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"What if I'm not?" she wanted to know, and this time, her face presented me with all her emotions on a silver platter. Her features clearly showed fear, uncertainty, and pleading.

"That wouldn't change our friendship," I reassured her, taking her hands in mine. "But I would be pleased about your honesty."

She looked down uncertainly at our interlocked hands.

When she raised her eyes again, they showed determination.

"Myrina, I'm not human." Her voice trembled, and she took a deep breath. "My real name is Azazel, and I'm a fallen angel."


Even though I had suspected it, I had to close my eyes and collect myself before I smiled at her.

"Thank you for your trust," I encouraged her. "It would have been strange if you were the only human person here. Apart from me, of course. An angel, then ..."

Aza nodded shyly.

"Were you also a goddess before? Like Tanael was the God of the First Light?" I asked, hoping she was just a regular angel, not divine. Whatever ordinary meant in connection with an angel.

"No, I am not a goddess, but truly only the being that you humans call an angel."

I grinned at her with relief. "Luckily, otherwise, I wouldn't have known how to explain our pillow fight. After all, ramming a pillow into a goddess's face is not everyday."

Although that also applied to angels. I secretly thanked Hecate for this potion, which gave me incredible peace and prevented me from completely freaking out.

"Why were you banished here?"

My friend lowered her eyes, embarrassed. "I was one of those who wanted to enlighten you humans. Against the will of many gods, who liked to see humanity submissive and underdeveloped." She shrugged her shoulders. "You can also call me the Angel of Feminism."

I looked at her in surprise. "Feminism?"

"I have campaigned for women's rights from the beginning," she explained proudly, gleaming in her blue eyes.

"Is that why you were on earth, in the human world?"

Aza nodded. "Exactly. Lucifer had sent me."

"Is he, like, your boss?"

"He is a god; I am just an angel. He is above me in the hierarchy. And he is the creator of this world." She shifted nervously in her seat. Apparently, she didn't like talking about Tanael. No wonder I didn't either.

"We all have our tasks, and mine was to go to New York," she skillfully dodged the question about Tanael.

"I was lucky that you ended up in our household." I pulled her into a hug. "Thank you for your friendship."

She returned the gesture stiffly. "Yes, I'm glad I met you too, Myrina." Apparently, angels didn't like hugs that much. Or was it only Aza?

She peeled out of my arms carefully but firmly and smiled cheerfully. I could see she was uncomfortable, so I went no further.

"Come on, let's get dressed and go for breakfast. I'm sure you're hungry," she suggested, and my stomach growled. We both laughed, and she hurried out of the room to get changed.

I freshened up briefly in the bathroom and, a little later, slipped into the buttercup yellow dress, which now shone like the sun in the daylight. It fitted in with this magnificent Italian villa's surroundings and gardens. I felt beautiful.

Shortly afterward, Aza was at the door to pick me up. Together, we walked down the corridor I had already entered tonight. Our steps bounced over the thick red carpet covering the wooden floor until we reached an elegant gallery leading to a broad, ornate marble staircase.

When I arrived on the first floor, I saw an entrance hall the size of a ballroom. A gigantic chandelier hung from the high ceiling, decorated with paintings, and two marble statues of angels flanked the double-leaf entrance door. As in the gallery, floor-to-ceiling windows provided a magnificent view of the gardens and let in plenty of light, which was why the candles in the chandeliers on the walls were not lit.

Eyes wide and with a suppressed feeling of happiness deep inside, I followed Aza, expecting her to lead me into an equally sumptuous dining room when we reached a wooden door behind which I heard voices.
