Page 38 of You & Me: Part One

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I crawl across the bed in my best sex kitten persona, but by the time I get to the pillows I just start cracking up and throw myself down on the bed. I am so not the type but when I look up at his face I can see that he feels different about my sex kitten status. The bulge in his boxers is enough to prove that he likes what he sees.

“Not sure what you found so funny, darlin’, that was workin’ for me.”

I just stick my tongue out at him as I lean back on my elbows and wonder what he’s up to since his hands are still behind his back.

“Whatcha got there, Georgia?”

“Well, I know you said you were full but I was kinda hoping for dessert.”

It’s then that he pulls a bowl of chocolate ice cream and a spoon out from behind his back.

“Chocolate? You didn’t get any for me?” I say with a pout.

“Nope, this is all for me baby. Now why don’t you go ahead and take that off for me.”

He takes a bite of his ice cream and waves his spoon up and down my body to indicate that I need to take what little clothes I have on off. A week ago this would have embarrassed the hell out of me. Made me feel insecure. But this man has brought out a confidence in me that I have never known. Surprisingly, I have no problem doing just as he asks. No problem at all.

I sit up and grab the hem of my tank and slowly raise it over my head and throw it across the room.

“Lay down, baby.”

Again, I do just as instructed and lay down.

“Don’t forget those, sweetheart.”

Once more, I follow his instructions and shimmy out of my panties. I am now lying completely exposed and at his mercy. He puts one knee and then the other on the bed as he walks on his knees to my side.

He dips into his bowl and comes out with a spoon full of partially melted ice cream. He drips the chocolate along my sternum, between my breasts and then down my stomach. The cool of it makes me gasp at first, but I am so hot from the serious look on his face and the anticipation of what’s to come that the shock of it doesn’t last more than that gasp.

He sets the bowl down beside us and straddles me as he leans over and begins to ever so slowly lick and suck the trail of chocolate that he’s made. I can’t help the moans that escape me during his slow torture. As he circles the drizzle of chocolate around my belly button he feels me stiffen.

“Don’t worry, baby. I won’t go near the dreaded belly button, even though I am dying to. I promise you though, I won’t go near it.” He assures me and I feel his warm breath when he drags his tongue around it.

“Oh and don’t think I forgot these.” He says as he cups my breasts. “They’re next.”

He sits back on his heels and grabs the bowl of nearly melted ice cream, scoops up another spoonful and then places a small dribble on each of my nipples. Oh. My. God. This is so freaking hot. This doesn’t even feel real. It feels like I’m in the hottest dream of my life and I’m just sure my alarm clock will be buzzing me awake at any moment.

He gently sucks the chocolate off of each nipple and then raises his eyes to mine and says, “Delicious.”

That one word gives me shivers and I feel goosebumps break out all over my body.

He gently kisses each breast one last time. “Now the cherry on top. You know I like to save the best for last.”

He crawls up my body and his lips meet mine in a passionate kiss. I can taste the chocolate ice cream on his tongue. I have to admit tasting it this way isn’t bad at all. If chocolate ice cream always came swirled with the taste of Jonathan, I think I could handle it.

He’s off me way too soon and his warmth goes with him. With the bowl still in his hand he finds his way between my thighs and dips his spoon for another helping. This time he places the spoon at the top of my core and lets the melted ice cream slowly drip down my center. When he seems satisfied with his sweet concoction, he puts the bowl and spoon to the side and admires his work.

His head lifts and his eyes meet mine—in that way that he does where it feels like he’s looking into my soul—and then, like the Cheshire Cat, a small smile slowly spreads across his face.

“I better clean up my mess,” he says seductively.

Then he slowly proceeds to lick his mess clean but pauses long enough to moan. “Fucking. Delicious.” He then does what he does best and brings me to that place that only he can. A place where the world disappears and I see stars as my mind blacks out and I forget to breathe.

Coming back down from my high, I vaguely hear the sound of foil being ripped open. Then much to my pleasure, he’s on top of me and brings me to an altogether new kind of place. The kind of place that he and I seem to always reach together. We’re connected in a way I never knew could exist with another person and he makes me feel so good. He feels so good. There is no better feeling than when he’s inside me.

This man will always be with me. Even when I have to leave him tomorrow he will always be a part of my mind, body and soul. I know I will feel him in my bones for the rest of my days. I have never so badly wished for an endless night.

“I guess chocolate ice cream isn’t so bad.” I say as we lay on our backs holding hands and catching our breath.

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