Page 14 of Triple Threat

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Handing the notebook over to my dad, I can see that my mom’s been crying. Her face is stained with tear tracks and that tells me a lot about how Lyric really is. For the most part, it takes a lot for our mom to cry. Whatever they were told fucking broke her.

“Her right wrist is pretty fucked up. They had to put it back together and there’s currently a wire in place to hold the bones together. The upper bone kind of twisted a little when it broke. Once the wire gets taken out, they’ll put her in a cast for it to finish healin’. The bruisin’ to her face, neck, and body will heal. The cuts aren’t too bad. None of them needed stitches to close. Her jaw is wired shut. They’ll remove that in about six weeks. Possibly eight dependin’ on how long it takes to heal. Now, she does have stitches in her wrist and both of her ankles. Not as many as Doc was thinkin’ they’d need, but there are some there. They’re wrapped up right now and will be checked regularly to ensure no infection sets in. They’ve got her on antibiotics right now. She’s also got some severely bruised ribs. They’ve got a wrap around her to help with the pain and movement, but it’s gonna take a while to heal as you know,” my dad says, leaving something important out. He’s not looking me in the eyes and I know there’s something else I’m not gonna like.

“Just tell him, Dad. He has the right to know. Lyric would want him to know,” Ricochet says even though I don’t turn my attention to him for a second.

“She’s pregnant, Shawn. Doc said she’s about two months pregnant. They didn’t know that when they took her into surgery. Right now, the baby’s fine. Doc is gonna do everythin’ she can to make sure that remains the case. However, she can’t guarantee Lyric won’t lose the baby with everythin’ her body’s been through,” my dad finally informs me as I look at my princess.

She’s carrying a little one that we created. Our baby. Neither one of us even suspected she was pregnant. I mean, we sure as fuck weren’t doing anything to prevent it from happening, but she wasn’t feeling sick or anything else you hear and see when women are pregnant. I’d have had her seeing Doc if I even suspected she was carrying our baby. I can’t even be fucking excited about this either. Not only does she not know yet, but we could lose our little boy or girl. Tears fill my eyes at the thought of them not making it through this. Of Lyric waking up to learn she was pregnant and our little one didn’t survive what happened to her.

While I’m upset and scared to death about what’s gonna happen to Lyric and the baby, pure rage consumes me. This has happened because of her mother and Lucifer. They are responsible for me being in the hospital and for Lyric being here now. We’ve both had to have surgery and now our little one might pay before they get the chance to live their life for even a second. When I get my hands on Lucifer, he’ll learn the meaning of fucking torture. I’m going to take weeks to fucking kill him. And then, I might still let him live just so I can go back when the mood strikes to work him over again. Lucifer will die by my fucking hands. Ricochet can get his hits in, but I’ll be the one to end the stupid fucker.

Have they done an ultrasound or anything to check on the baby?

“Not yet. Doc wants Lyric to wake up so they can tell her before they do something like that. She shouldn’t be out for too long now. Lyric already woke up in recovery and was in a lot of pain. They’ve given her medicine to help that won’t do anything to the baby. We all made sure it would be safe for him or her,” Paige answers, emotion clogging her voice as I look over to find tears sliding down her face.

I want to be there when it happens. I don’t give a fuck what it’s gonna take. Lyric doesn’t need to be alone if the news isn’t good. She’s my ol’ lady and I love her. I want to make sure she knows I’m happy about this and that we’re in this together no matter what happens.

“Doc knows that, son. You’re awake and alert enough already. However, Lyric needs to not only wake up, but she needs to be alert too. Doc isn’t sure when that’s gonna be. For now, the best thing for her is to be sleepin’. She won’t feel the pain she’s in and her body can truly start healin’ the way it needs to. Your mom and I are gonna stay here for a while because you’re both gonna be on bed rest and gonna need the help. Yeah, you’ve got everyone in the club with you, but we wanna take care of the two of you. Paige is gonna help us too. We’re not gonna leave her out of this or take over completely. I know your house is finished but none of you have moved in yet. Maybe we can make that happen so you guys can be comfortable,” my dad says, leaning closer to me. “We’re all here for you. I don’t give a fuck how long we gotta stay here. Grim already knows what’s goin’ on and he doesn’t care how long we’re here. They might actually be comin’ down soon.”

I nod my head in response before turning back to face Lyric. When she wakes up, I want to look at her and let her know I’m here. That I’m not going anywhere and we’ll get through this. Both of us are gonna have a long road ahead of us as we heal and recover. I love Lyric and she’ll know how much. It’s going to take both of us being stubborn and willing to put in the time to help one another. We’re both stubborn and I’m the worst patient ever. So, I’m gonna need my princess to put me in my place when I’m not doing what I should be doing. And I’m gonna be there to remind her she’s got more to fight for than just the two of us. We’ve got a little one to worry about now and I’m gonna make sure she does everything possible so the baby remains where they should for as long as possible.

Chapter Ten


WAKING UP, PAIN fucking fills me. I can hardly open my eyes now. The swelling is taking over and my eyes will only open to very small slits. It’s not really enough to see much of anything unless I turn my head and let my eyes have a few minutes to adjust and take in what’s surrounding me. When I look to my left, I try to gasp in shock. There’s a second hospital bed in my room and in it Shawn is resting. He’s got his face turned toward me and his eyes are closed. I always love when I can look at him sleeping. He looks so young and at complete peace. That’s not the case right now. He looks as if he’s in pain and upset about something. That he’s carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

“You’re finally awake,” my sister’s voice sounds from behind me and I turn my head slowly to face her.

Ricochet and her are sitting on a small couch together. Shawn’s brother is as close to her as he can get. Like Shawn, Ricochet is sleeping. His head is resting on the back of the couch at a weird angle. His hand is resting on the couch between them and it looks as if he’s ready to reach out and grab onto her. Paige leans forward and looks around the room as tears roll down her face. She does nothing to get rid of them.

“How are you feeling?” she asks me softly.

I shake my head in response because I can’t open my mouth. Tank walks over and hands me a notebook and pen to use so I can communicate with everyone. I can’t even tell him thank you or give him a smile because of my damn jaw being broken. There are things I don’t remember about what happened to me, but my jaw getting busted is one thing I definitely remember.

I feel like shit. I’m in pain and I can’t fucking talk. How did we get away from those fuckers?

“The guys came to save us. Tank carried you out of there as gently as he could. Even unconscious you were in so much pain. You’ve got a lot of injuries, baby sis. For now, you need to rest and don’t think of anything but you. Kevlar isn’t going anywhere and he’s kept his eyes on you since he woke up and saw you in the room with him. Doc will be in later to check on you. See if you can get more sleep,” Paige tells me, her voice still a whisper since Tank, her, and me are the only ones awake right now.

I let my eyes slide closed again and dream of Shawn. We’re both alive. I knew those idiots didn’t kill him. I’m not gonna say there wasn’t a moment or two of doubt when we were in that room and chained to those chairs. However, I had to believe that he was okay and alive. That he would be coming to get me and bring me home.

Waking up again, I have the best view in front of me. Shawn is not only still resting in his bed, but his eyes are open and he’s staring straight at me. He gives me a small smile and I can see the pain that small movement fills him with in his eyes. I want to hold him in my arms, but I can’t get out of my bed. Picking up the notebook, I have to write him a message. It’s hard as hell though because tears are rapidly sliding down my face and blurring my vision.

I love you so much! You’re what got me through being held by those assholes and my mother. I just kept picturing you. Even when they told me you were dead, I didn’t believe it. I couldn’t let myself think of a world without you in it. You had to be here when I came home. You’re my everything, Shawn. Always.

Tank steps up and takes the notebook from me. He walks it over to Shawn and waits for him to write out a response. Shawn doesn’t care who’s in the room with us. He lets his own tears fall from his eyes and roll slowly down his face. He reads the words more than once before taking the pen and writing out a message for me. It’s a struggle for him because he’s not left handed. My man is right handed and that’s the one that has a cast on it.

When he’s done writing, Tank brings the notebook back over to me and I quickly accept it so I can see what Shawn has to say.

I love you so fucking much! You’re all I’ve thought about and I wanted to be there when they came to get you. The last thought on my mind when I thought I was going to die on the side of the road was of you. I knew I had to be there for you because we just found one another. We’ve only had a few short months together and it’s not nearly enough time. Lyric, there’s something you need to know. Despite all of your injuries and what was done to you, Doc told your sister that you’re pregnant. You’re two months. We don’t know what’s going to happen at this point, but we’re gonna fight and do everything we have to in order to ensure nothing happens. Our baby is going to be as strong as you are and fight to make it. We have to believe that. Lyric, you and our baby are the air I breathe and the light that chases away the dark. I want to hold you and prove to myself that you’re really here in the same room as me.

I don’t know what the fuck to say to that. Finding out I’m pregnant is the last thing I was expecting to be told. Especially that I’m two months. I had no clue I was pregnant or anything. While I’m not unhappy about carrying Shawn’s baby, I’m scared to death that I’m gonna lose our little one because of everything my body’s been put through. My mother and Lucifer will be the ones to blame if anything happens to our baby. I mean, I can’t say that I won’t feel guilty as hell because I didn’t know or even suspect that I was pregnant.

I had no clue, Shawn. If I even thought I was pregnant, I would’ve told you. We could have gotten tests together and found out at the same exact time. I’m so sorry, sexy. How are you feeling? Are you in pain? Do you need anything? I need you in my arms. I also need to know you’re here with me and I’m not just dreaming while still being in that hellhole. You need to know that I love you and we’re going to have this little one. No matter what I have to do, I’ll do it. Even if it means bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy. I’ll do it if it means our baby is safe.

Tank once again hands the notebook to his son before looking between our hospital beds. With a look at Ricochet, he gets up and makes his way over to his dad. They talk quietly to one another before coming to the side of our beds. Tank is with Shawn and Ricochet comes to my bed. The second Hawkeye and Paige realize what they’re doing, they get up to help. We each have someone on either side of our bed as they unlock the brakes and then push them together. The only good thing about our injuries is that they’re on the opposite sides of our body’s.

The second our beds are as close as they can get to one another, Hawkeye and my sister lock the brakes once again. Shawn holds his hand out for mine and we link our fingers together. Staring at one another, we don’t look away and hardly blink. I can still barely see because of the swelling. Still, being able to see him and be this close to him is the best thing I could ask for right now. Touching him is even better because it reassures me that he’s here with me and not dead. Yes, he was in an accident, but it didn’t take him from me. We’ve still got time to love one another and make so many memories. And now, we get to add a little one to the mix to create memories with and share all the love we have to give.
