Page 27 of You & Me: Part Two

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Dispatch replies that we are looking for a late model, blue, Toyota Camry. As we turn the corner onto Division Street Emily points it out and I pull up behind the car to run the plate. At the moment the car doesn’t seem to be doing anything wrong, but that soon changes when the car runs a red light right in front of us.

“Shit!” I say as I turn on my lights and sirens. It takes some time for the car to finally pull over. When it does, I radio my location to dispatch.

“Em, I’m gonna need you to get out of the car and stand on the sidewalk at the rear of my car. That’s the safest place for you to be. Just stay there okay?”

“No problem, Georgia.”

God, if this woman only knew what she does to me!

“Thanks and please stay there.”

I approach the car and see that it’s a female driver in her late thirties and she has a young, teenage boy in the car with her. As I approach the car she still hasn’t rolled down her window and her son has to get her attention and tell her to roll the window down.

“Ma’am, can you please hand me your license and registration?”

Again, her son has to get her attention and he ends up getting the registration out of the glove box and takes her license out of the wallet in her purse. Poor kid, this doesn’t seem to be a first for him.

He hands the items to his mom who passes them to me. When she finally looks up at me, she isn’t shy when she gives me a once over and then a big smile comes over her face as she hands the registration and ID over to me.

“Here you go, officer.”

“Thank you, ma’am. Do you know why I pulled you over this evening?”

“Sorry to say I don’t, sir,” she slurs her reply.

“Well, ma’am you ran a red light back there. If you can just stay here I’ll be right back.”

I head back to the car and stand towards the back with Emily. She’s quiet and just watches everything happen. I radio dispatch with the VIN of the car and her ID number. They let me know that she has a suspended license from a previous DUII. As I finish with dispatch, Benson drives up to serve as my back-up.

Just great, poor kid is gonna have to watch his mom get arrested tonight. I hate this part of my job.

I walk back to the driver’s side window and ask that they both get out of the car. I ask her son to stand on the sidewalk on the side of the car. His mom gets out and as soon as she’s standing in front of me I can smell the alcohol. She is beyond drunk. She’s blasted out of her mind.

“Ma’am if you could come stand over here.”

She meets me at the back of her car where my car lights are illuminating the situation now that the sun has almost completely set.

“Ma’am, how much have you had to drink tonight?”

She tries to step closer to me, and just as she’s about to reach a hand out to touch me, I ask her to step back towards the car.

“Ma’am, please stay where you are and I’m going to ask you again…how much have you had to drink tonight?”

Slurring and wreaking of booze she answers. “Oh, just two glasses of wine. I’m fine.”

I see her son sit down on the curb with his head hanging between his shoulders. He’s placed himself between the back of his mom’s car and the front of my patrol car. I’m sure he’s been through this before and he looks tired, sad and alone.

I put his mom through a barrage of tests, and I look over to see that Emily has joined her son on the curb and is shaking his hand. She starts to talk to him and I can see his body language ease just a bit as some of his stress ebbs from his shoulders. I don’t need a breathalyzer to know she’s drunk, but we’ll deal with that at the station.

I can see that Emily is rubbing her son’s back and trying to comfort him. God, she is an amazing person. I should consider myself lucky to count her as a friend, but of course, I’m greedy and want more. Moments like this make my feelings for her even stronger than before.

It’s at this moment that I know without a doubt I am still in love with her. She is and always has been the one for me. This is not the time to have a revelation, as I have a job to do. Besides, realizing I am still in love with her shouldn’t be any kind of surprise to me. There hasn’t been anybody that has even come close since her.

Come on, Kelly, focus for Christ’s sake!

I have what I need, and it’s time to head off to jail. Before we can head out we’ll need to pat her down to make sure she doesn’t have any weapons or drugs on her. Because she’s a woman, Benson does the frisking, I hand-cuff her and go to put her in the back of my car.

As I put my hand on the top of her head to make sure she doesn’t hit her head, she slurs, “Officer, you sure do smell nice. What kind of cologne is that?”

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