Page 15 of Lawless God

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Logan leans close to me, observing my face like I’m some fucking abstract painting or something.

“Your boyfriend is going to get jealous if you get any closer,” I tell him. “How’s Racer, anyway? No concussion, I hope, since he got knocked out while you were robbing us.”

Logan and Racer were with Emma when they stole the money we’d robbed from the bank. Elliot’s stepbrother, Ethan, knocked him out cold the second he could. It was a while ago, but I like reminding him.

Ignoring my attempt at taunting him, he presses his index finger against the tattoo on my face.

“Hell,” he reads, then hums to himself. “I’ve always wanted to see this thing from up close.” He leans back, finally leaving my face alone. “Crazy how hard it is to get close to you.”

“Yet here you are.”

He nods slowly. “I’ve been trying to get you alone for a few weeks. That boyfriend of yours never leaves your side.”

I fake a smile. “Love, what can I say?”

“Sure,” he snorts. “You’re Kayla, the ruthless King. You wouldn’t know what love is if it hit you right in the face.”

I look around the car, at the two men behind me, and the back of the one leaning against my door.

“Are you here to talk about my very boring love life, or is there anything else you want?”

He changes topics quickly, aiming to shock me. “Ashley’s brothers are dead. They followed our guys who robbed their repair shop. Ran right into our ambush. Stupid move, really.”

I nod as my stomach tightens, already wondering how I’m going to break the news to Ashley without telling her I told you so. People piss me off when they don’t listen to me.

“Not their smartest move,” I agree.

“Emma thinks it’s time you two meet to talk about the future of the North Shore.”

I keep my face blank, even though I’m not even looking at him. “Of course. That’s the next step in her little plan, isn’t it? Try to get me to agree to a fight in the Death Cage.”

Our gazes cross when I feel him tense. “My idea was to kill you. It would solve a lot of our problems.” His nostrils flare from fury, and I don’t blame him.

Men in my crew—Ethan and Elliot, to be precise—killed his best friend last year. Logan has a personal vendetta against the Kings.

That’s his weakness.

Revenge makes you stupid, volatile. It makes you unable to think straight. This is business. Plain and simple. He’s too dumb to understand that.

He looks away. “But Emma’s the boss. So she’s extending an invitation to her house. Today.”

We both watch as Ivan walks out of the convenience store. His eyes widen, his hand automatically going to the back of his jeans.

I shake my head and lift a hand to stop him as I turn to Logan. “I’ll be there sometime this afternoon.”

“He’s not invited, by the way.” Logan nods once, stiffly, and calls his guys to all get out of the car.

Just like that, I agreed to go to my enemy’s house. I just have to hope she doesn’t shoot me on sight.



Bury Me Face Down - grandson

“So much for leaving it all behind,” I mumble as Xi Benhaim pats me down.

The guy promised his girl he was leaving NSC after finding love and all. But here he is, checking I don’t have any weapons on me as I stand in Emma Scott’s living room.

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