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Two days later, I’m anxiously waiting for Tanya to arrive at my place. We’re scheduled to have a workout session. The first since that night we got attacked. We haven’t spoken since, and I half expect her to not turn up at all. She finally arrives ten minutes late.

“Hey,” I ask. “Is everything okay?”

“Tons of traffic,” she says. “Let’s just get into it. Okay?”

It’s clear she doesn’t want to talk to me about anything other than working out. Why is she being so off with me? I need to try and make things feel less awkward.

In an attempt to lighten the mood, I dare her to do an insane animal-movements workout I saw online. To my surprise, she rises to the challenge like a tigress.

I watch as she arches her back and begins to crawl on all fours like a wildcat. The sight of her toned body moving with such grace and strength sends waves of desire through me. Suddenly, she turns and catches my gaze, a sly smile playing across her lips.

“Like what you see, huh?” she purrs flirtatiously, before getting on her back and trying a different variation. I don’t know why—maybe I had judged the mood wrong all along—but slowly, Tanya was unraveling to her old self right in front of my eyes. After a long display, Tanya is sweating and looks exhausted. She stops and, gasping for air, pulls out her bottle and sprays water all over her face. The water falls down her body and onto her white t-shirt. As drops of water soak through her shirt, I can’t help but stare. The fabric sticks to her skin, and I can see the outline of her nipples hardening from the cold water. I swallow hard, trying to control my urges, but Tanya makes it impossible as she looks at me with that same sultry smirk.

“Take a picture, it lasts longer,” she teases. I feel embarrassed now and look away. “Sorry,” I mumble.

“Why are you sorry?” she asks, now moving into more postures to cool down.

“I don’t know,” I say. “Tanya, did I do anything to offend you the other night? I mean, we haven’t spoken since, and today, you walk in and we start working out like nothing happened. I’ve been worried sick trying to put the pieces together. I need you to know that the last thing I’d ever want is for you to be uncomfortable.”

She stops her cool-down and sits cross-legged on the floor, placing her head between her hands. After a long pause, she finally looks up at me. “Brian,” she says. “I’m the one who should be apologizing. I realize how wrong it is for me to play hot and cold, but the truth is, I found our encounter…complicated. You did nothing wrong. I know it sounds cliché, but is there any chance you’d believe me if I say it’s not you, it’s me?”

“Just explain,” I ask, sitting in front of her on the floor, facing her directly.

“I can’t. I just don’t want to complicate things” she says.

“Why would things get complicated? I want you, and I think you want me. I don’t see how that isn’t a good thing.” I say, hoping I’m not being presumptuous. “How about we stop thinking so fast, and so far ahead? How about we just do what we want, in the moment, and see where it takes us? Live a little?”

“You mean, no consequences? No strings? No questions?” she asks, looking at me with a yearning I can’t comprehend.


“I’d like to do that because it’s hard keeping you out of my mind,” she says, before leaning toward me. Before I have time to think, she’s pushed me down onto the mat and straddled me, her wet t-shirt now completely transparent, revealing her toned abs and the curves of her breasts.

The tension from the animal movements and the workout was palpable. The awkward atmosphere somehow heightened the sensation. I can feel myself getting hard underneath her, but she doesn’t seem to mind as she grinds against me. “You know you want this,” she breathes into my ear, her hands running down my chest.

I can’t deny it. I want her more than anything. I flip her over so that I’m on top of her, and slowly start to peel off her shirt, exposing her. Every inch of her skin feels like fire on my fingertips, and my kisses seem to awaken something primal within her.

We make love for hours, tangled in a mess of sweat and towels on the mat. We lay next to each other afterward, and as I look over, the smile on her face tells me that we were okay now. That weird awkwardness from before has completely dissipated.

It may have been awkward that morning, and I still don’t really know why, but there’s a connection between us that is completely undeniable now. I may never know what she’s thinking, but I don’t regret a single thing that’s happened between us.

I wake up half an hour before my scheduled workout session with Tanya, and a familiar tingle of anticipation is running through my body. Our workouts have become the highlight of my week—a chance to see Tanya in all her toned, sweaty glory. Needless to say, the post-workout activities have become a regular thing.

I find myself craving the moments we share together. I can’t get enough of the playful banter and flirtatious jokes that make the strenuous exercise fly by. Even the way Tanya will casually touch my arm or back to correct my form sends sparks through my skin.

Sometimes she’ll smile at me when I push her to go faster or lift heavier—it’s a smile full of challenge and trust. Like she knows I’ll catch her if she falls. Equally, I’d try a weight I’d never have dared lift before because I know she’s got my back.

I get to my gym early, checking my watch impatiently. Where is she? Did something happen? I pace by the entrance, waiting for her. Then, I see the door open, and she walks in.

She waves apologetically as she jogs up to me. “I’m so sorry, Brian. Traffic was a nightmare.”

She’s wearing a sports bra and tiny shorts, her long legs on full display. I have to clench my jaw to keep it from dropping open.

“Ready to get your ass kicked?” Tanya asks with a cocky grin.

“In your dreams,” I shoot back, my heart racing as she brushes by me to get to the equipment.

We begin our usual routine, but my mind isn’t focused on my reps or sets. All I can think about is having Tanya again. The memory of her soft moans and the feel of her body against mine fuels my arousal. I try and distract myself by focusing on the workout.
