alexander had given him.

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