Page 24 of Forever Flaunting

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“Elana! Get in here right now!” he roared from the bedroom, sounding exceedingly upset himself. “I don’t want to break your bed unless we’re in it doing ‘the nasty’ in it, but dang it, woman – if you are crying, I’m about to lose control…”

She rolled her eyes in frustration, sitting there. My goodness, was the man that focused on what was in his pants? Why had she ever bothered to go out with him – and now, what was she going to do?

He was handcuffed to her bed, and that would be humiliating for the both of them if she called the police to come get him, called his brother Reese, or simply let him go because she was pretty sure he’d try some other stunt.

*rattle, rattle… THUMP! THUMP!*


“Stop it!” she snapped in frustration, flying off the couch and marching down the hallway to her bedroom, pointing at him from the doorway. “You don’t get to act like you care – when we both know you don’t. Unless it’s in your pants, you don’t give a flying fig, and that much is obvious!”

“That’s not true!”

“It is absolutely true because the only thing you care about is getting laid – and it’s been at the forefront of your mind since you laid eyes on me at the grocery store. You wanna know why I’m single – BECAUSE OF GUYS LIKE YOU!” she hollered angrily, wiping her face.

His face fell.

“Because I deserve better than someone like you – and I was a freaking idiot to think you might be different from all the others. So thanks for throwing all of my self-confidence right in the toilet once more because now I know you’ll say anything to get in my pants, and that this is nothing.”

*rattle, rattle*

Max quit yanking at the handcuffs and cursed fluidly before looking at her.

“Can we talk – and you are wearing a skirt, not pants.”

“It’s an expression – and we are talking.”

“In the same room,” he countered bluntly.

“I don’t know if I want to be in the same room as you.”

“I probably deserve that,” he admitted – and those four words caught her attention. She looked at him and saw his eyes watching her. “I’m sorry. I thought it would be funny, would make you laugh, and that I might have a chance if you could take your time and warm up to me.”

Elana’s shoulders dropped as she leaned on the door frame.

“You realize just how dumb that sounds, right?”

“Now? …Yes.”

“I had such a nice time tonight, and you had to go ruin it by pressuring me for something I’m not ready to do – and literally showed me what a caveman you can be.”

“Genetics?” he volunteered – and gave her a slightly sheepish smile. “I’m kidding, and I have no excuse except that you drive me crazy… and you are so far away.”

“Isn’t that the safest?”

“I’m handcuffed to your bed – which is indestructible, by the way.”


She stood there with her arms crossed, not looking at him.

He lay there, unmoving, and she could feel his eyes on her.

“I don’t know if I should call your brother or the police,” she admitted, looking at him warily. “I’m not exactly sure I want to uncuff you for my own safety.”

“I’m impulsive,” Max began, and something in his voice made her look up at him, meeting those brown eyes. “I’ve never claimed to be smart, but I would never hurt you… ever.”

“How do I know that?”
