Page 59 of Lawless God

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“Pretend you’re not bleeding to death once I stick a knife in your jugular.”

“Nate.” He takes a deep breath to calm himself down. “Let’s just stop with the Rose topic. I’m sorry I said you didn’t take care of her, okay? It wasn’t your fault you were in prison for so long. Let’s just…” He waves a hand my way, completely done.

“Don’t worry.” I can see he’s sick of talking, and I’m sick of the topic, anyway.

The traffic picks up again, and I look at the other side of the highway, moving slowly too. My thoughts automatically go to business, because that’s all I’ve ever been taught to do. At least I’m smart enough to be aware of it.

Sam doesn’t come out of the car when he drops me off at my house. Probably in a hurry to go home to his band of partners.

I shrug my jacket off, nodding at Enzo as he rushes to stand up from his seat in the foyer. “Boss.” He straightens his suit.

I haven’t seen Kayla since giving her breakfast two days ago. As I thought, she was asleep during the short time I was back at the house, and then I was torturing Campbell for two days.

“Attorney Garcia-Diaz dropped this off, sir.” He hands me a brown envelope, and I open it right away, eyeing the prenup.

“Great. Has everything been alright? Did you talk to Kayla?”

He shakes his head. “She didn’t need anything, sir. I’ve just been here. Daniel has been the one going up to feed her and that’s it. He’s up there now.”

The way he says his last sentence triggers something in me. It didn’t sound like he just brought her food two minutes ago. It sounds like my cook has been up there for a while.

“How long ago did he go up?”

Enzo shrugs. “About thirty minutes ago.”

I feel my eyebrows meeting my hairline before I get my surprise under control. “Has he been staying up there for thirty minutes every time he brings her food?”

He shrugs again. “I guess so, Boss.”

With a smile, I tilt my head to the side. “Enzo. Shrug one more time and I’ll break both your clavicles.”

I appreciate the man for supporting my coup d’état against Bianco when I decided to become the head of the family, but I’m going to need him to start acting smarter than that.

“Yes, sir. He has. Nothing malicious. I think she just needed the company.”

“Have you been up there?”

“I checked twice without them knowing. They were just talking.”


I stop by the first door to the left, throwing the envelope on my desk before making my way upstairs. I force myself to slow down my walk when my feet insist on hurrying, but when I get to Kayla’s room, I think maybe I should have run.

She’s laughing on her bed, wearing a large white button-down and nothing else, her hands holding a plate with a burger and fries.

Daniel is taking pictures of her with his phone. Her gaze focuses on him, eyes small from laughing genuinely. His back is to me, so he has no idea I’m in the doorway.

Kay notices me first. She must have felt a presence. Startling, she drops the plate on her lap, fries flying off it and onto the sheets as the tower of the burger crumbles down.

“Nate,” she gasps.

Daniel whips around, practically jumping on the spot from fear. His eyes round, his hand holding the phone drops by his side.

“Boss,” he squeaks miserably.

I extend my arm, palm up, and he takes a split second to come to me, depositing the phone in my hand as excuses bubble up his throat. “I was just… I was just. I c-can explain. This isn’t what you think.”

“So you’re telling me you weren’t taking pictures of my fiancée half-naked on her bed, laughing like a burger and fries are so fucking hilarious.”

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