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With a sigh, Drew stepped into his bedroom and closed the door. Aside from the call that woke them all up at five o’clock this morning, he’d gotten a decent amount of sleep during his shift. His anxiety over his upcoming evening with Beth had made it a bit difficult to fall asleep, but after that, he’d been out until the alarm sounded. He figured it was a good idea to try and get at least a couple more hours of sleep, given the evening they had planned. Shawn was right. If things went well with Beth later, he would need all the rest he could get.

He rolled out of bed a little before two in the afternoon. Although he was still concerned about Shawn, at least he felt rested.

Drew stretched, feeling the pull of his muscles. As he laced his fingers behind him to stretch his arms and back, a knowing grin pulled at the corner of his mouth. He wondered if Beth would tie him up again.

The thought of Beth caused him to look over at his phone. It was showing he had a voice mail message.

Holding the phone up to his ear, he checked his messages.

It was Beth.

“Good morning. I hope you’re ready for tonight.” There was a level of seduction in her voice, and he felt his pulse quicken in anticipation. “Be at my house at five. Bring an overnight bag. I don’t plan on letting you out of my bed before morning.”

He swallowed and instinctively reached down to cup his groin.

She lowered her voice, but instead of lessening the effect, it did the opposite. “No touching yourself until I say.”

There was a long pause in her message, and he could feel the blood pumping through his veins. He removed his hand from his growing erection even though it was the last thing he wanted to do. This was what he’d signed up for. This was what he’d wanted.

After several moments of silence, she finished her message in a lighter tone. “I’m looking forward to tonight. See you at five.”

Beth’s message ended, and the automated voice came on asking if he wanted to save or delete the message. He hovered over the delete button, but then changed his mind and saved it instead. There was no real reason to. She hadn’t left a list of instructions he was unlikely to remember. If he was being honest with himself, it had more to do with having access to her voice whenever he wanted it. And the best part about the message was that she showed both sides of herself—the Domme and his girlfriend.

He chuckled as he laid the phone back on his dresser and went to get some coffee and a light lunch. Drew was still grinning when he strolled into the kitchen. He stopped short, however, when he saw Shawn sitting dejectedly on the couch.

Shawn opened his eyes and sent Drew a weak smile. “Sleep well?”

“Yeah.” Drew walked over to the coffeemaker and flipped it on. “You?”

His friend shrugged.

“You need your sleep. You have a shift tomorrow.”

“I’ll be fine,” Shawn said, waving him off. “We weren’t that busy last night, so I got a good four hours at least. That’s enough.”

While Drew wasn’t convinced, he wasn’t Shawn’s babysitter either, so he let it go. Instead, Drew moved about the kitchen gathering what he’d need to make scrambled eggs and bacon. He somehow figured he’d need the extra protein later.

Shawn folded the blanket he was using and placed it, along with his pillow, at one end of the couch before joining Drew in the kitchen. Falling into the same routine they were used to at work, Shawn gathered what was needed to set the table. Drew carried the food over when it was ready, and they dug in.

“What time are you supposed to meet your girl?” Shawn asked.

Drew was still unsure if he should leave his buddy alone, but if Shawn didn’t want him there, he wasn’t going to push. “Five.”

Shawn shoveled in a few more bites. “Want to head over to the gym before you go? I feel the need to pummel something.”

“Sure.” Drew lowered his head so Shawn couldn’t see the smirk on his face. There was no doubt in Drew’s mind whose face his friend would be picturing as he planted his fist in the gym’s punching bag.


Chapter 19

Beth had everything ready for Drew’s arrival, even the food. She wondered if he’d gotten her voice mail, and how he’d reacted. They’d discussed orgasm control as they lay in her bed on Monday night. Although their arrangement was bedroom only, he’d liked the idea of her deciding when he would be allowed to come. If it came to their sex life, he wanted her to be the one in charge. She’d experimented some regarding that aspect of domination with Ben. He didn’t much care for it, so it was put in the strongly dislike column.

A knock sounded on her front door and she shook off the memory of her ex. Tonight was about the future—hers with Drew. The rest was water under the bridge.

Butterflies began swirling in her stomach when she drew closer to the entry. She paused for a moment with her hand on the knob to steady herself before opening the door.

Drew stood on the porch smiling at her—a duffel bag slung over one shoulder and a single daisy in the other. “Hi.”

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